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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I should have added that those cars don`t exactly grow on trees either..And i am going to throw in a couple of shots of pan, since engine is still scattered all over garage right now..
  2. These ..that are hanging in your pictures and bolted to regulator in mine I also posted where those wires go in this/ your thread, response #16 ............................click the link . CLICK IT!! http://community.rat...-shot-j-series/
  3. My sons 1979 510 wagon has a front sump ( L20B )
  4. How come the two wires you asked about in another thread never got hooked up??????????????? Or was ground smoking so you took them off?? Like i said i believe by looking at my friends car those are grounds. because his 411 is by far the most original ( not rebuilt absolutely original ) one you`ll ever see.
  5. Doctoraudio, my brother and I was just there last Saturday ...In the Millport strip mall parking lot.
  6. I prefer the original look myself, with thinner type bumpers and add some led lights so they are brighter.. But, if you do make a roll pan take pictures and maybe yours will be the one that changes my mind.. Because i do like having my mind blown by people on this site with new ideas.
  7. Yeah man , you got a great since of humor good meeting ya..


    You might want to check out sightings.

  8. I saw Doctoraudio chasing after an old dude in a red 510 wagon at a strip mall in Mill Plain last Saturday..The old guy got away though. We`re going to have to meet -up again when it`s warmer out..
  9. i am looking at geisha behind front wheel and wondering how big is original, to be able to put that much detail??
  10. That makes sense ..cuz that might make it wooble when he pushes in clutch..
  11. That`s what i thought at first to but it looks like it`s hitting starter also.
  12. Mines kinda a beater so not sure if it counts ...BUT. i drive mine even if i go to mini-store or parts store for my other cars crap like that. Our German shepherd seems to like it better because it can see out without getting up. Even drove it in monstrous rain/ wind storm yesterday with the fall leaves passing us.. And that was pretty cool, with the car being fall colors, and all.
  13. Why is there a rear end in the ...rear ?? How bout some suspension shots too.. And welcome man ..hope ya bring it ( and yourself )out often
  14. In the link i posted on the same day you started this thread.. There is a 7 bladed fan pictured for $2.50.......but whatever.
  15. Hope they get better soon.......Here`s the street view of the cars old home ..If you go up to satellite view you can see that color from outer space pretty easily also. http://maps.google.c...219.99,,0,11.06
  16. Having seen this color in person this car sticks WAY out in the crowd..Almost a florescent green, i wouldn`t change color if you eventually paint it.. The car looks mean as hell with those wheels and tires.. more pictures like the last one ........please.
  17. Maybe.. What`s the deal on the 1800 that`s coming out?? And before you answer ........the two are very much related...(>_<)
  18. Man, you are a demon with a tape measure..
  19. Those Dime quarterly mags are really good reading. Good deal-io So what does he want tatoooed ......his wiener ?
  20. On the subject of the heater hoses, it will work either way.. Just get the kink out so water flows better. There is a spring ( you can buy ) that goes over smaller hoses to keep them from kinking. I just go to local autoparts and have them take you to the back and just find what bends work the best and cut / piece them together. look at some of Waynos threads on the up close of engine pictures you will see what im talking about on the spring thing.
  21. Your events, always make me happy ..Thanks for the cheer-up
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