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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. B210GX - Great seller. Made me a killer deal on door pulls. The deal was so good, I ended up buying a set for the 620 and the B210 :P
  2. Hey, I know you said no good body parts to speak of, but I have to ask (cause I have asked all the ratsuners that are parting 620s...) do you happen to have a good driverside bed panel? I need the one in the picture below: Sorry to hear about you bicep. Hope it heals quickly so you can get back on your feet. Edit: I only need the lower panel in that picture. From factory they are spot welded on I believe (though some years may not be this way? Not sure honestly).
  3. That Z... I know it is probably really stable up there, but no way I would trust it.
  4. Sure thing, Here is the reply: Hello kirden, This manifold is primarily for draw-through carburetted turbo setup so I have not fitted a flange to the inlet port to accept a throttle body. This can be added later by you. Similar with the injector bosses, they can be drilled into the inlet runners nice and close to the cylinder head and welded in place. The price is intended to be minimum cost, unfortunately postage from here isn't particularly great. I have a set ready to go if you are interested, alternatively I can fabricate an EFI manifold for you? It would be considerably more expensive though. - sunnyspares
  5. Well, not sure whats going on with the 620. Drove home and it started reving really high. It will pull itself in 4th at 50mph... Weber seems to be fine. Nothing looks stuck, gonna take it off and see if I can figure this out.

    1. Kirden


      Well, drunk as hell now, but figured it out. I need to get some locktight. Ther adapter plates had loosened up and created a vacuum leak.

  6. Welcome back man. I was wondering what had happened. Btw, I hate you truck... It makes me wish I had bought a 521 instead of my 620 and that is just wrong mister!
  7. Haha, I should have put the fucking horrible answer. However, answer four kinda covers that, sorta (making excuses, go with it) Funny thing, the reason I started this thread is I was reading about a chili recipe. Since we don't spoon feed people around here, I'll just link it and you may or may not see why this topic came up :P http://www.seriouseats.com/2010/01/how-to-make-the-best-chili-ever-recipe-super-bowl.html
  8. Yea, I was looking at an old 3500 as a hauling truck/car hauler, but I wish I could get a datto for that instead. However, it would probably be too much work. Would need better brakes, more power (probably would go with a deisel swap), and I would most likely want to reinforce the frame, but its a cool idea.
  9. I want a dually datsun now...
  10. I haven't seen many of these 510s. This one looks pretty nice. I am still partial to the earlier boxy 4 doors and wagons, but this one beats out the boxy 2 doors. Nice find and welcome to Ratsun :)
  11. NOOO!!! Where are the Marmite fans? Vegemite is walking away with this... I forgot the power of dem Aussies...
  12. Can you give me a price for a plain filler shipped to 31211?
  13. That you are. I'm sitting in the office with no one to talk to. Crappy thing about working on Fridays, I'm the only one in the office area. This + energy drink = blabbering on about strange foods and making myself hungry...
  14. Lol, I posted this cause I was bored, seems a lot of other people are bored as well :P
  15. Lol DatWifey. They aren't horrible. Tristin did you ever try stinky tofu? That is one thing I want to try. My grandfather never let me eat the street foods :P
  16. I have that same bottle of Jim Beam at the house. Mine only has about one drink left though :(
  17. Huh, balut seems a bit strange for my tastes, but I'll try anything once. Hopefully I will be able to start traveling more. I still want to try hakarl (icelandic shark) and casu marzu, but I don't see me being able to afford those trips for a while/
  18. So according to my friend, and you saying rip offs aren't so bad, you should try Marmite :) Record a video for this thread :thumbup:
  19. Lol, I was hoping you would respond. I had a friend from EVE (online game I used to play) who swore by vegemite. He wouldn't even try Marmite, even if he had nothing else to eat. He said Marmite was a rip off.
  20. Lol, homemade vegemite? That sounds horrible. I guess it could be done but I wouldn't trust it. I will have to look up Natto. Vegemite is pretty bad, but I still ate it. Marmite I actually like :P Edit: Just checked out natto. It doesn't look that bad. I eat tempeh (fermented soy beans made kinda in a loaf) and it is good. Wonder where I could find Natto around here to try it.
  21. Wow, thats pretty cool. I need one of those to make that long trip to Canby :P
  22. So guys, I know we have a lot of Aussie and EU guys around, and it is quite possible that some other people have input, but I am bored and figure why not ask. Which do you guys like best? Personally, I haven't had any of these spreads since I was a kid. When my grandpa took me to Germany for 6 months, I remember eating Marmite as a normal snack spread on crackers and bread, usually with a sharp cheese. I didn't like it at first, but the taste was something I grew to crave. Then, we stayed in Okinawa for a month. That was my first encounter with vegemite. The smell was horrid at first, but like most new awkward foods, I grew to overlook it. I never had a craving for vegemite that could come close to marmite though. To this day I remeber my grandpa trying his first bite of vegemite. He spread it on a buttered flat biscuit and popped it in his mouth. He then quicky reached for his beer and drank half the can. I never saw him eat vegemite or marmite again. From what I have heard, the XO version of Marmite tastes like the version my grandparents would have eaten as kids. I have no personal experience with it, but would like to try it if possible. I will be going to the Air Force base this weekend to stop by the Brittish Pantry and purchase a jar of marmite. For those who have never tried these products, go buy a small jar. You never know if you will like it till you try it.
  23. Ah ok. I can't get a break on this patch panel :P Thanks for the info. I'll keep looking.
  24. Grats Bob. Early delivery! Winning! It would be awesome if they took a look at your build thread and said "wow, this guy has been through a lot, lets get his project back on schedule."
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