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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. It's the girlfriends bday <3 what should I do today?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jennifer


      haha okay, well you have a great day!!

    3. metalmonkey47


      Thanks Jenn!! You're a WiNNER! ollz

    4. metalmonkey47


      Thanks Jenn!! You're a WiNNER! ollz

  2. So that Alum bright really does work huh? I've never seen anyone use it, but I eye it from time to time on the shelf. How do you think it'd do on mags? Since aluminum polish and mag polish are the same, I imagine it must do something, in theory, correct?
  3. SOOOOO badass and clean! He came tugging up to work right when I got back. It's a '84 720 with an LZ and a Weber. Guy said he paid $900 bucks for it. $500 for the Weber. Kinda pissed when I told him I only paid $100 for mine It's badged Nissan, but he said the title and registration said Datsun. Super clean. Interior was immaculate. Paint was rough, but hot damn that thing was cool inside.
  4. Sure man, I just typed up all the info to someone else. I'll forward it over to you. It's cute right? lol Fuck the belt. That bitch always does burnouts on the pulleys. Stupid Autozone crap. I'm going to Nissan for one.
  5. Any obvious body damage, rust, botched ghetto wiring, anything that doesn't look factory, and RATS. No joke. Welcome to Ratsun.
  6. Did you check the vac advances and other vac diaphragms for leaks?
  7. Why isn't this under the wheels section? Oh wait...
  8. I really don't need another incident like that one time
  9. huh? You've had one too many drinks :rofl:
  10. Best viewed in HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoUZDTeVWsM
  11. jackass 3 is funny as hell!! torrent ftw!!

    1. danfiveten


      Fav part is the poo cocktail supreme.

    2. metalmonkey47


      that part was fucking DISGUSTING

  12. It's actually not too bad. I'll PM you more info on the setup and manifold in a day or so when I got my camera and carbs together to take some pictures. I payed about $120 for the carb setup.
  13. Wasn't that truck wrecked?? I hadn't realized it got fixed if it is
  14. I honestly think they would look pretty good on a Datsun. Depending on the Datsun and other body mods of course ;)
  15. They even gave me a free chrome exhaust tip And it's got a rolled edge that just looks damn good on the car
  16. Got my exhaust hung, welded, and bent for $80 today! Guys did a great job too. It's a lot quieter, less smelly inside, and better looking. I need to take a vid nao.
  17. Welcome man! SUPER nice 210 I really like it
  18. Check your grounds!!!! I had a similar problem a week or so back where I went to start my car and when I turned the key, EVERYTHING went out. Hell, the increased resistance from the corroded ground even blew my fuse on my ignition control circuit. After playing around I found the ground wire was corroded at the battery clamp. I cut and stripped back the wire and it was immediately evident that was the problem. It was easy to find since I just had to grab a multi meter and check for 12V at the ground.
  19. 5K at most. I would NEVER offer any more if the person is too lazy to type a proper add and get the right pictures up. Chances are, they took all kinds of shortcuts building the car. It wouldn't surprise me since they're even too lazy to write up a 10 minuet add listing the mods.
  20. Got an ENTIRE exhaust run today bent welded and hung for $80.

  21. Change of plans! Not re-jetting the Weber, putting on the CVK40's!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      FUCK MPG, I would rather have power. I don't have enough power to justify low mileage.

    3. MicroMachinery
    4. bananahamuck


      That crazy looking carb setup you showed last night...That would be way cool..

  22. lol I kinda expect to spend time on it, but I spent about a week getting a door sanded. The lacuer is SUPER tough. The paint stripper literally did nothing more then just turning the paint to gum and soften it. Then I had to wait for it to dry back on and sand it off
  23. It tried it, but it doesn't cover a large enough area and strip quick enough. I also don't have a compressor rated for constant usage.
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