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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Ours did something like this and kicking the ECU seemed to work (sometimes) but come to find out (after replacing ecu) it was the kicking of the ECU that was shaking that fuel pump control modulator up behind it,, as that big resistor inside it had come un-soldered . Still does weird shit sometimes but i think that is because we don't garage it enough ,, so it's damp all the time I don't know though .
  2. So in the last 25 hours this gif has been deleted from 2 car forum funny gif threads ,, Wanna see it?? Are you sure your "mature" enough? Ok? Yeah i know ,, right? She has a flesh colored bikini on. so i'm not sure what the problem is.
  3. It's eastern Washington ,, it probably means Biebersballs.
  4. Jesus did it really take this long for that Lynch video to make it all the way over to the anus of America,,, better known as tri-cities? cuz you guyus should have someone look at your dial-up service..
  5. The black shit is just carbon from the EGR recycling the exhaust back into intake,,,,,,,,,,,, WHAT YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT IS ......... That intake gasket looks old amd crusty as hell ,, if that ain't causing some kind of vacuum leak i will eat this keyboard.. Get a new one and change that bitch outta there. they are cheap insurance
  6. First off ,,,,, Fuck you kevin get that shit going,, this aint no fuckin Tri-cities datlocust event like your used to ,,, WE SHOW UP!! FYI ,,,, From what i heard,, Jrock wasn't at the last Jrock meet-up at his shop,,, but we will probably show up there bright eyed and bushy tailed. Just me and FAT and Albert in his Toyota Celica cuz JJ has got some hanglider "fly in" that day .. May have to make a rolling stop in at the Squaxin island tribe rez in Kamilche, for a couple good ole dudes coming from Elma, but i'm not sure yet,, haven't checked their plans or even told them about it yet other than just passing convo... OR maybe they could look for us to go by at one of those tiny little towns just north of there,,,, and just haul balls to catch up,,, . like i said not sure yet.
  7. It looks like they are going to lose,,, but damn Utah has some serious hustle.
  8. What color would you even classify her as ,,,,,, translucent?? Oh and i come here just to sit on the vomit stained couch and watch re-runs of Maude with the sound turned off.
  9. OK now i understand your a city boi,,,,,,,, from what i have heard city bois like yourself would rather shoot your load into another male,,, than shoot a wild animal with a gun,,,,, so i stand "corrected". .. and i'm sorry . Oh and this North Carolina: where dreams went to die,, but they had already burnt all the books on the subject. .
  10. Shit has gotten ridiculous , But to answer your question ,, i see what ass munches give for total pieces of junk any more .. All you can do is put on your best yamaka and head the fuck over to the dudes house.
  11. Funny how things have changed,,, i saw this on the exit to George , summer 2011 ,,, price $1200. OBO
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