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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. Went hiking during my adventure to almost Canada. Found a Z22 block half buried in dirt. And the frame, bed, and screwed up cab to a 720 4x4.

  2. I'm back in town and taking vinyl orders :D

  3. Bwahahah. Before they took the "Loco" out of 4Loco.
  4. Why do you ask? For me there's no question. Datsun Saves.
  5. Leaving for Okanogan County early in the morning. Trip got delayed for a couple days. Fish forecast lookin good. All the ice melted off the lakes earlier this month. Got my bullets, crossbow bolts, hooks, and whiskey ready and packed. Have tail waiting up there for me. Life's good.

    1. RedBanner
    2. Z chopper

      Z chopper

      I've already been fishing and have some fish smoking right now

  6. Considered rude on this forum to post an expensive item as your first post, with no pics, and not so much as an introduction... Your thread will fail without pics.
  7. Really? How do I always miss the fun stuff? I leave for a few minutes and people are offending females on Ratsun. WTF is wrong with you people???? Gimme a heads-up next time so I can make popcorn. And come up with witty comments and multiple status updates. Which takes me longer than most people. Way longer.

    1. DatMo


      it was like a facebook argument.

    2. Countrybabyy4wd
    3. jrock4224


      jrock content = always popcorn worthy

  8. Kind of like how all the imported "low mileage" motors came over here with SU's, and people tossed them in the garbage. Now they sell for $300+. It's best to hoard as many Datsun parts as you are capable of storing. My friend has a Nissan Altima, circa 1999. He came over asking me to do a tune-up, which I did. Noticed the wire for his horn had blown itself off the connector. He's like "The horn hasn't worked since I bought the car". I put a new connector on the wire and plugged her in, no joy. Ohmed the horn to find it open. Pulled a 40 year old Datto horn out of a box in the garage. Worked like a charm. What cracks me up, I just moved and my tool chest was still buried in the darkest corner of the truck. Had to haul out a shitload of boxes of random datto parts just to get to my tools (truck has a canopy) so I could grab a long extension to change his spark plugs. He asked me "Why do you keep all that garbage?". To ice the cake, we found a missing bolt in his hood latch which caused the hood to not close properly, and was screwing the latch up since he just slams it a bunch of times till it latches. I dug in one of my boxes of garbage and viola, found a perfect bolt and fixed the issue. <---- End rant. Point of the story, as a few others have also mentioned, if you gonna start pulling the OG parts off your ride make sure you keep them somewhere safe and dry. You'll hate yourself down the road if you realize you tossed some datto "garbage" and end up needing it later, and can't find a replacement to save your life. <--- Actual end of rant.
  9. Changing your stock head for another stock head will not make a difference you can notice. Noticeable difference can be had by port work, cam upgrade, and carburator upgrade.
  10. I'll be out of town, far away from phone/internet until around the first. See yall then :D

  11. Busy spring. About to head up towards Canada for some much needed time in the middle of a fish filled lake, and work on building some structures on the property. But be back in time for Canby.

    1. darrel


      don't forget the coffee crisp.


    2. crackerjack69


      IDK what that is.

  12. They limited my PP account for a while asking for this same set of info. I ignored them as the limitations they did set were workable, and favorable compared to forking over info. After a while they put it back and said my account had been verified.
  13. IRS, you guys owe me. Pay up so I can buy a new datto.

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Independent Rear Suspension guys owe you ? orly ?

  14. I save the showering till I get home. But I only live 30 minutes or so from the fair grounds. Tristin, I'll be bringing my family recipe bacon and gorgonzola stuffed burgers. Wonder if I cut you in, I can jump on that grill yer bringin :D
  15. Scopin out the CL for the area I'm about to move to. A cool little green B210 http://wenatchee.craigslist.org/cto/3645512424.html badass orange KC http://yakima.craigslist.org/cto/3740434405.html And OH MY! :D '69 goon http://yakima.craigslist.org/cto/3679814637.html
  16. "I just... Felt like running." Double post goodness yo.
  17. This thread is dumber than Forrest Gump, which is what I was watching before, and what I'm about to continue watching. After I check FB Ratsun for lulz.
  18. I'd use the spray can, or better yet the dip from Eastwood.
  19. Jun is printing vinyl these days. IDK if he has capability to do the metallic inks. Mebbe shoot him a pm. I can do hoodies and tee shirts of these. And non printed decals like the ones pictured above. Got a vector file made.
  20. Lolz, my little one lost a toe :( poor guy. Not bad for a 5 min vector
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