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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. No it's just that most of the third world eats stuff that smells like it came outta a dumpster ,,,,,,,, much like the world renowned rotten baloney package licker, dumpster pickers of San Fran,,. And surrounding areas. so in tuuuuurn they need a bread that smells like cat urine to cover up the smell.
  2. The bright yellow car , with Washington plates, i posted started out life,, just like yours. That member will most likely chime in here at some point. http://community.ratsun.net/user/3865-b210gx/
  3. And for another,,, why the fuck woulld you be proud your most famous ( well only really) culinary concoction be bread,,,,,,,,, that is hard as a maple fucking tree and smells like a cat pissed on it ??? Shit is gross as fuck
  4. Has only eaten Sacramento burritos ,,,,,,,,,,, before it was cool. Brah
  5. I hear ya Brahs ,, It's kinda like you can't get a good breath of fresh air south of Grants Pass,,,,,,,,,, because the Cali hipsters are smelling up the place.
  6. Ahhhh true ,,, true.. Cuz that would totally interfere with the Issaquah XXX drive-in meet we are having that same day. :lol:
  7. it was this one,, i believe it denotes an L powered car,, but i'm still mostly learning b210s right now. Clickity -clickity http://www.cardomain.com/ridepost/1386693/1979-datsun-b210/ .
  8. So i had an light bulb moment last night ,,,,,,,,,, the name "Live Nude Girls" that is probably why Paradime can't come here any more... If on a company or watched over type system, that wouldn't look good to a superior at all.... If it would even let you go to it in the first place. _____________________________- Oh and QTip yeah,,,,,,,,,,, your right, not all brown people in california are mexican,,,,,,,,,, but it makes the joke funnier ,,, because i'm not sure i would want my engine built by a race that loves to blow up unsuspecting Americans.. Hey my 510 has never driven this good ever,,,,, BOOM!!! praise Allah! yeah fuck that noise :rofl: :rofl: Not all white appearing individuals ,, are either ,, and i'm not talking your grampa on your moms side that said he was part Navajo when he was drunk.. Boom , head explodes
  9. Seriously though i have been corresponding with Paradime every day through PMs he sent me this oic of his coil over setup in his SR powered 510 just this morning. wait for it seriously ??
  10. Paradime is lurking,,, waiting,,,,,,, hoping ,, nigh praaaaaying ,,,, that someone posts a comment that can be rebutted with pictures of groups of queers with fancily painted faces..
  11. Beats the hell outta me.. It does look like one of those old 500s i am just stealing pictures from Australia tonight.
  12. Well they tried Kung Fu Grip for awhile,,, but apparently ran into trademarks and what-not
  13. I think you slightly misunderstood my gif. Here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, try again.. .
  14. $434. :huh: you guys kinda got hosed.. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/20-1050
  15. Was hell tryin to find this since title change to 5,0 and not SVO :P ,, but here is another in a 521 . http://community.ratsun.net/topic/39311-project-atpwalf-521-50/
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