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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I talked to a customer about a Taurus the other day. Obviously didn't know what he was talking about, and obviously must have been drunk as shit. --*Sir, is that DOHC or OHV?" "I don't know It's a V6 3.0L." --"Can you get me the 8th diget of the VIN number so I can make sure we're getting you the right part?" Long story short, took me nearly 10 minuets to get the damn vin number, Apparently he doesn't know how to count to 8, so I just got the whole vin.
  2. Only one currently known to exist. I haven't seen evidence of any other surviving badges and find it impossible to even find a picture of another one of these. The 'P' and right side mounting tab are both broken off, but that's negligence on my part. It is for the most part in good shape other then pitting and flaking. It looks like it's made out of some kind of soft pot metal or aluminum. All the mounting tabs are present. I don't have to sell it, but I could use a little extra money to catch up on bills from the last few weeks of missed work. I have no idea what something like this is worth so I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say $100 OBO. The price is flexible and I want to put emphasis on OBO. I just want to see this go to someone who will take care of it and hopefully help it last. _DSC0131 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0132 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0133 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0134 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  3. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/996-jason-grey-info/ ^^Click, read, build.
  4. Okay, you guys need to cut it out with the politics BS. That shit is really getting annoying.
  5. Smacked a possum a few weeks back going about 30mph. I went right over the top and heard a loud BANG. I'm guessing he hit his head on my crossmember going under, because when he came out from underneath he was spinning in circles and running around. Wasn't really sad. I was laughing my ass off.
  6. Dang man! Hope all gets better. Take it a day at a time. Edit: Just hold on tight man, it gets hard but trust me, it always gets better. Keep positive and keep your head up, we're all rooting for you.
  7. Bump. Doubt I'll be there. Too bad, your 240 is a sight for sore eyes :thumbup:
  8. A blonde was driving home after a football game, and got caught in a really bad hailstorm. Her car was covered with dents, so the next day she took it to a body shop. The shop owner saw that she was a blonde, so he decided to have some fun. He told her just to go home and blow into the tail pipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out. So, the blonde went home, got down on her hands and knees and started blowing into her car's tailpipe. Nothing happened. She blew a little harder, and still nothing happened. Her roommate, another blonde, came home and said, "What are you doing?" The first blonde told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow into the tailpipe in order to get all the dents to pop out. Her roommate rolled her eyes and said, ... "HELLLLO" "You need to wind up the windows"
  9. He had it there for about 20 minuets in park, (tail lights you see.) His wife was inside shopping and he was there the entire time I was. Funny how people forget to drive in the rain, when all it does is rain up there.
  10. Are these new 'reman' calipers? I've seen all kinds of funky stuff happening with reman calipers right off of the shelf everywhere I've gone.
  11. I see dumb shit like that ALL the time in ATL. Worst drivers on the planet. My mom and I were headed to AZ so we could get some stuff for her KIA. On the way down Hurt (appropriately named) road, some African (not calling him black, he's literally African) asshole that works from BS real estate company were pulled half ass into the grass on the side of the road, with the rear of their car poking out into the road forcing traffic to cross the center line into oncoming traffic to get around, on a blind corner. We honked as we went around, and got a honk back, and the finger... WTF??? Then theres this guy... at the grocery store. Parks next to a clearly marked sign facing the wrong directing........ I almost wanted to knock on his window and ask him if he was drunk, blind, or stupid because either way he shouldn't be driving.
  12. I'm gonna have to check my fast idle. The choke operation is for sure 100% as described above. I'm gonna go off a limb here and guess that it's gotta be carb jetting, because I still have the stumble when it's cold, and up to temp once choke is out of the question. I'm gonna go pull the carb apart in a few min and mark the jet sizes and see what I have.
  13. metalmonkey47

    620 Down

    That's great man!!!
  14. AMAZING! I wonder if they got the L20 that we got here?
  15. How common are 810's?

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      In our neck of the woods? I know of one Wagon in NC and I'm sure there's a few sedans. An 810 wagon would be the shiznitz

    2. RedBanner
    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      I'd say there pretty common but definitely puts them in one of the rarest Datsuns I see them for sale on CL every 1 month & half to 3 months but there always far from me. Just 4 weeks ago saw a 78 810 wagon that was for sale on CL for $3500 them waited about a week and the price dropped to $1000 it was super straight nice paint but it was in L.A. That's like a 12 hour drive and being broke could make it.

  16. Yes mike, mines set. I spent the last few days dialing it in when cold to find the sweet spot. My high idle is around 1600ish. (No tach, so just guessing by ear) Idle is set at 900. <That is confirmed. Correct me if I'm wrong mike, but if my carb was jetted too rich, with the choke closed (less air=richer) it would potentially run poorly until the choke opens, right? I just figure, it sounds like a fuel issue. I know very little about jetting. It just smells rich when driving, but no smell when idling. I try to get away with just jumping in it and driving away, but it hates that. Even when warmed up, if it's around the 30's-50's outisde, it wants to stumble sometimes when I give it a little gas after coasting down a hill.
  17. L20B W/ U67 Matchbox dizzy Weber 32/36 Electric Choke 13* Static timing 160 average compression This is not a new development, but I notice it a little more then usual. Anytime the ambient temp outside is below about 50 degrees, it hates running. It's fine once it warms up to operating temperature, but until it gets there it tends to want to stumble and choke when accelerating. I have to slip the clutch excessively when it's cold to keep the clutch engagement from stalling the engine. When warmed up, it's perfect and doesn't complain when i step on the gas. Just takes off like it should. It idles fine and I've gotten the choke adjusted perfectly. Everything on the ignition system is either brand new, or less then 5K miles on wear. Last week i pulled the rotor and dizzy to clean the contacts and saw no change. Plugs are recent NGK Platinum, @ .45 gap. I really want to say that it has to do with jetting, but I haven't yet bothered with jetting the carb and I feel like it's running a little rich. No idea what it came off of before but I want to say that the main jet and secondary jet were BOTH 140 when I looked last. (Not 100%) I feel like I'm leaving something out.. hmmmm
  18. I just buy the pre-molded from Autozone. Running 2 gauge + and -. Trucks never had a problem starting.
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