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Everything posted by Stupid_fast

  1. That sucks... Same thing happened to by brothers car last week.
  2. ...punctuation!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jayden71


      I thought puncuatiion was being on time

    3. DAT510


      being punctual?

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      mmmmmmmm fruit punch !

  3. Bro's 350z got busted into last night... rear window is fucked and $40 worth of stuff stolen. Ha. I have a pic. Nowhere in Oakland are you safe, happened at like 10:00 in mont clair!! WTF!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skib


      lol what do you mean WTF? its Oakland man. I was in the Oakland greyhound bus station, skinny white kid with a big ass mowhawk in a fur hood parka lolz interesting days

    3. Stupid_fast


      True, but still up in the rich area... I guess it was just not very expected. More WTF in the sort of "why the f* would you steal some martial arts kickbags worth $40" type WTF.

      Still I know my bro should not have kept that stuff in his car, ect. w/e. Time to build an alarm system for my garage.

    4. jefe de jefes

      jefe de jefes

      Oaktown! Can't wait to go back. Just paid my season tickets yesterday. Woot!

  4. Forgot to upload this... Spotted a few weeks ago at vals burgers. Spotted it once before there also. And spotted a red 521 in concord(near fry's electronics), didn't get a pic. Then spotted this blue 280z in Lafayette, Yes I was in the passenger seat of a honda. Then got some help pulling my t/o bearing at kragans in oakland from a guy who owns a 240, says he is building a stroked a L for it. said he took it to JCCS one year. Its a grey 240 I've seen there before. I didn't see it parked outside told him to check out ratsun though. Seems I've been a lot of places today... haha.
  5. I am pretty sure the celica had an LSD option, otherwise maybe an mk2 supra, cressida, or AE86 rear end would do nicely also.
  6. I has sawzall.

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      u haz a gooooood to-ill den

  7. Hello, I'm looking for some lowering springs for a JZX81/MX83 Cresta/mark 2/chaser/ and the best ones I've found for a daily are the RSR down springs. I've found them for $250 at RHDjapan.com , but the shipping is almost $150! Its an OK price for these, but I'm curious if anyone here knows of any place I can get them cheaper? What I have currently are just cut stock springs, and the ride/handling is fine but it bottoms out over ANY speed bump. It gets annoying having to go 1mph over speed bumps in a DD.
  8. I'm watching the new pirates movie now... Lol.
  9. According to my computer its December 02, 2005. I should be fine for another 5 years?
  10. Some MK2's, cressida's, and the celica GTS had the 7.5" LSD's apparently. I'm trying to find some info about the cressida stuff but the forum I get info from is down. I'd be interested in this swap if it works. What about some AE86 forums? Those are solid axle, and popular drift cars I'm sure there are some LSD options.
  11. Had a brief talk with a guy at kragan Orielly in oakland, he had a nice dark red/grey hood/driver door 280z, I think it had a V8 or something in it, was cool. And like an idiot, I didn't get a pic... There was also a sweet AE86..
  12. A friend sent this to me on facebook. ^_^
  13. Lets see... Go to auto parts store tomorrow, buy some parts, finish chassis and install engine, break in and get at least 1,000 miles on engine before next weekend and maybe i'll make autoX ...

    1. hellamikey


      sounds reasonable.

  14. ^Are you using 280zx fronts with stock 510 rear brakes? If so I heard your suppose to use the 280Z master, because it has a similar front 10" disc w/ rear drums. Rockauto has them for cheap, I think.
  15. About 15 minutes ago in SF... Same spot as before.
  16. Just bought some new tight jeans yesterday. :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. flatcat19
    3. Stupid_fast


      No, nobody got the tight jeans joke... lulz.

    4. Guest



  17. Oh, is this why my toyota only gets 19-20mpg when its rated at 22?
  18. Is this stuff in California? Is there anything I can do to prevent damage to older engines?(90's toyota and my datto)
  19. Aaand most electricity is produced by burning coal... does anyone have an efficient way to produce hydrogen yet?
  20. I just saw the f/s thread @ stanceworks for that car! http://www.stanceworks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17672
  21. How do I dispose of 5+ year old gasoline?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DAT510


      it has a metallic smell to it. it still lights on fire though. lol

    3. philcas1987


      Burn pile my friend

    4. Stupid_fast


      BRB, gonna go make some molotov's.

  22. +1. Don't wanna stereotype people, but if she drove an Audi...
  23. Edit, wrong thread, I need my coffee...
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