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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. WTF how did I miss this thread. And how is it not locked yet?
  2. OOps, phone auto correct . So you know a great deal about these motors eh? It uses a wet clutch correct? So I need a 10W-40 or 20W-50 that's not energy conserving (I think they all aren't). Do you know the oil capacity by chance? LOLOL No, I can't let this one fall off! I have to rely on both of them haha lol I wish it was an option. It was a spontaneous 'I need it gone by 8AM' kind of deal, so I hauled ass over and slid it in the back. lol it worked.
  3. So no update... I'm assuming it finally killed his computer?
  4. So it's official. USPS has lost 5 Datsun parts in the mail in the last year. Added two more to the list today.

    1. fastdadd


      some one on payroll must have a 510

  5. Unplug alternator and see if the squeeling halts. I had a guy with an old 22R Toyota come into work with a similar problem, and found that to be the issue. Don't know what caused the alternator to take a shit, but he took it home, swapped alternators, and called back to report that it was perfect. Not sure if this is your problem or not though.
  6. RacerX,, thanks for the info! I'm gonna look into that a little bit more when I have time to do so. GGzilla, now that you mention it, I haven't ever taken the time to verify my plug gap. The plugs are about 3 months old and clean. I have an MSD CDI ignition, so I/d imagine I should open up the gap a little shouldn't I?
  7. Install malwarebytes and run full scan in safe mode.
  8. LOLOL guys, she's not a ninth grader Shes a senior haha I gotta say, I'm quite happy with how her project turned out. Since I did it all :rofl:
  9. There is no sound like a big straight 6. Stands up the hairs on the back of my neck
  10. lolol at paying $55 for a yellowtop. I payed $35 for mine!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. philcas1987


      I paid 140 for a battery a third the size of those. Haha. Best battery I've ever owned. Better than an optima.

    3. Pumpkn210


      My red top was Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    4. H5WAGON


      My DieHard was free....its still going.


  11. Possible. Swap over the D50 springs over and see if problem ceases! My front's are cut 2 coils down with no bouncing or vibes.
  12. Reep going guys! Already picked a few out of the bunch, and we're working on the project right now.
  13. I'll ask, but if I get you one, please make sure no trees land on it :rofl: sorry, had to go there It no run yet :( Gotta see what kind of oil goes into the transfer case, get some 2 cycle oil, and mount the new coil. Then videos of dumb shit!
  14. 1975 Kawasaki Enduro ftw. New cafe project. I spent nothing on it, and all I had to do to get it was pull it out of the basement (where it's been kept since new)
  15. Guys it's not actually real, common now :rofl: Watch all the videos on the channel
  16. LOLOL Repo company took my brothers car in the middle of the night. Drug it all the way up the street

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shagy


      lol. If your bro didnt come off a as a douche it wouldnt be funny...but he did.


    3. bananahamuck


      Screeech chirp chirp sceeeech chirp chirp


    4. Skib


      hahahahaha. oics of skid marks!

  17. 70's Mopar is easily some of the coolest machines around in the era. I'd LOVE to have one.
  18. Going to pick up a new ride tomorrow...

    1. 510kevin


      is it still a datto??

    2. metalmonkey47


      Nope, but it's a mid 70's Jap crap, and free!


    3. metalmonkey47


      Nope! It's a garage kept thang! Orange paint even still looks great

  19. Cuz it's Fred Flintstones truck. No floorboards mate!
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