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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Your assuming he is even outta bed yet,,,,, :sneaky: :rofl: :rofl:
  2. Nah i have a couple i can put joints in and put in the rotation ,, but it kinda pisses me off that the joints are only 2 years old at best,,, and it's not like i'm running huge amounts of torque.. I do alot of 70+ freeway driving when i do drive it but the car sits 80% of the time..... They were Orielly joints so i'm going to take a chance NAPA ones are stronger.
  3. JJ went to the library downtown last week,, since he needed a wiring diagram for his newest "creation" and he had a few very clear pictures of said diagrams on his phone.. 69 521 that were from the reference books they have...... For 10 cents a copy they will copy you off anything outta those reference books,,, and i would bet it would be far clearer than anything your going to get off the internet.. Then you go down to Kinkos and have them blow thatt shit WAAAY the fuck up .,, done and done
  4. Up 101 is fine for us s we live on this side. Discovery passes are like 33 bucks aren't they?? Holy shit for 99 fucking dollars we ( my family) will wait for you guys to come back out of the park.
  5. I don't know what tdaaj is planning,, i think the invasion of Normandy was less thought out.
  6. Not sure what the problem is,, we could go North on the East side ,,, maybe jaunt over to Kingston,,,Then stop to eat , at that Fattys burgers by Port Townsend, Then back South on the West side ,, right. If someone needs to stop we'll stop.. I may still not be able to completely fill my tank as it leaks pretty hardcore when full and spirited driving is happening so we may have to stop for petrol more than once.............. That,,,,,, and it sounded like i was going to drop a half-shaft going 70 down the freeway a few minutes ago.. :geek:
  7. Aren't we going through /right past Bremerton?? Maybe just hop aboard then?
  8. I don't know the brand but i think my brother has those on his 70 ,, they look pretty good cleaned up.. They don't tuck worth a damn with stock struts up front though. (edit) i think my brother is going for 70s gasser look in that photo.
  9. They speak English in Australia :lol:
  10. I looked up "how to make your 720 4x4 a stronger truck" and using Toyota solid axles seems to be the answer.. Strange
  11. that thing has been popping up all over the internet today so crazy it is cool. i saw this just this afternoon
  12. I just sent you a PM .. text back if you want.
  13. I was going to leave him in that dumpster,, it was my wife that fell in love with his goofy face. I don't know what it is as they are just no shape newer blob cars,,,,,,,,, but there is something i just can't put my finger on about these two.
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