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Cleaned it out.


My poor VG33 project car had been neglected for way too long. When I moved (over 2 years ago) I packed the trunk and the inside with all the boxes of parts for the project and lots of other junk too. I pulled it all out yesterday and when through it all and repacked it. Had about 15 boxes. Now I have 5. Looking forward to spring so I can get back to working on it and getting it on the road. I miss this car. 


Someone buy my 4 door so I will have money for this one. 





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New one installed. Just need to get the old sticker off the old one and re-placed onto the new one. Looks good. And yes, i got a engine light, always forget to use it, but was perfect for re-installing the bottle LOL











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Discovered the problem that was causing the car not to work. 


I traced my lack of fuel all the way from the tank, starting with vapor lock and Xing things off the list until I took the dome off the SUs, turns out the set screws that hold the needles were loose and when the car backfired really hard they fell out of the piston, jamming into the nozzle, thus allowing no fuel into the jets. Wacky huh?


So after I fixed this I went to start the car again, no dice. It cranked and cranked, about thirty minutes into my next diagnostic phase I realized that I had taken the rotor out of the distributor last week before vacation. Herpaderp. 


My anti theft mechanism nearly gave me a heart attack thinking something catastrophic had gone wrong in the engine's internals...  :hmm:



But now she runs, just needs a tune and it'll be smooth sailing. And damn it a lot quicker than the old L16. 



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Guest Rick-rat

Things like that you don't post, reminds me of a guy at work that brought in a picture of him launching his boat. All that showed was the top of his truck and back part of the boat

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Art started hesitating on me again, after driving in the city for a bit running errands, seems if i get on the freeway she evens out and runs good again for a bit, then if you drive around the city she starts to hesitate more as you sit at lights, and it takes getting up to a good speed/rpm to blow it all out again.  Seems shes holding to much fuel and choking herself. 

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Art started hesitating on me again, after driving in the city for a bit running errands, seems if i get on the freeway she evens out and runs good again for a bit, then if you drive around the city she starts to hesitate more as you sit at lights, and it takes getting up to a good speed/rpm to blow it all out again.  Seems shes holding to much fuel and choking herself. 


Could be a carb float maybe? Mostly unrelated and not sure what carbs your running. But I was helping a Z guy out in the pits at Limerock during last years vintage race and he was having an issue with his front sidedraft carb filling up to full. Was fine when he was on it in the straights, but once he got into the turns and slowed it would bog down. one of the other guys there mentioned that the older carbs with metal floats can develope holes in them so the float fills with fuel and causes it to sink- hence more fuel in the carb... his was fine but he bent the float a little bit so it sat higher and it helped... that was on mikuni sidedrafts...


Again total long shot and probably just speaking out of my ass but throwing the idea out there.

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handles sooo much better. nice and firm ride. so far so good. it does pull a bit to the right when i brake. but other than that i'm pretty happy with it. i think antony got some pics of the asembly on the car with his cam. maybe he'll post them up. thanks for the help.

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Not today, but I recently installed new ball joints and inner/outer tie rod ends and adjusting sleeves. My YOM plate also came in the mail yesterday - hopefully the DOL won't give me too much grief when I go to register it. I've heard that some offices will but some won't but I have a friend who registered some so if all else fails I'll go to that office.



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Discovered that I have a very large fuel bowl leak. Pulled the tops off the SU bowls and checked the floats, both good. Gasket looks like crap so I'm getting/making new ones. 



However there is still a problem in so much as the bowl is getting more fuel than it should. So the shut-off valve isn't working. Have a new one ordered up, just waiting for it before I drive the car again. 

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