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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Why in the holy mother of god did you just re-quote yer self? It wouldn't be till way late afternoon ( like 3pm or later ) as we have a little bit of shoring up to do on the garage up front before moving that car over from Gomer Pyles house into it. That yellow 210 is 521gatherers car ,
  2. That doesn't answer my question
  3. Hey dicknose,, wanna run around the backroads out by Oakville/Rochester in the afternoon on Saturday??
  4. Yeah , it smells like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, victory.
  5. Heck you can barely taste the gas fumes this morning. :rofl: :rofl:
  6. We have HAD a a few large mice under the house that seem to be able to predict our every move to remove them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, UNTIL YESTERDAY!!! 2 1/2 hours of some serious carbon monoxide poisoning was the order of the day.. FAT510 blowing in one end. Lizard mobile fume-a-gaten that sumbitch down at the other Sealed up openings and left it for another 3 hours ,,,,,,and SEE YOU IN HELL MOUSE!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FUCK YOU!! And yes my wife almost had a brain aneurysm when she got home and sign telling my high schooler not to enter house ,,, was left on front door. And it still had residual exhaust smell from cars . :blush: Yes we blew out air in and under house for 2 or more hours before entering
  7. They were mostly Peruvians and Colombians ,, but that was a long time ago now
  8. Not digging about facebook ,, Donovan says you are on there most times,,,, so i thought it would be easier to contact you there.
  9. Yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, what the fuck Ted.
  10. Since calendars predated clocks by approximately ,, as they say in the scientic community "a shit long time" if there was no calendars that would probably mean the clocks stopped working and If there was no clocks,,, how would you ever know it had been 24 hrs yet? It's like Bill S. Preston once said,,, Why would we lie to ourselves?
  11. (quote) I think the car had had a dogleg 5 spd installed. Are you sure about that?? (quote) It still needs a brake master, new hoses, and some misc stuff under the hood to make it a driver... Even the factory AC stuff under the dash looks complete. And someone is goofy enough to pay $4000. bucks already,, wow. .
  12. Ok ,, what if you said that in Barrow Alaska in the middle of winter or summer for that matter?? Water ,,, your statement does not hold it.
  13. New Zealand ,, bikes have to be made outta anything but motorcycle parts , one hour enduro race/party. I think one of the motors ( 20 seconds in) is a single rotor motor .
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