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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. But... Elephant :( I decided not to run my '68 cam cover. It's too pretty all bead blasted and clean. So now it's a paper weight on my garage shelf.
  2. If I mirrored the letters when I cut, you could stick them to the carpet backing, and carefully cut to shape with a blade. Little bit 'o spray epoxy and stick 'em on the gate lolz On my plotter I could do them 18''-20'' tall. If someone wanted it more epic, I could ride my bike to my buddy's house and cut em 28''.
  3. I was bummed when I realized my elephant caps wouldn't fit the old 1600 cam cover :( Good luck with sale!
  4. Looks good Docsis510! Thanks for posting a pic. Finally got around to vectorizing the tailgate letters for 521/620. These are much higher quality than the ones found on ebay. Pictured are sets of black, and hot pink (which doesn't photograph well, it's much more vivid in reality). I plan on going apeshit with these, making sets in all the specialty vinyls I can get, including but not limited to colored chromes, fuzzy zebra stripe, crocodile skin, and a few different colors of this textured brushed gunmetal stuff I got a sample of. Should be epic. Pics on that later. Let me know what you guys think!
  5. Does anyone have a pet carrier in the garage you'd wanna trade for decals??? One of my chickens got carried off, need a pet carrier for the others to stay in till I get a better coup built :(

    1. crackerjack69


      Nvrmnd, got a sexy girl bringin one over.

  6. Adam, I have a brand new HVLP gun, a DA sander and a good compressor for when you get the space to paint figured out. Give me a holler when the day comes. Also, I just finished up the vector files for the 620/521 tailgate letters. The neon green vinyl I have looks like a match for the wheel color... :D Weld the bed seams, fender seams, and cab corners before paint? I've got a Lincoln mig :devil: I'd drive that volvo.
  7. Ones of the pigs has worms. Big fucking worms. Had to get some meds for them today. It's screwed up, one second a guy has some money, next second POOF!

    1. darrel


      and easter was just last week.


    2. MikeRL411


      Sell the worms to Bear Grillis! He can feature them as survival grub [pun intended].

    3. crackerjack69


      Fuck man, I wouldn't eat that survival grub, not happenin.

  8. Finally got around to making cut files for 620/521 tailgate letters. Cut some hot pink ones just now. Gotta wait till my lady gets home from punching people so I can put some pics up w/ her phone cuz mine's broke. I'll do some chrome ones, some fuzzy zebra stripe ones, blue, white, green, black, red, yellow, orange, baby blue, gold shiny, faux diamond plate, brushed gunmetal, mebbe some croc skin, like a bawse.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. erichwaslike


      any way youll offer it weeded reverse so it can be used as a mask for painting?

    3. Kirden


      Depending on price I may contact you about matte white for the 620. Kinda tapped for Datsun funds atm.

    4. crackerjack69


      I sent you two fellers a pm...

  9. Put a known good battery in the truck and see what happens.
  10. What a neat toy. Feed some stem cells in that thing and print me a new liver :D I can't wait to see your first creation!
  11. Kirden, KiroTech, MYDAILYROUTINE, 70Dime, Tristin, and the people I'm forgetting, great buyers. Followed instructions for placing orders, made payment promptly and with correct amount.
  12. Cool, looks like the Canby site has a couple 2012 pics of my son and I :D $50 for 3 days of Canby fun? Yes please. I'm debating on the extra $20 for a swap meet spot. I think I will.
  13. They sent out a bulletin that registration was open on FB...
  14. Izzo, I'm bringin a sammich maker and ingredients for bacon&cheese stuffed burgers, speaking of good food.
  15. Brought my son to Canby last year. He had a blast runnin around with the other kids. But he's also a Datsun nut and can tell you more about Dattos than most newbies know, being 6 years of age. Everyone was having a real good time, but very respectful with their behavior in front of the kids at the same time. My son and I had a blast, I hope to never miss a Canby. Some real bad stuff would have to happen for me to not show up.
  16. WalMart in Vancouver... Strange place.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. r0p0doe


      Agreed, Walmart always seems to bring out the strange people

    3. Skib


      is there a walmart thats not strange?

      I always wonder... where do all these people come from? cuz its the same in every one you go too...


    4. r0p0doe


      I couldn't agree more, its like a different dimension in there lol.

  17. I do work with magnetic graphics. Shoot me a PM :D
  18. I just saved hundreds on Datsuns by switching to Oregon!
  19. I was joking about a couple of those things I mentioned.
  20. Feel free to PM Mike with as many questions as you want, he's crazy smart, and also loves PM's, 'specially if they are about trannys (lulz). Also, don't post again in this section with questions or you will be banned. Don't ask how to swap in a 350 or you will be banned. Lower your truck, or you will be banned, unless you raise it instead. Represent the forum with amazing decals, or you will be frowned upon. Don't post pics of your GF unless you consent to us using them as we please. Please refrain from asking stupid questions, unless you google said stupid questions first. Don't let Kazi babysit your cat. Don't whine or pout, it will be seen as a sign of weakness, and you will be screwed with. Don't swim for 30 minutes after using Ratsun. Please sign here, here, and here. BAM! you're a part of the most excellent Datsun family known to God. Come to Canby, OR this June 8-9 for your official hazing ceremony. Don't be late, or you will be banned.
  21. Does it have the stock carb? Has it been de-smogged? Any visible smoke from the tail pipe will be a fail. Any of that? Adjusting the valves wouldn't be a bad idea. Most folks don't keep up on that. You can throw a bottle of that stuff in on a full tank, the stuff you can buy at the auto parts store. My friend's 620 failed at first, and he put it in and passed same day. Be sure the truck is up at operating temp, and drive it for a couple hours before the test, that can help. In summary: Adjust the valves properly unless you have no mechanical skill, then better off leaving it be, drive the shit outta the truck right before the test, be sure the truck has a properly operating stock carb and the emissions equipment is sound, worst case the magic bottle at the parts store can help you pass. Good luck and welcome to the forum. Now post pics or you'll be banned. Check the FAQ section for instructions on how to post pics.
  22. Yeah those switches are tough, usually very dirty inside. I clean and lube with di-electric grease before I sell them. Works. What time you get off work? I'll be over there at my old house tomorrow cleanin out the garage. I got no phone atm.
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