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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Not Datsun per say but the last 2 stuck open thermostats i took out were because spring pressure exploded cage away from top of it.. Some of the tiny-er parts i never did find in there.
  2. I ain't eating at no Chuckie Cheeses ,, place smells like armpits and babies. :sick:
  3. Never pay your reconnection bill at the kiosk in the entrance of Comcast,,,, ever. Unless you want to spend the next day and a half sorting it out a phone tag nightmare.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Line was huge and 2 workers ,, guy said anyone paying bill can use Kiosk ,,


      i fell for it.





      and sinker

    3. jrock4224


      lol i dont believe anything comcrap says... they hate me ... i get tired of hauling my equipment into threaten changing services just to get them to willingly lower my rate for 6 monthes to more more respectable and believable mount

    4. bananahamuck


      i guess not waiting for them to turn it off before paying is an option also.

  4. Since it's 2 days some cars only come Saturday and some only Sunday, added too the ones that stay all weekend ,, it's hard for me to judge. Short answer ,, alot http://community.ratsun.net/topic/32609-canby-2012-are-we-there-yet/ I think the pictures start about page 50 something.
  5. Oh, those are speakers,, i was told those were intercoolers .. :P
  6. http://goo.gl/maps/aC2MX No camp,, not sure there is camping even close to this park,, but it is Oregon so probably a short drive you would find a scenic/quiet campground. one day event
  7. They have been growing cranberries since 1965.. Sadly the biggest cash "crop" on the Washington coastal areas is meth ,, probably because it is really isolated police wise,, and all the trees and such can hide anything.. The midnight ghost peddlers wake up about noon and you see them riding their 10-speeds all night long. :hmm: Phil is my long time buddy Tracys younger brother,, and he has probably injested more acid in his early life for 200 people.. So he is nuttier than a squirel turd... Strangely enough, i mean that in a good way. :lol: He talks about a guy riding his bike down the tracks and directly into the front of a freight train at Golden gardens in Seattle ,, we aren't sure if true or if he just thinks it is.
  8. Dammit!! i was trying to fgure out a pictures locating in photobucket and i quoted then i hit "post" not thinking,,,,,,,,, and posted the whole damn post by mistake.. Move along nothing to see here
  9. Wasn't there 3 510 classes? OG Modifieded Wagon I go to Canby because the hosts of the show Datsuns Northwest and their members have made it the best car show experiance i have ever had. We have been going since 2009 but didn't start camping till 2011. (edit) Jesus Antony, why is the cupcake all sweaty.? :huh:
  10. We know man,, it's the thought that counts. :)
  11. :lol: Man we don't rival around when together we are totally jokeing. Hell I'm 47 and have 4 kids and been married *19 years myself, and Rickrat is like a hundred or something.. Paco is a probably THE most laid back choowawah i have ever seen. * well not 19 for a couple of weeks still if my wife is watching :sneaky: :rofl:
  12. And front doors ??,, :D :D :baby: I would so like to have a real badass Japanese dragon even though i now possess my matching door and fender again ,, But having a tatoo style dragon would keep those in the geerage for a few more years.
  13. Yeah i probably could have just walked over to his room and told him also.. :D @Damian4884 Hey i was going to post that there is a South African web/selling site that might be helpful in your search as they drive on the same side. . There is no ads up for the 720 parts your looking for right now ,, but it might be worth checking out, even if just to give yourself false hope. Clickity-clickity http://www.gumtree.co.za/s-datsun/v1q0p1 Geeze i just noticed it's almost 2:00am
  14. His wording in his first sentence is mis-leading, he isn't selling parts.. He is saying he has a couple requests for weird parts that guys he knows are after. i think.
  15. They look like BMW 2002 wheels, but the pattern on those is like a Volkswagen (edit) can't be those as i counted my 2002 wheels and your 2 spokes short.
  16. Sunday February 23rd 11AM-2PM @ Tacoma Sonic on 6th Ave New guys are always welcome most of us are pretty nice ,, QTip is always drunk and picking fights, but he usually falls asleep an hour into the event so just avoid him for a bit and you'll be golden..
  17. Yakima? what are they whittling them outta rocks or something?
  18. I will have to disagree, with a better tire and wheel selection ,, as in huuge, and a L28 i think that would be kinda cool with straight pipe all the way to the back roaring down the freeway..
  19. Elvan man who or where did you buy the bumpsteer spacers from??
  20. I just noticed you have a 80 and 81 210s in your profile,, wouldn't both of those come with a electronic ignition stock?
  21. Sits down: I am Dan and I like to potty.
  22. I would say the one on the far right belongs on the far left .
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