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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Wait are we talking about noodz of my ex's or Datsuns? Wait wrong forum....
  2. Thanks guys. My mom actually likes it alot. She actually wants to fuckin drive it. THE FUCK MOM? This car has gotten me laid, true story. How backwards from gay is that?
  3. You can't get rid of me that easy! :thumbup: Just dropping in to say hey. I've been so busy the last year I've barely made a post and don't want you guys to feel left out. I still own a Datsun although our relationship has been a little rocky. For the first time in 5 years (since I started driving) I'm not DD'ing a Datsun. I bought a 2006 Mini Cooper S JCW for a couple small Datsun's cost. My Z has been sitting getting a little attention here and there. Sadly, I will be selling her soon as I don't have time for her, nor a place to store her at this junction in my life. Feels crazy hitting the ripe young age of 23 (24 next month) and all of my youth has been spent working on Datsun's, and now I'm looking at going through a period of not owning one. I'm not even 25 yet and already own my dream car. I know one day I'll kick myself for selling my S1 Z car but I know right now it will get a much better home with the guy I've been talking to. He's got a lot of money in his pocket and plans for a full resto. Races SCCA in his 240Z, and wants one to keep for the rest of his life. I know good owners are about as hard to come by as Datsun's this clean so I figured no one would be a better owner for Lucy then him. Even if I could find somewhere to store it I know by the time I get back to it I'll be in over my head, and I respect my Z far to much to let her do what so many others have done: rot. Anyways enough about that. What have I missed? Shoutout to those of you who remember my last two Datsuns.
  4. Cool little 4 page read. keep it up mang.
  5. This is the coolest idea ever.
  6. Doesn't viagra come in a box??
  7. MM Update: The days are long and the nights are hard. Something like that, maybe the other way around. MM still has a Datsun but now he bought a rolling vagina with 4 wheels. Introducing........ the new and improved.................. Dr.Pepper drinking................. women loving......................... bieber hair flipping....................... ride of 2015........................... The top down, Katy Perry blasting, I-didn't-get-what-I-want-for-christmas supercharger whining Mini Cooper.
  8. I have 20 quarts of 20W50, 17 quarts of 15W50, and 3 Napa Gold 1515 filters sitting in the garage. Come by for a free oil change? :thumbup: :hug: :poke:
  9. For me, it started like this: 2009: At 17, bought a $500 210 hatchback. Joined Ratsun. 2011: Sold 210, bought a '75 620. 2013: Built/Bought and LZ stroker. Stuffed it in 2014: Sold 620, bought clean rust free 1970 240Z. I DD'd my Datsun's for 5 years. Payed for everything myself, worked my ass off. Many late nights fixing them, etc etc but long story short I busted my ass and earned my way to my dream car at 23 years old. No mommy and daddy funding, I payed my own bills and bought all of my own parts. Sadly fate may have me selling my 240Z to continue to improve my way of life, but the gist of the story is that if you work hard you can achieve. I now own a 2006 Cooper S John Works for my DD. I never needed crowd funding, or handouts.
  10. F yeah! I shoulda gotten on here sooner. Everyone needs more biebs in their life.
  11. Yes. It had to go somewhere. I'd drop the pan. Probably take you 30 min if you're taking your time.
  12. haha man... I've got something...I'll think about it. :rofl: Single life. I've actually gotten quite a few to share. Thanks Dmike! It's no good to lower it if they're gonna make it so goddamn slow. (weight reduction=single life)
  13. By the way, hardbody/soccer chick got fat :rofl: run for the hills!
  14. It's in the cards. You'll know more in your PM ;)
  15. :ninja: I've been single since December dudes! Guess it's asking too much for the lady to only date one dude at a time. :geek: I've also been slammed trying to balance between fixing my 240Z and dailying it, helping with my nephew, apartment hunting, and all that jazz. Job hunting...yeah that too. AZ sucks more dick then ever. I actually put my 240Z up for sale yesterday and have someone from PA interested. So by the weekend I'll probably be Datsunless. I need that Series 1 money in my pocket.
  16. Yo... I'm just gonna update his thread because he, like me, can't keep track of the interwebz anymore. This is some seriously cool shit.
  17. Interestingly enough, the 4x4 transmissions only run I think $800-900 for a warranted reman from most parts stores last I saw. Not sure how they're running so low.
  18. Looks like a SSS manifold. I had one identical... can't recall the casting... I think K14. Looks like that one was ground and polished.
  19. More weldporn that I forgot I took. LOVE these pictures. WeldPorn by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  20. Yeah, it went to a new owner. I bought the big cam LZ22 that was supposed to go in it and we stuffed it into my 620, then this car went to a new owner who put a Chevy V6 in it or something. Doubt OP even remembers he made this thread.
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