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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I would have mentioned how "expensive" of a repair those parts are so you can justify asking less
  2. I want moar lower, but can't afford coilovers :( Should I just cut the springs temporarily??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PurePontiacKid


      just cut your springs, you will never regret going lower

    3. MicroMachinery


      Just because you're young doesn't mean you have to be foolish. Go with DTP's advice.

    4. metalmonkey47


      I will follow DTP's advice. I don't wanna fuck anything up. I'm gonna run to a junkyard and walk around until I can find some that will fit.

  3. I know how it feels sorting out the wiring. lol Just get a new radio and wire it in yourself. It's pretty simple. I did it on mine and it's soooo much cleaner. If you're ever around, PM me and we can meet up. Always nice meeting new datto people. There aren't many fanatics down here.
  4. HMMM..... where to start! 1. PO botched the wiring ALL over the car! He chopped it up. I'm still to this DAY finding wires that don't belong in some places and correcting them via wiring diagram. Theres a drain on the battery thats on the alternator signal I haven't found. When I got the car the charge light was off. Because the PO removed the bulb from the gauges 2. Stripped the interior. Seriously? Why in fucks name would you rip out all the interior trim and then try to sell the car? It wasn't worth what I payed for it. 3. The exhaust was hung with chicken wire and rattled all day long. 4. The timing was at about 40 degrees BTDC. And I wondered why I could never get the damn thing to idle right. 5. Over all the rusted areas, he totally destroyed it with large amounts of bondo. As I found yesterday, my car has more holes around the doors then swiss cheese. 6. Had vac lines all running together. Manifold vac on carb vac, emissions was all sorts of fucked up. 7. Chains tied to the front toe hooks. Wonder what those were for I'll add to this as I continue thinking. ETC...
  5. Haven't seen any BRE one around GA, but I'll post on other forums.
  6. Todays #1 poster was me. WIN

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      keep posting and don't stop!

    3. INDY510


      give me your password

    4. philcas1987


      Who cares. Kinda like girls who talk too much

  7. :rofl: Pumpkin, your mom rocks for being here!!
  8. Hello.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      Perfect as can be! (not)

    3. Jennifer


      haha can't be too bad, whats happen?

    4. metalmonkey47


      Nothing! lol thats why it sucked. Seemed like a reasonably booring day other then using the datto for hauling wood.

  9. Yup, you would need an L series 5 speed and a driveshaft to fit, but it will work. The block doesn't appear to be cracked, just the timing cover.
  10. ^^There ya go. Kinda huge, but it has to be so you can read it.
  11. Lemme go dig out my manual and see what If I can get them scanned in.
  12. Hey boss, add a poll so we can tally votes the proper way. I like 2 or 3.
  13. Leave it they are ITB's. Just curious what they're from. Some pictures that google pulled up do kind of look like them. Hard to tell though
  14. BUMP!! Anybody interested on meeting up and going for a drive anytime soon?
  15. Most bike carbs are the same or very simialar. They actually look nearly identical to my CVK40's, except the intake is round on yours, and oval on mine. Whatever they are, they're an old design.
  16. I keep having second thoughts about the Z22.... I really keep wanting an L20!

    1. MicroMachinery


      Better make sure what you want before you start spending.

  17. Local wanted like...$10 for some? IIRC. brand new are $16 through RockAuto when I last checked. I couldn't justify spending the money when it's only a few buck more for brand new ones. I don't use it much since I can reach stuff from the front, but I'll do it one day.
  18. http://saferoadmaps.org/ Wanted to provide you guys with this tool my dad gave me. He uses this while planning rides with his biker buddies. Basically is a map compiled with crash data and shows you which roads have higher crashes and in some cases, gives you information on the crashes in particular. It's good if you do a lot of drives for fun, but want to bypass dangerous intersections and such. Or if you're just interested in seeing if your area is safe.
  19. OH! lol sorry. I was wondering how you knew the rear end was sagging. I'm gonna order some one of these days. I just don't see the need for spending the money at the moment when theres so many more things on the car that need attention.
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