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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Who the hell drinks 7-up .. my mom used to give us that horrible shit to make us throw up when we had stomach flu.. You both were Zima guys weren't you?
  2. loop baling wire around tranny bolt then around bolt that would be holding clutch a few times it will tighten up then use breaker bar with a socket. I would use EXTRA bolts in case you bend one of them.
  3. We are going through Tacoma?? Thought we were going through Allyn and what-not
  4. Pretty much anything that has the words nut and water so close in a sentence ,,, needs to be avoided from putting in mouth , really.
  5. A am not sure what any of most of that first sentence even ment,,,,,,,, but there is a store just down the road that still sells those candy cigarettes .
  6. Three days oh pis-haw ,, even on a dirt floor it won't take near that much work... if your still running stock 4speed or dogleg,, those things don't weigh hardly anything.. Once you get flywheel off,, carefully let the back of the engine down ( a little) and hell the plug your after will be in a great spot to work on it.. The one in the back of the head would have been much harder to change in my opinion. Think happy thoughts
  7. Thing is we do pump our own gas up here,,, and beings we're just now coming outta winter,, even the women up here are sporting a beard,, so won't know if hipster or dangerous fugitive till at least late March. Hipsters don't bother me a shit at all ,,,,,,,,, i live near a progressive college ,, been seeing crazy shit downtown since before it was cool .
  8. UPDATE I told those Elma guys if i heard anything i would give them a heads up,,,, so i told them ,, " sometime on the 19th just start driving around the hoods canal and about lunch time stop and eat ,,, maybe/ maybe not go into a state park then maybe/maybe not stop and go to the bathroom then ,,,,,,,,, what ever. Does that about sum up the cruise ,, thus far?
  9. Sooo you want me to send my pictures to you then??
  10. I have a side ,, it's just not the one flavor and like it side,,,, Kim Jong Ill likes red vines because like he always says " i like my liquorice like i like my country ,, no choice take it or ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, starve"
  11. It's all of our responsibility to clean the gutters so the rain won't make un-navigable puddles in the streets man.
  12. I'm just glad i found a way to block posts by whiny entitleist little bay area crybabies, that shop at 7-11 but expects Escada type service ,,,,,,,,,,, this thread is so much less ,, whaa whaaa whaa ,,,,,, for it. Even Batman says "suck my dick " but being from the Bay area you probably are doing that right now since ,,, don't they teach that in kindergarten? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHZKSIaFenM
  13. Stupid Yahoo geocites links are all broken now.. There was this great side by side comparison with photos.. But no more
  14. Smokes lawyer representing him in his Bill Cosby sexual molestation trial told him he shouldn't come in here anymore.
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