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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. You seemed to rule out distributor to fast..........the distributor MAKES the coil work . If your points are burned or your condenser is bad the coil wont fire no matter how much voltage you have..and that goes for a L20b or a briggs and stratton lawn mower.. File the points ,and make sure there is voltage to them ..... without coil saturation the coil can`t build up enough voltage to fire.
  2. So what if the hokey pokey is what it`s all about?

    1. H5WAGON


      Well you put your right foot in....

    2. MicroMachinery


      It's not. Trust me, I've checked.

  3. Intergleeben glouten globen And a little ditty that sums up this thread
  4. Yeah he`s sorry............................. Monkey lips
  5. Forgot about this thread.. I think the wires are a ground next to regulator.. Which would explain why you cant find anything that they go to..The wires look the same on my 411 also.
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  7. Here`s more ideas on this subject if your not finished with yours yet http://community.rat...rear-coilovers/
  8. Man, you get-r-done i got tired just reading the last page and a half of your build.
  9. Does the blue truck have a tow rope?? Im sorry i tried to stop myself but just can`t
  10. I believe that the measurement is to the wheel mounting surface .. and from what i understand stock rear is good for a little over 200 hp But i have seen OP`s wagon in person and how much work he has put into it , so i figured even if he does go KA..CA..or SR i don`t think he`s going to be beating the shit out of it at the drag strip or drift event.. At least not sober...
  11. Why not just use AE86 rear . ..you get disc brakes with a parking brake, no re-drilling of axles ( already 4x 114.3 ) , because the are used to drift, shit loads of aftermarket ( everything ) and it`s 10mm skinnier than original axle (1345 mm. )... ...And the big question, where would you get aftermarket ( high performance / stronger ) parts for Volvo?? Am i not seeing something
  12. Is it ironic that im a American Indian that can`t ship something because it`s columus day??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. josh_t


      most schools get out today but not ours :/

    3. bananahamuck


      Just banks and post offices here.

      My sons all went to school today.

    4. MicroMachinery


      Columbus.. pff.. Euro-trash..

  13. I am pretty sure you can only add friends on Ratsun.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8yr_StC3uw&feature=related
  15. That thing must be a tire spinning ,haulin ass .sum bitch............and because four thumbs up just didn`t seem like enough..
  16. Hey thanks for stopping by .....
  17. My neighbor has a pretty nice runner driver 67 and probably would let you take all the pictures / notes you needed.. But would have to be on weekday evening cuz he works till 3:00pm and it`s harvest season for me till middle Nov..I might be able to take pictures if you PM me with pictures of wires you need pictures of ..But not on the weekend Peace....
    1. bananahamuck


      And who the hell bids 5 hours before auction ends??

    2. Twodoordime


      dang...my aftermarket one fits perfect if i have to spend that much for oem

  18. Why does it need a resistor?? I know it`s hard to work and remember to take pictures...so i say to you.... :thumbup:
  19. Do it, you will never know unless you ask .......I.trailered away quite a few free rigs for just asking.
  20. The rubbers look about the same size as the ones holding radiators / fan shroud on middle 80s rear wheel drive Toyotas.
  21. Location is Montesano Washington area.. Not sure which car he`s selling though (edit) Since redbanner thinks it`s the white one ........if it is , here is another view car isn`t smoking, just an optical illusion of my dirty / fogged 40 year old, windshield..
  22. bananahamuck


    No just a swap meet ...they are very cheap because quite a few companies make them ..also since they are cheaply made they are also really light weight. it`s not as rust free as oic would show.
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