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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Yes there is a dually adapter. I've seen them on here for sale before, so it might help to post a WTB in the appropriate section. BTW, Welcome! Be sure to share some pictures with us!
  2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-620-ute-Pickup-Truck-parking-signal-light-NEW-/360445923170?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item53ec404f62&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/NISSAN-DATSUN-BLUEBIRD-610-620-PICKUP-FRONT-PARKING-TURN-LIGHT-LAMP-72-79-75-/230885273918?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35c1d5b13e&vxp=mtr
  3. Cheap ballasts will also do that, but it's not likely your problem.
  4. That car is way to big. America needs to loose some fucking weight, so we can get our cool cars back. They're just getting bigger and bigger. Datsun > ANY Nissan
  5. "This posting has been deleted by its author." what did i miss?
  6. I used to go out of the way to help a customer, but after they all started selectively listening to my advice and screwing crap up, I've given up. They get their parts and good customer service, but I don't go out of the way for anyone anymore. Especially with all the ungrateful fucks. Next time they usually expect you to do the same thing, and I just don't have time to do that anymore. For example: We have a $700 Autometer tool to test batteries, starters, and alternators on the car. It's pretty cool. However, if a battery fails a load test, it won't run a starter/alternator test. Pretty stupid if you ask me. Customer comes in, battery lights on. Grab a voltmeter because they can't pass a load test. 12.2V. I told them there alternator wasn't charging and that they were likely going to replace the alternator. HOWEVER (this is the part they didn't want to listen to) they needed to take it to a shop to verify that, since some cars have a fused charging system, and there are other possible causes. They came back 3 days later raising hell and making all kinds of threats because they have the shop install an alternator, and 'it ended up being the battery.' Right. Autozone gives 'em a free battery and tells them to kick rocks. Retail sucks. But hell, it's a job and it pays money.
  7. What in the actual fuck. People like that leave me... uh... confused. Someone stop the planet. I want to get off.
  8. Yeah, your cat could be stuck under the hood rattling around in the fan blades. Be careful, they're usually pretty pissed off at that point.
  9. Urban Dictionary definition of Autozoner. Literally 100% accurate :rofl: An employee of the Autozone Corporation that is expected to know everything about your shit green Plymouth Voyager or your decaying Nissan Maxima that has thirty different engine codes, a missing fender, and various dings and dents covering its decrepit body. An autozoner must be a first-class bullshitter to conjure such ridiculous answers to questions like “what the fuck do you mean I can’t get a valve cover gasket for my Daewoo Lanos?!” or the ever so popular caliper bracket for any given jalopy. Autozoner’s whole heartily love to hear the words “I’m going to Advance” or any of the other incompetent auto part’s stores to get these ill-bred people out of our store. Autozoner’s dread the question “well, can you just come out and look at it?” just take the fucking thing to an actual mechanic you inconsiderate fuck-up.
  10. metalmonkey47

    620 Down

    Seriously! You're slackin mang!
  11. Go to your local Napa and they probably have one local. Clutch is pressed onto the water pump, so you need a new one of those. If you need the 'blades', you're in the right place.
  12. Don't do it!! It sounds really interesting, but think of removing it all down the road and all the residue it leaves behind.. not to mention holding water, like everyone else mentioned. Last thing you want to do is speed up the cancer.
  13. DO NOT BUY YOURS FROM AUTOZONE. ^^Coming from an Autozone employee. Go to Napa, and buy it for near the same price. You get Exedy which is 10xxxx better then the cheap Valeo that Autozone sells. This is my warped Autozone clutch after less then 1 year. Can you see where friction material never touched the flywheel? Piece of crap. Took this one out about a week ago.
  14. Better get used to it, it only gets worse from here.
  15. Screw that. I've seen the quality of some of these kits before. Maybe not those exact kits, but I ordered a timing kit for my old Honda CB175 and ended up throwing it away because what I had was in better shape. Not to mention the gaskets were cheap quality as well and leaked pretty bad. IMO, the only thing good that comes from Mexico is taco's and beer.
  16. So this whole shit hit the news now about Autozone firing the employee in Virginia for going out to his car (sneaking out the back) and grabbing a gun out of his car, running inside, and holding it to the robbers head to protect his co-worker that was being assaulted by the armed robber. He's an airforce vet, and they fired his ass because it violated policy. Of course, as Autozone stated I'm no aloud to have an opinion, because of the outcry of customers boycotting Autozone for it. (whoopty fucking doo) I just love when they come into the store being a dick to ME about it. Wanting their rewards cards deactivated and giving me shit. I mean, Jesus tapdancing Christ, I'm not the corporate pencil pusher that fired the guy, why do you have the be the dick to US? We're the people that are being affected by this, you should be on OUR side.... Now to top that off, now that Autozone's firing people for that and advertising that on the news, my store 20 minuets down the road got robber last night at gun point by some gangster with a 12 gauge. Probably because he knows now we're an easy hit since we can't do shit. It's time to find a new job.
  17. Looking good sir. I've been looking for an excuse to do the same thing, but can't get motivated. Maybe this will kick my ass into gear.
  18. metalmonkey47

    New pics

    What color? I like the white on it.
  19. http://www.fordofkirkland.com/autocheck.aspx?vin=HLB210584508 ^^Looks like he failed emissions back in 2000. Wonder why???
  20. Thinking of selling the truck....or storing it for the winter.....

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      I got some dry barns if you really need to store it.

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      I got some dry barns if you really need to store it.

    4. ripetomatoes


      You can store it here... :D

  21. Yup, I'm sure if you call Aero they'll make you a set. Just get some Chevy rally's in a 15x8 or 15x10 and call it even :thumbup:
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