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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Vatozone has those? I have always stayed away from the ricer aisle since I used to run honda/acuras and that seemed to be where all my friends hung out... Love how the local zone has strut tower bars and "carbon fiber" spoilers in stock for hondas... Thanks for the heads up though, I'll definately bite back my pride to pick up a set of those mirrors. They look really nice. Not gonna lie, when I picked up those tires I oogled your truck. Still trying to figure out if I can go as low as your without bottoming out the crossmember on the concrete hump that some dipshit decided to put right in the middle. Landlord said they did it to keep "them loud honduhs" out.
  2. Looks nice, but the other wheels looked better to me. The solid wheel look hasn't grown on me yet :P Now, moar lowar! On a side note, wanna sell me those mirrors? :ninja:
  3. Haha, perfect. Need to get someone to make a Combat Edition badge for it, or a decal to go across the top front bar on the exo :P
  4. But... Thats not a SR... I'm just jelly cause I can't even afford to get my CA for the B210 :(
  5. I did and thank you, post was edited. Sorry I try to type too fast and have typos.
  6. Wow man, I love your car. I'm usually not a Z car guy, and my absolute least favorite is either the 280z/zx or the 300zx, but youare doing an amazing job of changing my perception of these cars. That stance looks great, but I don't think I could pull it off around here. Keep up the good work and best of luck from Georgia (long live merka!) :P
  7. Yea, I can't find a local shop that will build one. I meant to say I would contact http://www.driveshaftshop.com/ to see what measurements they need. Once I get the correct measurements I can call the shop MM47 used in Atlanta and compare their price to driveshaftshop's price and go from there. Edit: after looking at their site I see how to measure the driveshaft :P
  8. Ben's Radiator quoted me $60 to fix the tank and seal it. $20 cheaper than the B210 tank. I'm supposed to pick it up either Thursday or Friday. Going to pick up new hardware to attach the driveshaft. Anyone happen to know what size bolts/ect I'll need? Couldn't find the info in the haynes manual. Sadly I will be stuck with the stock driveshaft for now, still can't find a local shop to make me a one piece. Going to contact the driveshaft shop and see what measurements I will need to get one made.
  9. So, the only vehicles I own are Datsuns. The youngest is 10 years older than me. Even though neither are on the road at the moment, it feels good to look outside and see two old j-tins that I know are all mine. Now if only I could get mom to trade her jeep for a datsun the whole yard would be full of j-tin :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Draker


      Indy's dime will run too.. It just needs a weeks worth of welding.. and engine, trans, front and rear suspension, gas tank, fuel and brake lines, glass, steering linkage.. and you are pretty much half way ready to go.

    3. INDY510


      LOL ... you mean that roof and doors sitting in the weeds outside?

    4. Kirden


      That isn't running... running means it will crank and spin the driveshaft, which it will. The driveshaft just doesn't happen to be connected to the rear end. It was a daily drive until the bolts for the rear end broke a few weeks back :P

  10. Well I think I updated all of the feedback from my purchases. If I missed someone that I have purchased from PM me. I haven't had any bad experiences here so you all get +1 :)

  11. Well, it's confirmed, I broke a rib last weekend.

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      ouch! how'd that happen?

    2. Kirden


      Uh, I decided to burn out a gas tank. Step dad turned it over while it was on fire and it turned into a flame thrower pointed at me, ran backwards and tripped. Kinda funny actually.

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      oh wow! well at least you can laugh about it now. glad you didn't get burned up.

  12. Well, I have been waiting to update this thread till I made some progress, but I figured I should cover my minor carnage that happened last week. I was driving down the road and at 40mph I started getting a horrible vibration. So much so that I thought I was losing a rim. I rolled about 20ft, trying to make it to the shoulder, and then I heard it. That dreaded bang. I immediately knew what had happened and stopped ASAP. Called the wrecker before I stepped out of the truck. No pics of the road side damage, but here are the results: Litte scuff on the muffler: Some on the bed: Flange seems ok? Not sure really: And the final icing on the cake. This little bit of damage had me light headed for 10 hours (sitting at a desk at work): Called the radiator shop that cleaned and coated my B210 gas tank, they said they can weld the tank and coat it. Have to take it down there to get an estimate. Fun times I must say. Now I'm stuck sharing my mom's Cherokee sport. At least it gets better mileage... New project, I need to get seals for the rear end, new bolts for the drive shaft, check the u-joints, and I'm trying to find a local shop that can build a one piece drive shaft.
  13. Looking at solid axle swap info for the B210, my brain hurts now... If I end up doing a heart transplant I'm pretty sure I'll just go with a custom ford rear end since the whole "must have lsd" bug has bitten me.

    1. metalmonkey47


      What are you putting in that you'll need an LSD?

    2. Kirden


      Looking at a CA18 this weekend. Also thinking about a KA.

  14. Can't decide between 280zx (6 spoke) or rota shokotans for the B210...

  15. Sad weekend. Got my 620 tank out, has two holes from where the driveshaft came loose. Burned out the gas and ended up falling (beer + gas smell = stumbling fat guy). Back feels like I got hit with a bat. Rained the rest of the weekend...

  16. Bored at work. Come on people, we need massive updates on build threads to make this night go by faster.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stupid_fast


      You think people would do that.



      Just go on the internet while they're at work.

    3. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      i just updated the kautic thread, and my KA swap thread...


    4. r0p0doe


      Haz no monies for parts sono update :'(

  17. Went to work like a true datsuner... Grabbed a ride from my mom cause my driveshaft broke and busted the gas tank. Yay for that lovely 10 hour shift full of wonderful gas fumes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE


      it happens !

    3. Kirden


      Yea, definately. Its my fault. I fixed my transmission mount this weekend and didn't check the rest of the bolts. I bet if I had checked I would have found something else loose.

    4. Kirden


      God I'm so light headed. Cutting off the bottom of my pants (where the gas soaked in) didn't do anything. Seems like the fumes soaked into my shoes as well...

  18. Need to find a local shop to build me a one piece drive shaft for the 620. If only I lived in Atlanta...

    1. metalmonkey47


      Man if you lived over here, I'd have the perfect place. American Driveshaft off of South Cobb DR. About 250-ish since he had to replace all the yolks

    2. Kirden


      Did he build it from scratch or did you bring your old 2 piece?

    3. metalmonkey47


      they built it from my old 2 piece

  19. Thinking of grabbing a Z22 from the local JY. Might be time for surgery on the 620.

  20. Looks like 4th gen 91-96 prelude, but they do not have that part that sticks out in the front. Prelude seats are straight across the front.
  21. Need to find a job out west. So tired of Georgia.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kirden


      The rest is just too bland.

    3. metalmonkey47


      come out west man! ATL is a lot better then Macon.

    4. Kirden


      Yea, I keep saying I'm going to move to a bigger city, then I get scured... The whole apartment thing doesn't sit well with the projects I have. Haven't found a decent lease in a good school system yet (son is going to 1st next year).

  22. If I could buy blanks I can anodize them :) I just don't have anything to etch them or mill them out.
  23. Scrub-a-dub-dub, 510 in tha tub. Side note: you need panasports for the goon.
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