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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Wow. Great find. The only thing I would do id remove those seat covers :P
  2. Mine is a 4 door sedan :) Going Friday to see if I can transfer the title and if so the credit card will have a large rockauto purchase for all of the brake stuff. It has been sitting for (reportedly) 4 years, so everything has to be gone through. +1 for getting it into project datto. I only found this because I have been looking for large threads to read at work and happened to be in the 610 section.
  3. By this pic I was like OH NOES! Poor 510 :geek: But, I really like the end product. Good job :thumbup:
  4. The datto of course! Then again that BMW is pretty snazzy...
  5. bonvo, awesome job. I have spent a ton of time over the past 2 nights reading the entire thread (it has been really slow at work...) I almost cried when I saw the damaged to Shelly, then got happy, then almost teared up again when Shelly had her last hoorah on the trailer. Hope she helped keep more awesome rides on the road. I really like the color and the fact that you just got out there and did the work yourself. Still trying to motivate myself to get started on my B210. Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see the next episode.
  6. Easier to afford headers for my geo yo!
  7. Just found out one of the managers where I work has a 78 620. He is dropping a 350 in it and putting it on a S10 frame, so I may have a disc brake/ball joint frame for my 74! *dances like a awild man*

    1. H5WAGON


      Dropping in a 350...or putting the 620 on a Chevy frame?

    2. H5WAGON
    3. MikeRL411


      Read the post!

  8. The only American metal we had at my highschool were a few i-rocs and dusters, and this comes from the land of rednecks. Personally I always liked dusters, but i-rocs and that whole hatchback look that most domestic companies went with was lost on me. Kinda like first gen 300zx and the same style rx-7s... I agree with MM47 that most highschoolers just can't afford old metal now. Out of all of the hot rod kids, only one kept his car all four years, and that was probably because his father runs a resto/body shop that mostly works on old domestics. Imports are usually cheaper to keep on the road.
  9. IMO this looks much better. +1 for this write up :)
  10. I need to set up some yard roams in Atlanta then... Down here most of the pick-n-pulls are gone. You aren't allowed into any of the yards to look at or pull parts except for at 49 salvage, and there you can look but not touch and must be accompanied by one of the yard guys. They will save cars if they can make a profit, which usually means trucks or honda/toyotas. Prices are decent considering they aren't pick-n-pulls, but its still $40-80 for an alternator that may or may not work. The ony warranties are on engines and transmissions, usually its 30 days, sometimes 90. Every since Bob's p-n-p closed the yards have gotten worse.
  11. Kirden


    Well, that sucks. Sorry to see banner go. I always liked his work. Good luck with your future progress banner, where ever you end up
  12. Yea Dguy210, I have seen the B210 and 120y ones you made. They look great :thumbup: I just figured radwagon might want more moulds and things to practice with :) On a side note I can't find any photos of the badges I want for my B210 once I start getting the JDM parts. the 1200 wiki has some pics, but none of the sunny gx-t badges. I kinda like the coupes Sunny badges: I just don't like the idea of going with the 120Y badges.
  13. Well, I was worried about my fuel tank not being ready, but Ben's Raditator pulled it off, did an amazing job, and only charged me $60! Fixed two penny sized holes, sealed inside and rust protection paint on the outside.

  14. You are probably right. Considering the entire truck was painted with rollers/paint brushes and house paint, I wouldn't be surprised. I find it funny that he painted all of the hoses and wires including the spark plug wires, but he didn't paint the ugly replacement radiator or the dust covers over the wheel wells..
  15. Bah, have to work Friday. That pushes getting the 620 back on the road to this weekend, and thats only if the radiator shops finishes the tank before they close. Why tell someone it will be ready Wednesday and not start on it till the customer shows up to get it...

  16. I have one of those datsun B210 badges with the tabs broken off of the back. Not sure what postage would be but if it isn't crazy I wouldn't mind sending it out to you so you can get a mould of it :)
  17. Oh, and this grill one (this is the grill I want as well)
  18. For now I am looking for the US spec ones, but eventualy (after I get JDM bumpers and a JDM grill) I want the sunny ones. Here is the US one, can't find a decent pick of the Sunny one.
  19. These are my favorite. Dguy210 has these and linked them in another seat thread. Porsche seats, 928 I believe.
  20. Good luck ratwagon. Once you get it down you can make me some badges for the B210. And send some vegemite along with it :P
  21. Well, I'm not proud of this but now that I have had the truck almost 6 months I have to claim the POs handiwork. Go go ford blue! When I got it the 620: Got rid of the GM carb: And the untouched B210:
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