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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. post#42 i believe the least you could do is ,,,,,,,,TRY READING THE FUCKING ANSWERS PEOPLE GIVE YOU!! And it doesn`t go to ground just because it has a -neg sign on it that`s just stupid ,,,Negative on the coil goes to the points,,points work the exact same way in a 426 hemi as they do in a fucking lawn mower.
  2. Navel jelly is like the old way of doing it ,,,try a auto paint store and use a newer formulation type that does basically the same thing but you dont have to wash it off ,, the kinda you can paint directly over.
  3. It`s a Studebaker Avanti probably a reproduction model not a real one..
  4. Fixed your sentence.. Car is now gone probably to the scrapper, that is about a half mile away..
  5. We had a 67 wagon in Chehalis lined up over by the transfer station but it needed a front end and could never find one ,,so we didn`t buy it ,,,Thanks alot man ...really appreciate ya looking out fer my kid.. Jalen the condenser is hooked directly to the wire for the coil ..picture in link http://www.google.com/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://images.mustangmonthly.com/howto/173_0310_pert_7b_z.jpg&sa=X&ei=Wyc1UK7UMKSGjAKvu4HgBA&ved=0CAsQ8wc4Dw&usg=AFQjCNEE2x7YEbPAl3ID46wKUZSbRRmJZA
  6. The truck is new to you but i think this is at least the third thread on this site about your truck by different owners / finders.... Welcome, Birdman
  7. Oh, my sons had nintendo64 ,,then playstation1 and 2 ,,and now Xbox 360 and carry cellphones with all that inspector gadget shit and we had to buy a wireless router so they can run their ipods while checking their facebook on the PC as they play Xbox live and text their idiot friends on the cell phone at the same time.... But i will say ,,, my son has had probably one of theee most " distinctive " child hoods of any child ever... :lol:
  8. I have joined Yelp and the urban spoon ,,,i will have to do a bunch of good reviews on the places i like ,,,BUT,, i will be commenting on Stewart`s Smokehouses` poor service and obnoxiously high prices in the future ....And you can run and tell that.. :devil:
  9. That is so common of a problem in those trucks ,,,and it happens alot turning through a bump....with no or very little warning....Although all three trucks i have worked on were lifted..
  10. You ever get a need ,,,and i mean A NEED , for some meatloaf with ketchup baked almost to crusty,, on the top??

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Actually ,,, that sounds good right now lol


      I usually don't like meatloaf unless I make it lol

    2. bananahamuck


      Yeah homemade,, never had meatloaf i really liked in a restaurant. It`s kinda like a Ruban sandwich ,,,you might get a good one , but you go back to that same place ,, and NOPE , try again......lol

  11. A plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp5St7hORyw&feature=player_detailpage#t=31s
  12. If your his boss,, and he`s having you read this to try to prove why he`s late this morning ,,, I did see the dude stumbling down the side of the highway early this morning,, drinking outta what looked like a paper bag ( he must have been dehydrated the way he was chugging ) but was in to big a hurry to stop...So his story checks out.. Hope this helps cdub ... :P
  13. Nothing pisses me off as much as when,, my wife picks the carrots outta my crock pot stew.
  14. Tice ,, short answer no your rear gears will be fine ,,,if it`s to doggy in 5th shift back to 4th.. link to check out about 5speeds http://www.geocities...oker/ratio.html and a discusstion about swapping http://www.classiczc...hread30668.html
  15. Before buying any parts borrow or buy a fuel pressure gauge,and check just before carb, also take the filter all the way off and blow backwards into a clear glass ( to see if there`s any water or other crap in system ) and see if that helps any.. If engine is warmed ,,hot,,engine off,, take off air cleaner if the blades are straight-ish up and down not shut then that is not the problem...While you got air cleaner off look down barrel of carb and pump throttle there should be a small stream of gas..use flashlight if needed.. Make sure while it`s running the gas level is real close to the mark on site glass on front of carb.( Hitachi carb ) . to high something might be in float needle ,,,,,to low starving for gas..The level doesn`t have to be exactly level with he mark just real close,,
  16. I think i know why the box says " do not ingest " now . :P
  17. what gasket set did you use? it is a very thin gasket. I don`t know if it`s manditory or not but i usually make it outta thin sturdy paper if it`s not included.. ....Is the original gasket still stuck on old tentioner,, use razor blade and carefully remove for pattern if needed.
  18. Maybe a front and rear bumper set with mounting brackets and turn lenses for 78 -79? like this picture ,, to lazy to put this picture to photobuck this morning but they look like this....real long shot. 1,969.54 pesos or less peeked-up from jour howse mang.. http://i793.photobuc...298013_4694.jpg or if there`s none cheap enough for you to make profit or all you see are really banged up,,,a few more pictures of them..especially the rears would sure be nice..
  19. Holy highway robbery Batman..PM this guy...it will be nowhere near $110. tdaaj
  20. I personally really liked the look of those aluminum ones you showed on your build thread a couple weeks ago...
  21. Sure a whole lotta towing going on up in here.. My 3.3 liter dodge minivan powered ZX...... :lol:
  22. I have been waiting on pictures to be posted so long i forgot which one i even voted for. What? it says rant right on the title.. :lol:
  23. But being old enough to drink and still living with your parents is kind of a total fail in real life to.
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