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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. So probably to rare to purchase just for funzies ? Do you think it is the same company that makes those bumper over-riders?
  2. Does anyone know the company makes that bar or what the name of it would be??
  3. You should rent a real car hauler that way you won't be hampered by how many Datsuns you can make non runners. :thumbup:
  4. I saw those posts and they were pretty bad, having a parent that isn't "white" i can deal with making fun of ones race quite a bit as i like to believe i have good sense of humor. But those were way over the line,, i didn't report the posts but was happy when they got removed. My .02
  5. That's totally cool man ,, i believe i might have a VW tranny sold up there or i would probably pass too,, mostly a buncha hillbillys and such up there. :rofl: Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  6. Clackamus county fairgrounds ,, but it is in Canby Oregon
  7. Ft lewis as in joint base,, or just town?? If you wanna roll with a couple of us up to Sedro Wooley on the 5th ( this Sunday) we will be meeting at the bottom of Meridan rd ( http://goo.gl/maps/xkRu2 ) at about 10:00,, maybe a bit earlier and rollin up. ...Yes it's short notice and yes it's way in the hell out in the tinglewigs for a couple of vehicles , but your welcome to roll if you want. http://community.ratsun.net/forum/5-events/ P.S. Don't wait till Canby to meet-up man,, there will be a few Tacoma/ Puyallup get togethers by then ,, as well as Planet Of The Datsuns in Federal Way Wa in May. Welcome to the monkey house of insanity
  8. To make an appointment to see the dentist.
  9. No you wouldn't cuz he looks about 17 ,, if he comes off as dorky on here,,, trust me he's waaaaaay dorkier in person.
  10. Awesome wheelin pictures,, i like how in the pictures and video you are in the mud and trees getting after it,, and not just in a suburb next to a garage.. Makes me wanna put some snow tires on my 510 and hit the logging roads behind my house. :thumbup: :thumbup: Welcome
  11. Chet man we haven't nailed down a time we are rollin yet but i can send our phone numbers depending if you wanna text or actually speak,, all human being like.. I don't know Donovans phone number off hand but i will figure it out and send ya'll a PM.. Dood
  12. http://www.rockauto.com/ ^^ voted best answer.
  13. If it comes with a flywheel ,, because your 6 bolt one won't fit on a 5 hole engine.. Contact Dillion or Frank or Logical1 in Everette ( i don't know what the first twos screen names are off hand ) At franks yard sale some guy there,, had a L20b that was supposedly a running take out,, It had everything ,,carb, distributor, the whole shittery.. Tristen or Datwifey might have their numbers but i can't find it right now.. They were asking $500. but i don't know anything about how well it ran as it was already in the back of a pick-up truck
  14. Was it mandatory that every penniless banana brain searched my ads on Craigslist last night.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MicroMachinery
    3. bananahamuck


      Thanks for sending me the dick pics.


      Some old hair dryer VW parts.

    4. bananahamuck
  15. And yes i have been missing the Breaking Bad maration on AMC dealing with people i would probably strangle in real life,,, on Craigslist this morning!!! :wacko:
  16. (Please be advised.. opinionated statement to follow) Why are we all caught up in underhood labels lately ?? If it has a label on the outside with 510 printed on it it makes it a 510 ,,, albet a newer 510 but a 510 none the less.. Example: It`s like anyone under the age of 25 thinks it's their civic fucking dutie to HAVE to call a corolla a E-31, Ae86 or a TE87 or some other super secret fanboi type label.. I have at present time and have owned many more Toyotas than most of them will even own cars,, or even work on in a year... :rofl: And i'm going to call my 1976, 1977 1985, 1986, 1987, 19861/2 , and 1988 Toyotas i currently own,,,,,,,,,, celicas MR2s and supras respectively not some underhood nomenclature that is the newst internet fad.. Thank you. Signed Father of a 1979 510 owner
  17. Do you suppose he's talking about his 1981 510,, but it doesn't have L20b either?? (disclaimer) But i was wrong before guessing what people were thinking in their cryptic posts in here,,, so probably am again this time. :lol:
  18. As cool as that car is ,, I was afraid to like Robopinappleheads post as i do not trust that he isn't standing in the dark ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, naked.
  19. Yeah that's what he needs,,,,, another sticker for his car. :sneaky:
  20. I been here since July 2010 and i can say that the reception newbs gets now is far nicer than back them... Hell how many members still are in the negative rep ?? I bet they didn't get the " feel sorry for the newb " posts we are all used to seeing lately..... I don't feel sorry for the newbs if they don't wanna learn the secret handshake and figure out what ettiquite is used for every site they peddle their wares on then why should they be treated like Princesses .,,,,,,,, like the rest of us. Yes Jdong you are a beautiful Princess. Oh and on another note Drakerdude ,, I posted a Craigslist ad and you haven't even trolled me yet, your slipping man. :ninja:
  21. What's that?? El Presidente of the Republika of Offtopicastan. I'm just saying posting an brand new bagged Audi to be more "right" in a debate over slammed Datsuns beating up the chassis, is like me posting a picture of peat moss in a debate about inedible mushrooms .. Oh well ,, how did that cross member that you bent the shit outta under your 521 ever come out??
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