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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Anyone ever experienced it? I noticed it in stop and go traffic after hard braking when dicks were cutting me off several times. After a few minuets, my brakes were stiff as a rock, but I had very little stopping power. I almost considered going to DOT4 just for the hell of it...
  2. Like Mike said, there are literally no gains out of it, however I, like everyone else, love a clean engine bay. It will look a lot cleaner once it's all been removed.
  3. Hatch back to be exact. Anyone know who might carry these? I need literally all the seals. My quarter windows are leaking, and appear to be falling out, and my windshield and hatch both leak like mad from the hot ass weather around here. They're hard as a rock and brittle. I also need door seals
  4. Same kid?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaMr_5GA0os&feature=related
  5. Food poisoning is a bitch.

    1. bananahamuck


      I heard Taco Bell is cutting out the middle man

      they are going to start spraying the food directly into the toilet..




      Get well soon

    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      lorf ^^^ bananahamucks always good for lolz

    3. Rotary510


      pepto, alka seltzer and lots of toilet paper and mouthwash will help A LOT!

  6. Wow! One lucky kid! Glad to see he's enjoying himself Even cooler that he crawls out of a 510, just to get in an Indy car. Seems like most indy car owners drive something stupid like a ferrari
  7. Thanks man! They really look pretty sexy that color. Don't know if it matches the rest of the car, but fuck it!
  8. Whatchu lookin for bro? Need to share a story with us?
  9. Is it later yet? _DSC0345[1] by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  10. All I can say is, more power to ya! Either way it goes, at least one less Datsun will be going to the crusher for now. Make it your own, and enjoy the hell out of it. Just please, if this does go through, learn the cars limits. Don't push it, because you could kill this car pretty easy or worse, yourself.
  11. Oh, and started with this. It's primer. They're gunmetal grey now. More on that later. _DSC0334[1] by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  12. I have a fucking unicorn for my car. //swag

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dirtydiesel


      i gave it to her she returned it decapitated

    3. metalmonkey47


      Should have decapitated it yourself!

    4. bananahamuck


      so by


      you mean..




  13. Classy as fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk _DSC0312[1] by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  14. Just think I'll leave this here _DSC0312[1] by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  15. Any particular style mirrors you're looking for other then round?
  16. Look! It's Skibs old street fighter! cool!
  17. Might get a job working for Glock in assembly. AWESOME!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBanner


      if you get an in let me know when they hire, id move to work at an armory, even glock lol

    3. DAT510


      ewww Glock,,,,

    4. erichwaslike


      i was gonna say pocket enough lil parts then just buy the bigger stuff... or employee discount!!!!

  18. Function>Form right? I'd say it only makes sense to, since as mentioned it's just a miata and you can always get another hood.
  19. Interesting. I unhooked the "T" signal wire from the alternator because it has a drain on it (traced the harness and still haven't found it) so it wouldn't roast my battery while I go in and eat, and started it up to move for a second and noticed with it unplugged, the alternator still charges at 14V via my gauge. I checked it at the battery and it's all correct. What would cause this? I've never seen a car charge with the signal unplugged. I also noticed the my idle is more stable, it has a more power, and just feels better from every standpoint.
  20. I swear to god... who in the fuck made up the name Juggalo? That's the most retarded shit I've ever hear. It's like goth+emo+pussy=juggalo.
  21. Nice rides man! I used to have a '73 CB175 Cafe bike with 2K original miles on it, but sold it for Datsun parts. Regret the hell out of it! Anyways, welcome to Ratsun!
  22. lollllllll man, Fucking Judas rocks!

  23. Actually, I know a guy selling R1 throttle bodies, and I was interested in this myself.
  24. That's what I use, and I can vouch for it. You can buy it at most Napas.
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