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Status Updates posted by Kirden

  1. Got my Bogg Brothers R1 manifold for the A15, ordering my kirk racing headers today. Very exciting stuff :P

    1. r0p0doe


      I thought you were going LS..

    2. Kirden


      Very funny... that is going in the F10 sport wagon

  2. Just found out my dad has passed. Roller coaster day. My head is still spinning

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. tdaaj


      Dang, very sorry to hear this.

    3. Mikeystoy


      Thats what I did, and I was fine.....until I read a eulogy.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Oh man :'( My most heart felt condolences to you and your family. Lost my dad a long time ago so I know how you feel. Hang in there!

  3. Just received the official job offer for my promotion at work. Paperwork signed and finalized :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PrimeLuxeZ
    3. jrock4224
    4. Kirden


      Thanks guys, took 5 years to get this far, but well worth it.

  4. Just got a call, looks like my dad is doing worse than I thought. Going to pay to fly my sister out here to see him.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      Sorry Kirden worse as in life or death or is he really just sick,sorry about that anyway.

    3. Kirden


      He has been fighting cancer for the past two years. They took him off treatment because it's not helping. Stage 4 in his liver, colon, and lungs.

    4. Lonestar


      Our prayers are with you and your family my friend. Lost my Grandmother just before this last Christmas. I feel your pain man.

  5. So many index cards! Thanks for the idea. I can finally keep up with my parts orders :P

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. RTB


      so want to split a pack? thatll make it pretty cheap

    3. Kirden


      I'm not sure when I'll make it back to Summit but if I make it to return these before you get yours I'll let you know. Summit is around a two hour drive for me round trip.

    4. RTB


      Oh well maybe Ill order mine first and you can buy off the second part off me.

  6. Ordered tires for the new wheels. 165/55r14. 5 tires for under $275 shipped :P

    1. RTB
    2. uberkevin


      Still seems like to much money for tires.

    3. Kirden


      It was $40 per tire... That's used tire prices where I live. $75 for shipping could have been better, but I'll take it for 5 brand new tires. My 620s were $280 for 2 tires...

  7. St. Patty's/my B-day is close... I'm getting too old for this partying shit.

    1. mrbigtanker


      To old come on son,i was drinking when i was growing up and going to work right after and for very very very long hours.

    2. Kirden


      That was ok when I did physical work. Now my job requires thinking and 14 hour days staring at a computer...

  8. Too much whiskey + no fucks to give = up making coffee at 6AM? Tried my hardest to have a hang over to no avail :(

    1. MicroMachinery


      Never too much whiskey.

    2. Kirden


      I finished half a fifth. Not the most I've drank, but it was enough for me not to remember breaking down the last wheel :P

    3. mrbigtanker


      your a damm drunk.now choke yourself.

  9. Just finished breaking down the new two piece wheels for the B210. Clean the old hardware or try to find new?

  10. Is jrock still around? I need to talk powder coating.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kirden


      Jrock oh jrock, where art thou jrock?

    3. Kirden


      Somebody flag that bisch down! :P Nah, don't, but hopefully he can help me come up with some special color for my new shoes. I'm thinking pink or a unique bronze/gold

    4. jrock4224
  11. Nissan 240RS getting some notice:

  12. Figures, go all week beautiful weather and got tons of work done preping the B210 for parts, parts show up late yesterday... I work 54 hours over the next 4 days, so again the work gets pushed back a week.

    1. mrbigtanker


      dont life suck sometimes

    2. Kirden


      If only you knew... Really pissed that I couldn't even finish the fuel and brake systems. Fuel pump and rubber brake lines were in the parts boxes...

  13. So much shit to order and no attention span. I keep forgetting what I've ordered from where...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      ^^^ Cutting edge shit.

    3. Kirden


      That might work Mike, but I think I'll modify it to filing the cards until I install the part. Found out I have two master cyclinders and 4 rear brake cylinders for the B210... Still unpacking boxes from the move.

    4. graveltrapp


      Smoke less of your product.

  14. Bogg Bros are cutting my oval port flange for the A15 R1 manifold Monday. Now if only I could find headers for less than $1k... Only ones I can find are on ebay from Japan. Tried Rebello and Kirk with no response, waiting on Mr. Zerkert as well.

    1. metalmonkey47


      I wish I knew what happened to the old A15 header I had. I sold it to someone years ago for $50

    2. Kirden


      Wow, I wish you knew too :P The bad thing is you only find overly expensive true race headers or very expensive crap headers (bills shoppe)

    3. Kirden


      Found some decent header options if they will ship. $500 but I'll gladly pay that over Bill's crap.



  15. I don't want no black magic marriage for love bullshit spammer! Don;t you know ratsuners are broke fuckers?

  16. Fuck this week. Rain and ice on all three days off. Got my refund and my credit card limit was raised and can't do shit with the parts I bought...

    1. mrbigtanker


      send the part to me,there is no ice or rain here.bwahahahahahahaha

    2. Kirden


      Mr money bags asking for my parts? I'm flattered :P


  17. Anyone have a safe link to download the FSMs? Particularly for a 620. Also willing to purchase an FSM if anyone has one for the 74 620.

    1. metalmonkey47
    2. Kirden


      Thanks, for some reason I didn't scroll all the way down when I looked there earlier


  18. I found a rusty yellow B210 2dr sedan for sale... Wonder if it'll make it to my house :P

  19. Anyone know what happened to VG30.com? It's been "under construction" for a while now.

    1. MicroMachinery


      Must have run out of materials..

    2. Eagle_Adam


      i broke it!!! muahahahahaha

    3. Kirden


      Bah, that means I have to work harder to find the info I need... That good guy Adam...

  20. Summit hasn't shiiped my order cause they are waiting on the pistons from sealed power. Estimated date 1/30. Come on parts!.

    1. r0p0doe


      "Shoulda had a v8"

    2. Kirden


      HAHA! that's perfect.

  21. At times I think you guys are pricks, then someone comes along and saves my bacon. Love you guys *hugs*

    1. Skib


      thats why I always say... Ratsun is my fav. disFUNctional family lolol

    2. MikeRL411


      "If you want to smell the roses, you have to put up with some pricks,"

  22. Z22 crank pulley - $130 new from Nissan. Funny that the "little" things I forgot are adding up to the actual stroker parts for the LZ build...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kirden


      Yea, the last super street I bought had a feature of a 260z, looked tits and mostly street tuner, then they pop the hood and its an LS2... Didn't even have anything done to is but dress up, still sporting the stock 350ish hp. It annoyed me because that car was so sweet and he ruined it imo, but to each their own I guess.

    3. r0p0doe


      SAd, I'm just over that swap man that's all anyone wants to do take the easy way to hp instead of building a motor but like you said to each their own. It would be nice to see something different tho. I plan on swapping a v8 in an s13 when I acquire one BUT it will be a vh45 swap so i'm ok with that i'll still be keeping it in the nissan family is the only reason I want to do it besides it being a beastly motor :)

    4. Kirden


      I want to do a Stroker VG33 swap on something. I can't decide if it will be one of my current dattos or a new project, but a VG stroked out to a 3.8 with a supercharger sure does sound like a blast.

  23. Woot, UPS guy just dropped off my long rods. still waiting on the crank and pistons but glad to see reconditioned long rods are still out there for a decent price. $40 each completely reconditioned

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