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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Adam the Eagle is exactly right .... I thought i seen that original video has been re-posted in whole form again..but Utube one would lend itself to going back just far enough to where you are " at the moment " I sure wish i had this type of reference.. 25 years ago Maybe it wouldn`t have taken me forever to figure out oil pump / distributor shenanigans.
  2. By the looks of your first posts your seemed to be over thinking it.. As you may have found valve adjustment on a L motor is alot more forgiving than most engines out there.
  3. bananahamuck


    Ok ..back to the bumper thing ..I have been toying with idea for an ol first gen celica i have .. What about a 67-68 mustang bumper? It has swoop-up at end ( that could be cut down depending) and is fairly light and does not bow out. and because of after market pretty cheap..i think i paid $25 for this one..pics below Dont have B210 to hold it up to so no way to tell foo shoore.
  4. ...........He said ..perpendicular..
  5. Does the noise at 0:05 stop or did you turn it off? Since your going to have to jumper wire fuel pump to pressure test..maybe tape the noise while it runs longer.. Your info doesn`t show what kinda car this is ....if it is stock 280zx, ( assuming because it`s L28 turbo ) the fuel pump barely makes enough noise to even notice.
  6. Judging by the crotchety-ness of ad he probably wont answer text ..his phone might even block them. Mine does, so i don`t have to corresponding with kids that have no intention of ever buying. maybe im wrong but .........
  7. That is a real cool picture hope you get paperwork worked out . What`s up with b210 in picture? ...and welcome
  8. Should be picking that tailight up this Saturday ..
  9. I am not seeing the negative in this statement.
  10. I followed this write-up and it worked like a dream http://community.rat...ter-valve-leak/ But i am sorry i don`t know any interchangeable ones .
  11. Man,, your cross country trek just to go to a car show, makes me feel inadequate as a 510 owner.
  12. DAT510 if i was you i would start with trying to make it out of anything but carbon fiber and work your way UP. Carbon fiber is hard to work with ,, there are a few people on here that make carbon fiber parts, but don`t be fooled on how hard they worked to get CF to lay right in mold, and get air out, let alone make finished product lay flat. Sanding such a delicate part if it was made out of a super hard to sand substance might be a nightmare, because since their parts are large they can gel coat thicker and sand that to make smooth where as you wont have that option. Maybe try with really lightweight fiberglass mat first... You mom`s scissors will thank you
  13. Yeah,, i guess it isn`t I also assumed it was a 4 door My 510 was put together like your doing your car ,( using 720 wiper arms ), looking at what parts are easily available and maybe slightly modifying to not just fit , but work .
  14. I like the look of red tinted windows, granted they look weird on that truck but in general ......if paint is cool enough to back it up. The color i really dig is that yellow window tint ..on the right car/ truck that shit is hotterererer than hell.
  15. Cuz there`s a few VW ( aka ) Nazi Euro trash loving buttlickers on here ..........that`s why. And when i say buttlickers i mean that in the HOMO way..
  16. Un-like you " older " guys i dont need no truck to " haul some wood "
  17. The b210 and 510 masters are both 3/4 inch and they physically look the same so i think ,,,,,they are. .......thought i hit the quote button but apparently i did not do so
  18. Sealick I see what your thinking but i was thinking cutting the 2x4 length wise to fit ..but you would still need to rotate to make sure the piston is coming up and not away from you.. I was guessing that he was taking the front cover off because ( assuming here ) he dropped chain..Why else would you take crank bolt out..
  19. Get piece of angle iron drill holes so it bolts to block over one piston get that piston on way up ..put 2x4( piece of wood ) between angle and piston,,bring piston up till 2x4 stops upward movement turn bolt..... .profit
  20. Oh i will change title i promise i give you my word ...Sunday hey im trading car car to someone off Craigslist???Did you change title ..well no..VERY DISAPPOINTED!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RedBanner


      Yep sellers report, do it asson as possible. I sold an rx7 to a kid who put different plates from another rx7 on. He said he just wanted themotor since mine was so beatup, anyways a towyard in seaside called me ended sighning it over to them and they didnt come after me for anything.

    3. hobbes_the_cat


      even late and without paperwork you can go to the DMV and they will post it as sold that day and release your interest. just make sure you bring his name and address with you. I have done this with no problem. do it before he robs a bank or kills someone with the car.

    4. I'm BLUE
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