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how often do you carry passengers in your car?

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As a 4dr owner I've had the backseat filled a couple times with friends. Most of us have coupes but mobbin around town in a bitchin old skool car makes for fun times had by all.



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When I drove my 1965 PL 410 as my daily driver for about 15 years, I always had either both of my kids or 3-4 friends in it. Had way too much fun in that car, even autocrossed raced it for 4.5 years and won my class in one year. It is sleeping now, until I get the engine rebuild...maybe this summer. About ready to move it into my shop now.

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i drove my best friend and his girlfriend to tahoe (3 hour drive) to get married in my datto my back seat gets used alot considering i have alot of friends im going for the best of both worlds im running a mild cage but it works around the back seat so it remains usable

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I've never had anyone in the back of my car, the front I use from time to time though. I sill want a seat there though, I think it completes the look of the car. I


It certainly reduces road noise in the car and the noise from the fuel pump in the trunk. I drove it once last year without the rear seat in and it was much louder. I just put the back seat from a Tiburon in there last week and I am hoping that since it is mostly dense foam that it will help quiet the car even more. I still have to get the rest of the car back together though so that may be a few weeks away.

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Expanding a bit, my 510 isn't a DD, the most common reason I have multiple people other than my kids in a car is usually to go golfing and then it's just easier to take the minivan.


My kids I don't take in the car because in all honesty, the 510 is a death trap compared to a modern car. I will take my oldest around for a spin or pick her up from school in it but I don't travel far from home with her in the car. Besides the other two are still in car seats which it sucks to move or use in a 2 door.

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I'm not married and have one daughter. It is often inconvenient having mostly 2-seater vehicles. I do often have to come home to get my Frontier or remember to drive the truck on certain occasions just so I have the tiny jump seats in back. I kind of miss my 280ZX 2+2 for that reason. ;) ...always a back seat just in case.

Its better to have one and not need it then to need one and not have it. :D lol

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ive driven 4 passengers through baja in a stock 4dr, more than once, fully overloaded.

only complaint was...i drove too fast :lol: :fu:


I bicycle fork mount on the floor so I can carry bikes easily inside the car. My girlfriend keeps complaining though, so I might put one in soon. As for a back seat, I think that is one of the first things that came out of my car when I got it.

time for a goon!

i can fit 2 bikes in the back and a passenger... & then theres the rack (for the unruly passengers!)


"kids in the back seats cause accidents..... Accidents in the back seats cause kids... ..Stick to a two seater!!":fu:


thats what happened to me :eek:

now he rides shotgun...no back seat either!

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Yes, I daily drive my wagon. I tend to have passengers at least once a week, though most of my friends don't want to ride in the back because they think it's too small.


I've never had any issues with driving my kids in it, and they love riding in it, their mom thinks it's dangerous, but screw her, I ain't married to her anymore...


I'm teaching the kids right. Wagons are cool. Datsuns are cool. Mom's cars are never cool...:D

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Shotgun, that's one think I forgot about. My 510 is the first car my daughter had ever been in the front seat of, every other car I've owned since she was born had airbags so she couldn't sit in the front. I think that was the most exciting thing about the 510 for her the first time I took her out.

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I'm trying to decide if I want a usable back seat.



Every Day.....I am always Beside Myself......lots of times I have to Get Behind Myself.....and I, uhm, erhm.....I can't think of something silly for :eek: Now I can't spell Di - Ahg - Null - E....SHIT!!!:poop::D

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So do you guys let other people drive your car(s)? I've let a couple people drive mine and tried to convince my wife to drive it.


It's a long way off for me but I'm torn as to whether or not I should let my kids drive it once they are old enough.

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So do you guys let other people drive your car(s)? I've let a couple people drive mine and tried to convince my wife to drive it.


It's a long way off for me but I'm torn as to whether or not I should let my kids drive it once they are old enough.


my ex used to drive the goon. EVERY time she did something broke. seriuosly!windshield, brake line, alt, radiator, water pump flat tire...its a long list :rolleyes:

& then theres the intentional infliction of carnage she did :fu:


only person who has driven the sedan, since ive owned it, was a female valet, & she had a :D

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time for a goon!

i can fit 2 bikes in the back and a passenger... & then theres the rack (for the unruly passengers!)


I don't need a goon! They take to much work to make really low! Plus, I'm thinking of making an aircooled VW style roof rack for my car, which would help a lot with the ability to carry stuff.


So do you guys let other people drive your car(s)? I've let a couple people drive mine and tried to convince my wife to drive it.


It's a long way off for me but I'm torn as to whether or not I should let my kids drive it once they are old enough.


Both of my parents have driven my car. My mom even used it as a dd for a week once. Other than that I have let a few friends take it for a rip around a parking lot a few times. I would like to have an experienced driver co-drive with me in an auto-x some time so I can hear some feedback on the car setup.

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right after i bought my b210 the family car busted. we rode 4 deep {2 carseats} in that little car for about 2 months. since we got the big car fixed we have never done it again. it was very tight, as i am pretty tall anyway. on the other hand i just bought my toyota crown in order to put the family in it. my problem though is the lap belts, i want safer seat belts for the kids. it is a big steel car, so i hope that atleast it is safe. i plan to only put them in there for car shows, and to drive really slow the whole time.

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passengers? you mean cup holders? :lol:



this guy knows what im talkin about... in the 620, any passenger is a potential cup holder.. i've stuffed 3 people in the cab when i had my bench, one of em isnt a small fellow.. now that im rockin the buckets.. only 1 at a time lol..


as for the sentras, shit dude we're always mobbin deep, either me an my ol lady an the 3 kids, or me an whatever friends are over lol... i've had 6 people in my gf's sentra, 3 kids and my buddy who needed a ride really bad plus me an the ol lady..

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this guy knows what im talkin about... in the 620, any passenger is a potential cup holder.. i've stuffed 3 people in the cab when i had my bench, one of em isnt a small fellow.. now that im rockin the buckets.. only 1 at a time lol..


as for the sentras, shit dude we're always mobbin deep, either me an my ol lady an the 3 kids, or me an whatever friends are over lol... i've had 6 people in my gf's sentra, 3 kids and my buddy who needed a ride really bad plus me an the ol lady..


I can still fit 2 others in my truck with bucket seats. Just gotta take out the bass tube and through down a pillow. :D


Not only do you look mexican but, you ride mexican. :lol:

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