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Everything posted by az_rat210

  1. I do not know where there would be an old Datsun 1200 Windshield. However, you could call Auto Glass Distributors at Office: 520-573-1616, Cell: 520-440-6164. They got me a brand new windshield up from Mexico for $160.00 and they are modern style 3 piece windshields which means it can be hard mounted to frame if you want. They are located in Tucson Arizona 507 West Ajo Way. Here is a link to photo of my front windshield hard mounted on my B210.
  2. Eye See's It and I Likes it. S'cuse the word pun, could not help it. Unique look to it. I only worry about your safety with no bumpers on it.
  3. Here is mine from my Gallery. It is not looking near so clean now. [i have been very lazy]
  4. Depending on what is wrong with him Lugol's Solution may help. My Mom's Rottweiler developed a severe tumor in his mouth, it ran all around his jaw for about 70% of the area. However, I had a bottle of Lugol's Solution (Potassium Iodide) and her her give him 2 drops in his water every day. The Vet gave him 6-8 weeks, the tumor disappeared and he made it another 2 years.
  5. When it comes to DB levels, my only response is "What? I cannot hear you over the Effing Straight Piped Harley that just blew by". I like Harleys, btw.
  6. I hear all of you. Walking the Boulevard one night, when a Born Again Christian got into my personal space and started preaching. I told him I had never died, so I did not need to be Born Again. Also, that he was invading my personal space and violating my right to Pursuit of Happiness, which in this case was to not have to listen to him. He followed me and kept preaching, then made the mistake of sticking his head in the window after I entered my vehicle. 74 Pontica Lemans's have heavy doors. I suddenly felt the need to get back out of the car very quickly. Not sure what his condition was when I drove away, but I bet that door hurt like the dickens. I will discuss religion with anyone, as long as it is a discussion.
  7. I am a Libertarian. I believe in helping myself, and when possible helping others [donations to charities, handing the person begging some cash] but it is my choice; not the Federated Governments. With that said I was reading up a bit on the Health Care Bill and saw this. Individual Mandate: In 2014, everyone must purchase health insurance or face a $695 annual fine. There are some exceptions for low-income people. Which is a Direct Violation of these. Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. The idea that a Federated Government whose authority derives from the people attempting to suborn for itself those Powers inherent in the People is a Violation of Oath and Violation of the Public Trust. Now as far as Health Care Reform goes, I think its needed. But to tell me I will be Fined if I do not have Health Care? :fu: Obama
  8. Those look comfortable, I think I am going to check rail length and width for my B210.
  9. Car Value Generalities (if no dents or body work needed) Runs Good $800 Passes Emissions $1000.00 Air Conditioning Works $1200 to $1500 Good gas mileage makes increases resale potential/market. So $300 + $380=$680.00 sounds to me like your ahead of the game no matter what.
  10. If they sound like a Vet. and talk like a Vet. walk carefully, flashbacks can be hazardous to your health. :ph34r:
  11. I have a Strut Brace that will fit your B310. I bought it from BP Projects for my B210 and its about 1 inch too wide. It ran me $150.00 U.S. Let me know if your interested.
  12. Your brand new drive shaft to fit the 4 speed will fit my FS5W60A just fine (79-82) 5-Speed. Feel free to send it my direction. Let me know how much you want.
  13. Whatever you do, do not purchase from Bills Datsun. The Headers are worthless, the workmanship crap and the Company fails to provide any reconciliation. I purchased a set of their A-Series Headers off E-Bay for $275.00 (shipping included). 1) The welds were not machined flat so the header would mount to the Head. 2) The Exhaust ports were out of alignment 3) The Header would not clear the Steering Gear Box without Modification. When I purchased the product Bills Datsun knew exactly what type of car it was going on. It was understood up front that I might have to Dimple the Header to clear the steering gear box. When I emailed Bills Datsun with the exact nature of my issue regarding the welds and the ports not matching up, they responded back with "Its understood that some modifications will be needed to fit the Headers to other A-Series vehicles as the Headers are meant to fit a Datsun 1200 A12 Motor". IE: they ignore the mention of the crappy as welding and lack of machining a flat surface so the header could be mounted in the first place. If you purchase from Bills Datsun, consider yourself forwarned. Personally, I would say just go with a 2" exhaust off the stock manifold. If you really want a Header, get one made locally.
  14. Several Times. Pickup pulled up along side me. Guys says Nice Datsun, care to sell it? Came out to my car one Saturday and a Note was on the Window. It said "I want to buy your car, my number is" Of course, when they hear the price they run the other way.
  15. :lol: Some people are so stupid even money cannot make them seem intelligent.
  16. And people notice our old Datsuns. I get more comments on my Datsun than I ever did on my 78 Lemans (which was Mint Condition with 60K on it).
  17. I plan ahead. Always looking for possibilities of what other drivers might do, or be doing. I especially keep an eye out for the odd body posture or activity that indicates Cell Phone drivers or Texters. I do believe that what really ticks me off is when I catch myself doing something that if someone else did it, would tick me off. :(
  18. :thumbsup: Thanks Dave, That information helps a lot. Tranny mount is the same. The input/output shaft's were my biggest worry.
  19. 75 B210 Current Transmission F4W60 4 Speed I am obtaining an FS5W60A (80-82 210 5 Speed). Is this going to be a straight swap? If I was getting the 76-78 B210 Dogleg then I know the Input Shaft/Spline Count is different for the FS5W63A, as that is a 1"+ 24 Spline shaft. Reading on the Web the FS5W60A 5 Speed is an 18 Spline 13/16" Input Shaft and the Output Shaft should be the same as my 4 speed. This is the same as the F4W60, so I should be able to use the same clutch. Just drain the oil, pull the tranny and put in the 5-Speed. I plan to have the Transmission Overhauled before I put it in. 1) Is what I have found incorrect regarding the input/output shafts. Am I going to run into any surprises? 2) Where can I get an overhaul kit. The site I had though I could get one list the FS5W71 not the FS5W60A so it would not be the correct kit. 3) Have I missed anything in trying to plan this out for greatest simplicity?
  20. :blink::blink:Now That is how not to do it.
  21. Just a thought.... Is it possible to switch those TC Rods out to a setup like on the Z's/B210's, where the TC rod comes to the Top of the Lower Arm? That would bring the TC Rod up out of the way. Check if the forward mounts from say a 510, 210, B210 would mount up, get the TC Rods, then drill holes in top of the Control Arm to mount up the Rod.
  22. That sounds feasible.:D Second Gear has been acting up for months. The Clutch works fine, as I can engage and disengage it. I can obtain a 60 Series 5 speed for $300.00, looking at $80 for an overhaul kit off the web, or $140.00 if it includes the synchro bushings. Plus cost of labor at a shop to overhaul and install the Tranny. I can get the overhaul kit from here with synchro rings. Anyone know of a better place to get the kit? http://www.drivetrain.com/parts_catalog/manual_transmission_overhaul_kits/nissan_f5w71_overhaul_kit.html
  23. If its 2 RCA Outputs only, then they will be Right/Left not Front/Rear. Sounds like a Shaft Mount Stereo. As mentioned, tack in an Amp and you're all set.
  24. 75 Datsun B210, that blue beast. 4 Speed Transmission. The shifter is stuck in 2nd Gear. Is there a quick fix? I have taken out a loan against my 401k to get a 5-Speed for the car, just need the car to stay mobile till that goes through.
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