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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. fuck. must. stop. looking at cafe bikes!

    1. kaoss


      You should look at jet boats instead.


    2. RedBanner


      There 28+ old trail 90-110s in my back yard, they could be like your methadone treatments, just wipe em down when your done I touch them from time to time

    3. Skib


      i love cafe bikes

  2. all this canby business is makin me angsty...

    1. INDY510
    2. Blitz


      nah angst, cuz not only could i not go, I didnt even have a car that was drivable

    3. INDY510


      I;m bringing all 3 of my Datsuns next year then ... ollz

  3. Once again you know how to take ppls money...$12 comin your way tmro for the jap datto and 240z heart :D edit: ok, in that case, change the 240z to S30?
  4. called the tailor to see if my suit was ready, called to register for jury duty, called friend to say happy bday, too many calls. oh and I have jury duty from july 5 to 8 lol laaame week

  5. if this is brian...u gay :fu:
  6. fuu I miss grilling, best burgers I had I made on a cast iron plate, in a cast iron stove with hickory wood fire.

    1. Z chopper

      Z chopper

      up you to Bison burgers grilled on a cast iron grill over a hickory or sugar maple wood fire

  7. maybe someday ill make it to canby...

    1. Jennifer
    2. Blitz


      lol doesnt help when the mo-bile is in pieces, and in socal

  8. why does my boss's peta/vegan/instigating/yelling/feminist/hippie wife have to work in the same dept as me??!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blitz


      ^ you should burn in hell for saying that lol. but seriously tho, she has to make an effort to be in ppls business, and then criticizes them saying "its just cuz youre men" ...

    3. Skib


      thats what they do ^^

    4. Jennifer


      hahahh...never met a lady like that yet..feeling kinda sorry for you then.

  9. That was awesome to look through man! :thumbup:
  10. gf wants to move from lb to san diego...umm...lol with what job missy?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blitz


      well shes living with me and wants me to move with her, and i say HAHAA

    3. Shagy


      eh..might want to have an exit plan. LB was nice. well not where I moved to...I think I like SD more though. but I was B/R there.

    4. bananahamuck


      My girl friend said she wanted to move closer

      but i told her that might piss my wife off..

  11. I....wait, what is this? I don't even....:blink:
  12. fuck. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I'm BLUE
    3. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      jungle love oeoeo

    4. DatWifey


      Fifteen bucks, little man. Put that shit in my hand!

  13. is there anything good in seattle? looking at random places to live for now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blitz


      lol im just lookin at places to live, and my gf's sister lives in seattle so thats why it was brought up

    3. ryknot


      Some of the best Techno on the west coast!

    4. ryknot


      Some of the best Techno on the west coast!

  14. I think a prime example of honda drivers would be that whole honda tech event, ykno..."get the fawuk out mah carrrrrrr" edit: found one video (of many), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDdIufqV_M&feature=player_embedded
  15. sounds like a project from a high school film class
  16. I really don't know about $2500 for the condition its in, but he says hes flexible http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/cto/2405207535.html
  17. Iunno, here in Long Beach, its not that easy to find used 14 or 15 inch tires
  18. Ive been reaaallly looking at cafe bikes lately, espically since my motor is being rebuilt...

    1. Laecaon


      I think they are cool, but only as much as in style and not much function.

    2. Blitz


      I suppose, but if you think about it, what is function of a motorcycle, other than to get places? I figure as long as it has the basics, lights, signals, etc. IMO bikes are pretty much form in function

  19. I'm sure theres something worse, but having to be at work while youre sick is pretty bad I'd say

  20. Just heard about that too...so sad. Now, wheres that footage of Wrestlemania 3...
  21. I cant find my birth certificate right now but.... Matthew Pxxxxxxx, born May 21, 1988. 6:06PM. Singlehandedly brought about the end bitches! :fu: But seriously, one of the articles I was reading about this said something along the lines of "...by using an equation of his own creation..." OK, done, stopped reading from there.
  22. just watched an awesome movie that I havent seen in a long time...there coming to get you...barbara

    1. Guest


      Shaun of the Dead? lolz.

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