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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. I was interested tell I saw the word hellaflush. I wish there would be a ratty beat up skyline give away, I'd like to build my own hakosuka, it would look pretty next to the fairlady.
  2. I don't have two days off in a row and are just curious at who else works split days off. I hate doing it myself but only shift available. Makes working on shit hard sometimes though.
  3. Fuuuu, snow blew over my temp building onto my datsun.

    1. FoxyRoadster


      fortunately no damage to datsun, broke the bulbs in my shop lamp and the drivers side floorpan has snow. Thank god I bedlined that interior now.

  4. man, wish I was closer I'd be nabbing those libras if they was 14"
  5. http://www.311s.org/pmwiki-311/pmwiki.php?n=TechSection.Engine The wiki on 311s has quite a bit of info on the strokers, if it doesnt have all you need you might try the forum.
  6. Fun thing is the wide body styles and shark noses are based off real race cars. super silhouette for the win! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL6uI7_emMU
  7. You'll think datto owners are cheap tell you see the price of the roadster balljoints. :blink:
  8. I thought this one was neat, lol I'm sure someone could use their datto as the band drummer. http://www.wimp.com/tractordrummer/
  9. Next time type that shit up in notepad.
  10. If you have SU's on that A series you can get adapters to convert them into throttle body injectors. http://311s.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12340
  11. I think a few are working on bringing some of Fisch's art to life, I know I was gonna do a wagon up tell the guy sold it from under me.
  12. well typical thing to happen when you go with a larger tire is you loose it.. but for me the bug accelerated a shitton faster from a stop but fell on its face at highway acceleration. I'd just put them on and take the truck for a quick spin and see how it reacts the the size, you'll know real fast if you dont want it.
  13. I have a set about that size on my baja bugs rear, you're truck can handle it if my lil vw can. you'll loose top end speed but acceleration gets kinda strange lol
  14. For how much those cars cost I'd buy a southern desert car and get it shipped.
  15. For a touchpad pc its cost is low, its not the best yes but overall it isn't bad. I've read all the reviews.
  16. droid based os or a fully functional computer.. Not hard to see what might be the better choice for ratsun.
  17. return it and get this http://www.dell.com/us/p/inspiron-duo/fs
  18. You aren't gonna find much on the R16 online, I've looked. The more detailed your search the more helpful it will be like someone said earlier typing in Datsun R16 will bring up datsun results or Nissan R16 and H20 for the H20 you might also add forklift. Best place would be the roadster sites to find most parts in info on the R16, try 311s.org.
  19. I need money to buy myself megasquirt

    1. oldschool90


      Laxatives dont cost that much

    2. oldschool90


      Or bad Mexican food. Or both

  20. Not as cool as the v8 roadster on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-2000-Datsun-Roadster-2000-V8-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem19c25376e7QQitemZ110634432231QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks
  21. It is an IE issue.. Don't call your isp, seriously I hate getting stupid calls at work over things like "this webpage loads funny" as 9/10 its not your internet service causing the issue its your computer or the website your visiting having issues.
  22. I'd trade that for one of these http://www.terra2imports.ca/import-japan120304620281094.htm
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