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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. This thread is for cars you have actually seen and /or taken pictures of..In real life
  2. And many a night you can catch him polishing " it " in the street ... When he`s not washing his truck
  3. Not sure who said it but... "The best thing about the death penalty in Texas is you end up with less Texans"
  4. That`s very good price......we easily have $700. in a rusty crap wagon we are currently working on.. .I discussed this with a couple of other members a couple weeks back , after pm-ing you , and I came to the realization that letting a 16 yr old ( my son )buy this may not be in the best interest of such a nice survivor....We will keep working on his beater.. Buy it ...slam it ....done easiest project ever
  5. I threw the slinger out the door onto the ground outside of my garage, with a tag zip-tied to it saying " Dundee Oregon " but the postman must not have seen it ,,, because it`s still there..
  6. I think the real intent of Ratsun lies in these responses . and if you read earlier posts you`ll see they wanted him to somehow figure out a way to keep and drive car....sorry mods
  7. Im south of olympia wa and my prefix is 360 also http://www.reversenumberdatabase.com/360-560
  8. I came here with many happy thoughts ..but leaving sad. You never know,,,,,,, things are weird like that sometimes.
  9. drive by this car on my way to town every day and from a distance it looks real clean..
  10. bananahamuck

    ka24de 210

    This is how i fund mine.. Really digging the ingenuity of the rear end swap...
  11. Those 400/383s are chevy motors..........this is Pontiac 400 It`s got the BOP pattern on rear of engine. And the crank swap is to make 350 into a 383
  12. Measurements are in inchs because dial can`t be zero-ed and i cant find vernier clampers...sorry if all this doesn`t help Again disregard dial numbers 1 5/8 1 1/6 2 1 1/2 1 7/16
  13. honestly i read the other thread but it is one of those things that ( even still ) just doesn`t register for me...I will go out and take a bunch of pictures with calipers and let you guys decide ....be back shortly..
  14. 13/4 from where to where??I have this one that`s brand new that i thought was for a 77 dogleg but my memory is pretty foggy ...I just slid this on a 4speed 620 trans and it was way to big for shaft .. is dogleg bigger??
  15. That`s good.. I post how much i think chevys should be eradicated off the planet to get a reaction from the fanboys...But as you have seen oics of my backyard im not completely innocent myself.. Thread jack complete now back to the Suebahroo
  16. It`s strange that in some pictures your hangout looks like a beach house and in others the same house looks to be in town..
  17. Do you still need a slinger or did the leprechaun find you one ?? .. i could send ya one on Monday if that`s all that`s holding you up..
  18. I like to go to Harbor Freight because of the smell, it`s got a kinda rejuvenating property to it..
  19. If you could get an actuator to work correctly with your clutch ... The idea you drew up is a really good one . Kinda like a 2 speed rear end type thing, only switch is instant off. And if not hydraulic it would be easier to use , because if handle is hydraulic you would have to grab stalk of shifter and squeeze but electric you could get a finger on it ..Also if handle is hydraulic the rubber hose set-up would be troublesome to get hose long enough to make all the gears changes in the rowboat-like shift pattern those old trucks have. ( i do realize it would be hard line down shaft ,, then a rubber connector hose at floor ) I dont know if it would work ( no experience with actuators ) just saying would be easier to use.
  20. Somebody should invent a vomit-o-funnel it attaches to child head and funnels punk into a easily disposable container

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Although by the time i get it installed (THEY) will have stopped barfing.

    3. INDY510


      just put a really big funnel under the whole baby

    4. RedBanner


      Why not just back out if the kitchen slowly, and let the help take care if things?

  21. Good luck .. This is going to feel like the longest 3 ( almost 4 ) days of yer life..
  22. I was starting to wonder if all the new members were going to come from Georgia . Maybe there should be a meet around Kelso Castlerock and yes ,,,,,Woodland, area because there seem to be quite a few of you down there. And it`s definetly closer for me than Vancover .. Nice car and welcome
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