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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. Cool, I'll make one with just the Canby 2013 for you. Color preference? I think I'll just make them all that way. And give them out to people who spend $10 or more. Assorted colors. And I'll reserve the proto for chester. Saves me a lot of trouble. Good idea Mr. Hamuck.
  2. I like big butts and I cannot lie.
  3. I just gave a pile of them to Banner when I had to move. Mebbe hit him up FB style.
  4. You could trim it off before you install the decal very easily. Would you prefer a different line of text, or some other type of layout? I do design and cut these myself, so I can make it to suit your needs.
  5. You can score the remote module dizzys offa 78 620 pretty easy. People don't see them as gold plated like the matchbox. Then throw a 4 pin GM HEI module mounted near the coil. I did on my truck, worked real good and way more affordable EI than the matchbox. Plus, if you're parked somewhere sketchy, you can throw the module in your pocket as theft deterrent.
  6. Is it just me, or is it hot in here?
  7. An error occurred You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day SHIT! Lulz.
  8. Lasts over 10 years. Wont scratch, chip, or fade. The guy in the video for it was using his car key to scratch the hood real hard, and didn't leave a mark. I wrapped my phone with the OD green I have, and after a year of bein in my pocket with other objects, still in amazing shape.
  9. ARGH!!! I'm outta likes for the day. Orange is hands down my favorite Datsun color. I wanted to wrap my goon in super matte orange vinyl.
  10. For any of you who've seen the Canby decal proto I made, I'm trying to get an idea of how many of you will want them. Say they were priced at $4. Wanna get a general head count before I decide if I'll do a run of them. Thanks :D

  11. Oh I don't need no fee. I've already offered tristin some space. Just depends on how much room is left. A one-stop shopping center vibe may develop :D Get yer sticker fix, shirts, and datto parts all in one place! What's on your list today? lulz, I hate jingles.
  12. Double Dee, we own an MMA gym but it's in Cornelious, OR. Little bit of a drive for you I suspect. When we move up to Northern WA, we're gonna run high altitude training camps. And we have some of our fighters down here wanting to come fight in Omak, WA. My girlie is fighting the Oregon title holder (Hillary somethin or other) who is pretty much all jits ground fighter. Whereas my girlie is a stand-up fighter with decent jits. May 15th, should be a bloody one. Hillary has backed out twice now, and she's a seasoned fighter. This will be my girl's first fight.
  13. I didn't read the threads about how to post a classified. I didn't have to download anything. I finished my ad in 3 minutes first try. It's working fine. I don't like the time limit. And I really don't like how difficult it would be to publicly discuss info relative to the part FS. But I'm not the boss, and I'll just have to deal with it. I don't like it (at all) but it works. Nice that you don't have to use photobucket to put pics in the ad. Now if changing the forum was in question, and we the people had ANY say in it... (we don't) I'd say start with getting rid of photobucket's involvement, not all these other un-needed changes. My ad is up (buy my rare-ish cam cover for $40 :D ) and the forum still works. I live to Ratsun another day. This pleases me.
  14. And so far there's NO CURE!!!! :D And all those unsuspecting people at Canby. If they haven't contracted it, they will. It's prevalant in the horse field.
  15. I'll have a table at Canby, and will bring as many decals as I can. I'll also bring lil sample squares of all the colors I have, so you guys can see the color options for your custom orders. It frustrates me that a lot of the cool vinyl doesn't show well in photos. I'll have a lot of inventory, and would love to discuss custom orders with people. My girl might be wearin the Oregon 205lb woman's MMA title belt by then :D I can't fucking wait for Canby, let's just get started noaw. Rent a wigwam at Promontory Park until then? I suppose we'd prolly get kicked out before June. I know of some badass private hot springs up near there, just come pick me up I'll show you the way :D
  16. I don't think I'll make many of these. I have this proto for chester, and mebbe make a few more. Prolly just give em out or trade em. The labor for such small text and dual color would put these outside a reasonable price. I'm still thinking it over, I'll prolly change my mind and do a run of em. Hey, I gotta buncha 620 boosters sitting in my garage, I'd bring you one if you want (not sell). LMk.
  17. Lulz, having some fun with scrap vinyl. The two bottom decals in the line-up are hard to see in the pic, but they are gold chrome and green chrome. That stuff doesn't photograph well.
  18. Racing stripes. There is plenty of extra material on the ends of the stripes. They would fit any Datto I believe. The installer would trim off the excess vinyl after installation. I can also make the stripes solid. These particular ones are set up to have a gap that will house the "240Z" piece. And they sit at about 25 degree angle. Solid stripes could sit at whatever angle the installer wished.
  19. Who cares about brakes when you got a bed full of bitches!
  20. Very displeased with the way things are becoming here.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. crackerjack69


      Some public deliberation before any sudden change. I feel like we should all have a voice here, not just the important folks. I was stoked to see an easy way to donate money to keep this place going. But I am disappointed that no one was allowed to voice opinions before such a sudden change. I feel like I went to bed and had Ratsun, woke up and had some strange imposter w/o any warning.

    3. crackerjack69


      Time waits for no man. I guess the world managed to seep into our community.

    4. laotsu


      Well stated sir


  21. Anyone know what ended up happening to that blue and white 510 goon 4x4???

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