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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Its with a W at the end not an A ,,,,,,,,,, get it straight ,, cracker
  2. The use of the word attack is used in this sentence (written by you) in such a manner as to imply someone is being attacked, by "denigration of a sexual orientation": ,,,,,, and he ain't posting them pictures aimed at anyone else but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, um ,,,,,,,,,,,, you. So there you go.. i told you before and i'll tell you again ,, i don't care what you heard about the weather up here as most of it is true,,,,,,,, but you need to get the fuck outta Cali ,, breath some cool fresh air and live man... Fuck that dry shit,, it is sucking the life out your fuckin soul. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if you had one.
  3. FYI it will take us about 25 minutes to get from Jrocks shop to the intersection of hwy 3 and hwy 101 ,,, we are probably stopping at the Kamilche casino for a second to see if Elmer guys are meeting up ,,, so approx 30 minutes give or take. Although we never seem to leave on time ever,,,,,, so not sure what good any of this info is going to do for you :rofl: :rofl: https://goo.gl/maps/TWx24 Ted mentioned stopping on 101 across from the Shelton airport ( Sanderson field) so maybe that is a option,, .
  4. Why yes ,, yes i do and your use of the word "attack" ,, shows me that... You use a example later in this diatribe of horseshit you call sensical argument, of a "yo mama" joke... Notice when you are degrading another you are joking but when someone does it to you it is an "attack" ........... And then you dig up some arbitrary washington Indian tribe in a childish lashing out like a tormented toddler ,, to invoke some sort of reaction from me ,, but if you weren't so ignorant,,,, you would have known a Duwamish is also a river,,, that is very dirty probably the most polluted in the state,,,,,,,,,, But you being a edumacated college Boi you probably knew that already.. Seriously give me a break ,, if you think what Moist boy is doing is an "attack" than your ,, day in day out ,, garbage in garbage out attitude is by no means better....... Or put another way,,,,,,,,, Those that live by the sword ,, should shut the fuck up if they get stabbed once in a while. Crybaby
  5. Actually we are posting from yesterday compared to Australia IT'S LIKE A FUCKING TIME MACHINE !!!!
  6. In my tribe we have a saying as old as father wind,,,,,, those who smelt it,,,,,,,, dealt it
  7. Huh,,, I thought you of all people would be happy dorry with all the constant negativity he is aiming at you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ooooooooh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's because it's aimed at YOU ,,,,,,,,, isn't it??
  8. We will probably need to make a after meet run to Central Market to pick up some treat for my sons mom,,, :D :D ,,,,,,,, other than that i think we're good. ............ Although if i tell her i went to Central Market without her,,, she might just cut my balls off to prove a point.... Hmmm,,,,
  9. I remember UberKevin helping me put his engine in that one time........ hell,,, he ain't shitting how good he was at doing it,,,,,, Oh wait ,,,,, that was my son Albert . :sneaky:
  10. Yeah but the fucker calls right at the last 15 minutes of Hamburger Hill,, and i miss call,,,, so i put on my shoes don an appropriate attire for almost freezing weather ,,, go out and proceed to call him back about 5 fucking times,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, does he pick up???,,,,,,,,,,,, fuck no!! Sooooooo i go back in house take off my coat remove my shoes,,,,,,,,, ring!! ring!! Are being serious with me right now!!
  11. Hey i only saw him flying past us in second gear going under the convention center ,,,, this one time.. So i think it should be fine.
  12. By the phone call i received last night,,,, I think tdaaj may be roaming the backroads of America ( much like Kung-Fu) helping guys get their trucks to this cruise... B) Or am i going to have to cut a bitch?? .
  13. Yeah older ones may be built to last longer,, but my buddy bought the whole kit for a manual choke, and every single thing was included and new,, fuck he was rolling in what seemed like just a few minutes .. All this talk of bologna I'm thinking Dirty Daves big Jake sandwich for god damn reals now....
  14. Friend just bought one from them,,, it was at his house in about 3 days and it has worked exactly like what you would expect from a brand new carb... I would use them again without hesitation. Ok ,,, in reality i would get an old crusty weber someone was throwing away ,, clean it out and put a gasket kit in it,, :lol:
  15. I saw Alex being driven around all pimp like by his lady in their 620 ,, in front of Tumwater Mcdonalds and such . No camera cuz i was just parts running in the boys celica.
  16. Plates look like Washington?? Where you at -ish
  17. LOL there is no way in fuck there was anything close to 300 cars there... Granted there was quite a few, but 300?? Come on now ,,,,,, half the parking lot was either covered with swap meet stuff ,, or completely empty in the background shots. Video proof Hell it looks almost like a fullsize domestic truck rally to me
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