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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Amateur :rofl: I have at least 30+ so far, and only ever owned 1 real one. lol
  2. If he does that, then he'll be hungry. lol On another note, always keep the woman in check. It's important she respects your hobby. They're more then just old cars to us, thats why we're here man. My GF knows how much I love Datsuns. She calls my car a POS sometimes and gets mad at it, but so do I. In the end, she still respects that it's something I love. Hell, she might even be getting her own 620 soon ;). She went as far as telling me earlier that I needed a rising sun on the hood. She learns quick!!!
  3. What kind of condition is the driver fender in?
  4. It's Friday, Friday, gonna get drunk on Friday.

    1. INDY510


      maybe in the east coast...



      wait.... no

    2. erichwaslike


      it is indeed thursday

  5. First thing I thought when I saw the commercial :rofl:
  6. Seriously? How many Datsun's do you have dana? You're holding out on me! If you find out who the fucks are that did it or get a lead, make sure to let me know. I'll round up a crew. God I hate Georgia. Sucks that it was probably some low life kids (my age) with nothing better to do and no regard for others property. Hearing that this happened locally makes me wanna put lexan windows in my car and a camera security system in it. Hearing about shit like this LOCALLY really pisses me off. Makes me wanna roundhouse kick the little shits. I was NOT raised like this. Makes me wonder how they were raised. Sorry to hear about it man. If he's got lot insurance, it shouldn't cost him anything to get it taken car of for you. Not 100% sure how it works though. You should post pics.
  7. Fuckyeah! reminds me of my youth when people didn't know me and thought they could fuck with me Got my ass kicked one of the times though, cuz those cheap little basterds thought 3 on 1 was funny. At least one went to the hospital when I was done :rofl:
  8. that was one fast UTE!!
  9. you're a lifesaver man I'll have to remember that!
  10. Why would you do that to me? haha I keed! lol I'm totally out of it.
  11. cool dude! Glad I could help. I thought about extending the manifolds on mine and sticking them out the hood all badass style. Kinda Pumpkin style
  12. I did :rofl: for like 7 hours. What the hell are you still doing awake? btw... monkeygirl thinks you're mean ollz ya dick!
  13. My little brother (growing in the wide world of Ratsun!) came to me with an idea for a sticker, that I though about having one of the local decal shops make. It would read "Unleash the power of the sun." layed out on top of a rising sun. Seems kind of badass to me. Anybody up to photo shopping it together? I'd like to see a few different designs that I can take to the guy if they come out as good as I think. I'm no good with this stuff. Thanks! -mm47
  14. Ordered a clutch slave cylinder from Rock Auto, paid to have it shipped quick because my DD is down, and when I open the box it's the wrong damn thing!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. INDY510



      ALWAYS get a new copper washer where the brake line threads into the slave

    3. 68Datsun510


      Make sure your hose isnt leaking. I had a pinhole leak in the rubber line.

    4. metalmonkey47


      Got it! I just replaced the master and it;s 100% better.

  15. Not down here I see them from time to time on craigslist. 4x4 620 isn't uncommon. How bout this?
  16. I ran my A15 like that for a while without problems. I didn't really know until I had installed a multi spark ignition where timing was critical. You can rotate the distributor back a tooth, and that should give you more adjust ability. Not likely, since that's valve timing, not ignition timing. But lets see what Mike has to say i know nothing about the J engines.
  17. Badass man. Wish I coulda afford them. That's the car with the S2000 engine in it I saw some stuff on youtube in the past.
  18. :rofl: Even Charlie sheen wouldn't spend that much on it. LOOSING! The car looks neat as hell, but theres NO way anyone will pay $9500 for a car that's not hardly even considered a rolling chassis. It looks like it was slapped together for some pictures.
  19. WOW I though this was dead :rofl: Come on now, we all know this wasn't supposed to last this long
  20. WOWWW dave! I have GOT to get this kit! Too bad it's a bit out of the budget :( I'll assume it's compatible for the 210, correct?
  21. omg this Rebecca Black video makes me want to kill myself with Pantera music.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510


      Rse against McDonalds only serving breakfeast when I sleep

    3. Laecaon


      nah, just go to Jack in the Box.

    4. metalmonkey47


      I love pantera you ass! LOL


      New Rise Against is the shit.

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