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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Anyone ever used electrolysis on larger parts? I'm going to go buy a big plastic tub and rebar tomorrow and this weekend attempt using the electrolysis rust removal method on a very old Kawasaki gas tank. Any tips on larger items? I've only seen it used on small things like gears, headlight surrounds, etc.
  2. I has........... a new plate..... and........... MOAR MACHINE GUNZ!!!
  3. Say WHAAAAA? lol Ratsun > Autozone any day mate!
  4. lol not that netbook pos. I got the full size,. just don't remember the model lol
  5. We do, but you know the big R134A can with the hose attached? It's got the security sensor in the tag on the hose, so they take the hose off. But now we have security sensors on the bottom, but we NEED to figure out who did it.
  6. lol wut? I like my Acer Aspire. Never failed me yet, and I've had it for a year now. I also have an old early 90's Acer that still works lol
  7. Man, I'm sick of this booring life I lead. I wanna do something and go somewhere with my life. The same thing every day gets booring.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. .sunlover


      I'm in the most depressing part of the west side and still waaaaaay happier than you, they're right, way right.

    3. Monkeygirl47
    4. hitch


      Education > Work > Play

      Is my suggestion

  8. yaaaayyyyy I've finally done something mike considers lulzy. I need a beer and some tittes!
  9. Autozone says a big NO. They want us to just pay more attention. But we have lines out the door some nights and can do up to 10K in sales. Our carbs and stuff are locked in the office with display boxes. Our A/C stuff is literally in front of the counter. They're stealing big $35 cans and taking the fill hoses with the anti-theft tags off the top. We suspect it's some independent 'mechanic' walking out with it and selling it at lower prices. Actually, in this area thats a great possibility. For now we stuck anti-theft tags under the bottom where they won't know unless they look or walk out the door.
  10. Long story short, we have some no good lazy rotten thief stealing 18oz cans of R134A from my Autozone, and has managed to get away with 13 cans by hiding the fill hose/gauge attached behind the air filters. Sneaky little basterd tricked us and we didn't even realize it. It's been happening over the last month or so, and now we want to catch this fucker. So I'm employing YOU Ratsuners to come up with a lulzy way for me to sneakily find the little douche bag stealing cans from us, so we can lol at his demise.. READY... SET... GO...
  11. F bodies are awesome. If you can afford it, why not go for it? Who knows, maybe one day it'll be worth a monster amount and you can buy 300 Datsuns from it!
  12. Check with your local trans shop on the parts. I dunno where they might be found anymore. If it's a complete block, maybe $200-300?
  13. fixed You know where to find me skibbers. If you ever need a hand or a little cash to make it by, you got my number.
  14. Skib gone? What ever will we do without him? Ratsun won't be the same.

    1. flatcat19


      Fuckery resume!

    2. Laecaon


      not gone, on hiatus...

    3. RedBanner


      checked out...... cant leave.

  15. Skib, you know we don't all agree with this, but I wish you luck in your endevours. Have a blast forest gump!
  16. Nice! Assuming this is going on the LZ?
  17. Whaaaaa?? Who will perma ban the doosh bags?
  18. Thanks for the info! I'll pick some up at work tomorrow and fill 'er up. I might have to forward you a few more questions soon if you don't mind. This little bike is different to say the least. So I was down at some point? Dayum, the truth will set you free!
    1. NOTES...


      idk.. looks like the fire might have been cg... but if its true.. what a crazy thing..


    2. josh_t


      looks fake as a mug. lol

    3. hitch
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