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Status Updates posted by Rjawm

  1. Lulz, my last "update" was separate statements about that moment in time. Kinda telling though with how personal it was received.

  2. Fucking crybabies. And now back to not being on the forum again...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      Sounds like you're the one thats crying m8

    3. flatcat19


      There's a thread for that.

    4. mrbigtanker


      Never even seen his Tag before. Oh well.

  3. Thinking about package dealing one of my '85 720 KC's with a KA drivetrain for $1000 cash to someone that wants a project to finish. No drivetrain in the 720 currently, fully gutted but includes all the interior.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rjawm


      And it has BellTech drop spindles installed.

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      If only it was a 240sx KA...

    4. bananahamuck


      Would you be interested in selling just the yellow with red striped wire? Really need one to finish my project.

  4. What the hell is wrong with me...actually posting in threads with the intention of being helpful. I must have a fever or something.

    1. flatcat19
    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      The only remedy is more cow bell.

  5. So...How 'bout that weather?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. opalbeetle


      -35°F last Friday with forecast for +39°F Wednesday....wild swings here in Manitoba

    3. H5WAGON
    4. KoHeartsGPA


      Thats what she said!

  6. Does anybody know how much Canby is going to cost to attend in 2017?

    1. That4doorKiD


      I am interested too

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      There website would be best place to check.

  7. And 1000 Ring Dings go to the winner...

  8. Screw this endless grey sky and rain shit. So over it at this point. Pretty sure I've reached my limit after 30 years. Time to move back to the sun again.

    1. hobospyder


      it was nice yesterday


    2. Rjawm


      And windy as fuck with grey skies and rain today, lol

    3. nismo dr
  9. Deleting is cheating, just sayin'

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rjawm


      Plus it'd be highly entertaining to observe. Oh, I forgot that only those directly involved in the dispute can post with mod approval.


    3. flatcat19


      That's actually a decent idea. Wait, what?

    4. MicroMachinery


      So basically the old classifieds? Yeah, I'm all for bringing those back.

  10. Aaaahhhh, August 11, 2015 to August 20, 2015... It was short lived but, those were the days of some true peace and happiness

    1. flatcat19


      My peaceful moment this year was the 2nd weekend in June.

    2. MicroMachinery


      This is not the time of year to be discussing peace and happiness.

    3. Rjawm


      Those are the dates of absence the last time there was a shitfit tantrum thrown lol

  11. Here's to forgetting your meds, having a mini-stroke, and going on a tear on a online forum...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rjawm


      And deleting is cheating, so...

    3. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      your assignment is to read "My Stroke of Insight"

    4. bananahamuck


      Which is basically a book filled with the Dr. stroking it at various locations around Oregon,, "insight"

  12. First I have to wait for steel only to find I need a bottle refill.

  13. Having the flu really screws up shop time. Having to possibly shat your pants at any second makes one rethink some priorites

  14. Right in the Ding Ding

    1. dat521gatherer


      Thats my purse! I don't know you!

    2. MicroMachinery


      "_ her right in the _"

  15. Changes, time's makin' changes in my life...Back into the shadows I go lol

    1. bananahamuck


      Give you $300. for your Ka setup.

  16. Changes, time's makin' changes in my life...

  17. Hoping that later tonight I can start on the Z24s to Z24i conversion into the D21 I picked up..

  18. Heavily debating the addition of a 521 to the fleet. I mean adding a true Datsun to the 4 other Nissans and 7 other vehicles is a smart move, right?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dime'n daily

      dime'n daily

      or his wont be the center of attention..just remember nobodys will ever be as nice as his so why try

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      His doesn't even run

    4. Kirden


      lol, it's probably that $800 crank pulley that he should have powder coated...

  19. The KA gnomes need to stop by my shop and do work. That 720 isn't gonna swap itself.

  20. Don't be a fool, cover your tool.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. r0p0doe
    3. Rjawm


      Actually, I just happened across a post on 9gag about funny condom ad slogans lol

    4. 4thgearcruisen


      Sex can wait, masterbate.

  21. Wiener Wiener buttfaced cow

  22. Looking for input on whether there's enough interest in a good Z24s drivetrain and a Z24i for parts to take the time to create a real classifeid ad for it all.

    1. flatcat19


      I'm looking for a short 71B 2WD trans.

    2. jrock4224


      lol flat yor looking for a 85-86 standard cab 720 thats 2wd and thats it .....

    3. Draker


      I might be interested in the Z24i shit.

  23. I really need to find an efficient way to heat my shop, otherwise I'll never get to working on my 720...

    1. izzo


      It'll be safe at my place :D

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