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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I revved my A15 to almost 6500 with some port work. It was freakin runnin too!
  2. I ordered the first one in a sticker. Hellz yeah interwebz!
  3. And balls. Those aren't cheap..... Also, start reading up OP. You're talking about some huge modifications. http://datsun1200.com/modules/mediawiki/index.php?title=Datsun_1200_encyclopedia
  4. Well fuck me, I was taking a shit this morning, looking thought Garage Bluebird to order some stuff and everything's out of stock... I'm thinking, the fuck happened? Now I'm depressed. I feel like I've been wronged, you owe me a couple baggies of green stuff... don't slack, I know what you guys have there in WA. Anyways, people often forget how hard it can be to deal with business issues on top of family/work/life issues. It's easy to examine a problem over the internet, and rail someone for a couple lost dollars over the last few months. People just get really upset over a non-essential 'item' and a little wait. Shit, I understand being upset about not getting something you paid for, but Christ, someone threw gasoline on this fire with that last thread after the FB drama. Tristin has always been one of the more respected Datsun guys in my eyes, don't really know him too well, but you can tell a lot about someone's character by how they conduct themselves online. (Easy to run your mouth on the interwebz) Tristin, good on ya man. I hope whatever got in your way is handled and you can put your focus back into bettering your business. FWIW I think you did an excellent job executing it to this point, shit happens and it gets tough sometimes, but I think you've done a good job of trying to set it right.I have no problem spending some money with you when everything is A-OK again. EDIT: Shipping is a bitch. I can't tell you how many times I've been fucked by USPS, so keep in mind... sometimes what 'seems' like BS on the part of the shipper, may be what he's communicated by the shipping company. USPS bounced around some parts I shipped to a Ratsun'er from one side of the US to the other, and sent it right back to me. TWICE. I also lost a few essential parts in the mail at one point, tracking just stopped, and they never tracked it down. After some discussions with the post master general they showed up with a check for my lost money at my front door. Hell, I even sent a check out to DTP once using my banks online checking, took MONTHS to get a replacment after the original showed up fucked up. I called the bank probably 10 times trying to get a status update. Turns out I was getting the runaround. One day I managed to get someone helpful to handle it and it was fixed in a week. Moral of the story, it's not always the shippers/sellers fault.
  5. That is not a $7000 Z by any means. Maybe half that. Strike that. I finished reading the ad. I wouldn't give him 3K for that car.
  6. Picked up an L28 for free. Sweet!!

  7. With a crank trigger IGN, you can run the more recent MSD gear, with adjustable timing curves. Tunable timing from your laptop in the passenger seat.
  8. Why would you let it rust away.... not work on it..... and not sell what's good to go on other cars? You are literally letting that Datsun rust into the ground with no chance of surviving.
  9. A good place to start is an oil change.from there, you could always do the obvious. Fuel filter, spark plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and give her a shot.
  10. If youve fixed a Chevy 350 you can fix a Datsun. Its not really all that much different, except the cams on top and there's 50% less cylinders.
  11. Oil has a tendency to collect dirt. It will work, but only for so long. I use spray can white lithium grease on all my sticky parts. No issues on any of my rigs in the last 5 years
  12. Yes the Autozone ones will work.
  13. Start it for a moment, pull spark plug wires one at a time, (reconnect before moving on to the next one) see if the knock goes away. (rod bearings)
  14. I drove an L28ET maxipad once. It was pretty ballsy.
  15. WOW You've been on my FB for the last year it seems...and I just now figured out who you are here. EPIC FAIL. Anyways, been following this all along, it's gonna be sweet! Can't wait to see the finished project.
  16. Theres a whole website. Double win!!! http://www.girlsinyogapants.com/
  17. Did you check to make sure you had 12V at the idle cut solenoid? It's facing the passenger side of the car, where the primary idle jet goes. Without that, there's no fuel delivery at idle.
  18. L20 block. 86mm bore A87 head 1 5/8th intake ports w/ larger valves Z22 crank Z20S long rods (6'' long) .475/.260 cam 2.25'' exhaust weber 38/38 OR Z car SU's Beastly motor. Get to work!
  19. 240Z might have a rod knock...Well fuck

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jputz
    3. Kirden


      Wasn't there a nice I6 on the georgia datsun page? Looked like it would be a beast of a setup.

    4. EastBay521
  20. hardcore money saving mode. need 240 parts!

  21. Wasn't it you that got me last year? Or were you hanging out with Skib one night when he drunk dialed me? I've forgotten... there have been SO many
  22. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You know this is the first year since I joined Ratsun that i was not drunk dialed during canby?
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