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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I'm down man You free anytime this week on Wednesday and Thursday? I'd be happy to drop by and we can asses it and see what you wanna do about the swap.
  2. I want your honest opinion on what you guys think I should do. My A15 is tired, worn out and ready to sleep for a while. It's a DD, so I need to get it sorted out pretty quick. I've traced down 3 engines that are good candidates for my car. Although I'm at a crossroads as to which would be the best for the moment. Here's my reasoning: L20B: $300, but not complete. It was previously owned by Braden, so who knows what happened to it. IIRC, it's be re-ringed but needs a valve cover, oil pan, and intake/exhuast. L motors aren't cheap on the east coast. Z22: $100 the engine actually came out of a 210. Although, it's only a shortblock with 200000 original miles on it. My plan was to use an L head on it. I've read through the pages on doing it multiple times and think that this would be fun. I've never build a "frankenstein" motor before though, so I'm not sure I'm up to starting now. I don't know that I have the knowledge to get the engine built properly without incident. L16: $150 for a complete engine. Needs gaskets, but a much better candidate as a temporary swap then the others, since it's already complete and needs small things to run. Not to mention once I get the 210 set up for an L motor, the others would be a cake walk. It's a cheap, quick solution that still leaves me room for improvement, plus a mild performance increase. I can build another L motor over time and spend a night swapping it over once it's already set up. At the moment, I'm kind of partial to the L16 since it's a cheaper option with potential and I'm more comfortable with this one then any others. I just want to know what your opinions would be.
  3. I've calculated about 22mpg
  4. ^^This. but then again.... all I can do is slow in my car :rofl:
  5. Mike, you were right on I pulled the wires off today to put on some new Accel 8mm wires, and when I pulled the wire off the coil, lots of nasty dirt and rust fell out. i grabbed some steel wool and di-electric grease and cleaned it up. Now it's not showing anymore problems
  6. Drivers side. Need it straight with no rust/damage for the square headlight model.
  7. Rotor is brand new as of about 4 months ago. Only about 500 miles on it. Cap appears to be good. No obvious corrosion. Not sure about the history on the wires though. All I know is they're bosch. I'll probably replace them tomorrow.
  8. I've noticed in my 210, occasionally when I leave work or go for a drive, when I pull away in the first two gears around 3500rpm I start to experience some pretty severe missfiring for a few seconds. It's not a matter of the engine being cold, because if I was to let it sit for 5 minuets after going for a long drive (20 minuets or so) when I start it up and go for a drive, I still have a problem. Now, I know problems usually occur when something changes. The only things I've done recently was set the timing to 10 degrees, new plugs, fuel filter, and re-adjust the valves. None were really very recent (all within a month or so) but maybe it's relevent? Any ideas? This engine really needs to go It's getting to be a headache. i wish the PO took better care of her. EDIT: forgot to mention it only does it once. Once It missfires and acts like an ass, it never does it again for the rest of the drive.
  9. She had really nice parents. I got home and she had added me on facebook BTW, she's 16 so GTFO!
  10. TTT. Spoke to 70dime last night and he's in.
  11. It was the Cobb Barret PKWY meet near town center mall. Probably closer to 100-200 people showed up. Down for a meet <<< Unfortunately, I'll be out of town the 2nd. I'm gonna be all the way up north in Indiana! Bad timing I suppose?
  12. Copied and pasted from another forum. I think you guys'll get the gist of it. Went to Barret in the Datsun last night. Haven't been out there in over a year. Met up with a couple friends and walked around with my brother. Not sure who went, but if you were there around 10-11 o'clock you saw the Ambulance and Police. My brother and I walked up RIGHT after an accident where a douche in a Mazda cut off 3 young girls in a Ford Ranger that were trying to park. She over corrected (from the sounds of it) and tried to dodge a Corvette that was parked with a Viper and wound up burying the truck into a light pole. The cunt in the Mazda decided to NOT be a real man, parked his car and walked away. I wouldn't have cared as much besides the fact that the kid just kinda walked away from the accident. He didn't even stop to ask if they were okay. :facepalm2: Ass. It was a nearly new truck. The driver and passenger airbags blew. The chick in the passenger seat had her knees on the dash when it blew, and the girl in the middle just had a lap belt and ended up smacking the rear view mirror with her forehead. Hadn't even realized that at all until we saw the spider cracks on the window. She didn't even know it happened. The cops were your typical Cobb county assholes. they even yelled at my brother and I for trying to back up the girl that was in the accident. The kid was being a TOTAL dick about it. His friends showed up and started BS'ing to the cops like they were there. We told the cops they weren't even here, and the cops didn't wanna hear it. The paramedics didn't even physically check out the girls. They asked how they felt, looked half ass at the bumps and bruises and left. One girl went to the hospital for a concussion. AFTER the ambulance left. Morons... I've lots faith in our local police officers and medical personnel. Pictures from the night. Crash at the bottom.
  13. Can you cross train tracks in that thing?
  14. Hitch, remember, I'm always down to help. If you decide to fix it yourself, give me a call. And when you wanna do some dime work Always down to help a fellow Ratsuner
  15. Sweet man! mines the 11th. I'll have to remember that ;) +1 reps! Good trollin!
  16. lol the high school days mates! Back when I was a wild asshole. Now I'm mello as hell. I'll be 20 During Canby.
  17. You can go to the DMV and get a form from them to have it re-registered. In most states, it requires that a police officer comes out and runs through the car and runs the vin to confirm it's not stollen. Few marks on the paper and DONE! I had it on my '73 Honda and it took just a few minuets. Hell, I even had the 1976 plate on it. He ran the vin, plate etc and NOTHING came back. He said they couldn't even find it ever being registered in the state I was cleared though and when I sold the bike, the paper for the DMV went with it.
  18. Called my local Nissan. The guy at the parts counter has a 620 and is on Ratsun! Hasn't been active in a year tho. hmm...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      lol!! I went and got my headbolts from him, and mentioned Ratsun and he said he had met you Charlie. Super cool.

    3. hitch


      Which store, I've only talked with Nissan parts guys who let their jaw drop and eyes glaze when you say Datsun.

    4. metalmonkey47


      Its the thorton road store.

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