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Status Updates posted by Kirden

  1. Well, I was worried about my fuel tank not being ready, but Ben's Raditator pulled it off, did an amazing job, and only charged me $60! Fixed two penny sized holes, sealed inside and rust protection paint on the outside.

  2. Bah, have to work Friday. That pushes getting the 620 back on the road to this weekend, and thats only if the radiator shops finishes the tank before they close. Why tell someone it will be ready Wednesday and not start on it till the customer shows up to get it...

  3. So, the only vehicles I own are Datsuns. The youngest is 10 years older than me. Even though neither are on the road at the moment, it feels good to look outside and see two old j-tins that I know are all mine. Now if only I could get mom to trade her jeep for a datsun the whole yard would be full of j-tin :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Draker


      Indy's dime will run too.. It just needs a weeks worth of welding.. and engine, trans, front and rear suspension, gas tank, fuel and brake lines, glass, steering linkage.. and you are pretty much half way ready to go.

    3. INDY510


      LOL ... you mean that roof and doors sitting in the weeds outside?

    4. Kirden


      That isn't running... running means it will crank and spin the driveshaft, which it will. The driveshaft just doesn't happen to be connected to the rear end. It was a daily drive until the bolts for the rear end broke a few weeks back :P

  4. Well I think I updated all of the feedback from my purchases. If I missed someone that I have purchased from PM me. I haven't had any bad experiences here so you all get +1 :)

  5. Well, it's confirmed, I broke a rib last weekend.

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      ouch! how'd that happen?

    2. Kirden


      Uh, I decided to burn out a gas tank. Step dad turned it over while it was on fire and it turned into a flame thrower pointed at me, ran backwards and tripped. Kinda funny actually.

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      oh wow! well at least you can laugh about it now. glad you didn't get burned up.

  6. Looking at solid axle swap info for the B210, my brain hurts now... If I end up doing a heart transplant I'm pretty sure I'll just go with a custom ford rear end since the whole "must have lsd" bug has bitten me.

    1. metalmonkey47


      What are you putting in that you'll need an LSD?

    2. Kirden


      Looking at a CA18 this weekend. Also thinking about a KA.

  7. Can't decide between 280zx (6 spoke) or rota shokotans for the B210...

  8. Sad weekend. Got my 620 tank out, has two holes from where the driveshaft came loose. Burned out the gas and ended up falling (beer + gas smell = stumbling fat guy). Back feels like I got hit with a bat. Rained the rest of the weekend...

  9. Bored at work. Come on people, we need massive updates on build threads to make this night go by faster.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stupid_fast


      You think people would do that.



      Just go on the internet while they're at work.

    3. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      i just updated the kautic thread, and my KA swap thread...


    4. r0p0doe


      Haz no monies for parts sono update :'(

  10. Went to work like a true datsuner... Grabbed a ride from my mom cause my driveshaft broke and busted the gas tank. Yay for that lovely 10 hour shift full of wonderful gas fumes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE


      it happens !

    3. Kirden


      Yea, definately. Its my fault. I fixed my transmission mount this weekend and didn't check the rest of the bolts. I bet if I had checked I would have found something else loose.

    4. Kirden


      God I'm so light headed. Cutting off the bottom of my pants (where the gas soaked in) didn't do anything. Seems like the fumes soaked into my shoes as well...

  11. Need to find a local shop to build me a one piece drive shaft for the 620. If only I lived in Atlanta...

    1. metalmonkey47


      Man if you lived over here, I'd have the perfect place. American Driveshaft off of South Cobb DR. About 250-ish since he had to replace all the yolks

    2. Kirden


      Did he build it from scratch or did you bring your old 2 piece?

    3. metalmonkey47


      they built it from my old 2 piece

  12. Thinking of grabbing a Z22 from the local JY. Might be time for surgery on the 620.

  13. Need to find a job out west. So tired of Georgia.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kirden


      The rest is just too bland.

    3. metalmonkey47


      come out west man! ATL is a lot better then Macon.

    4. Kirden


      Yea, I keep saying I'm going to move to a bigger city, then I get scured... The whole apartment thing doesn't sit well with the projects I have. Haven't found a decent lease in a good school system yet (son is going to 1st next year).

  14. Yay, if it isn't one thing its another... Transmission mount is broke. Take off in first and the gear shift rotates and you can hear the transmission hit the bottom of the truck... No idea how I'm going to get this fixed but it needs to happen soon.

  15. Getting close to 620 posts. I need to hurry up and get some progress done on the 620 to make a decent post...

    1. metalmonkey47


      Hurry up man! We need more 620's around here on the road!


    2. Kirden


      Haha, its my DD right now. However, the isolator for the carrier is basicly destroyed, the valves need to be adjusted, and the weber needs to be tuned :P

  16. Well, not sure whats going on with the 620. Drove home and it started reving really high. It will pull itself in 4th at 50mph... Weber seems to be fine. Nothing looks stuck, gonna take it off and see if I can figure this out.

    1. Kirden


      Well, drunk as hell now, but figured it out. I need to get some locktight. Ther adapter plates had loosened up and created a vacuum leak.

  17. B210 parts did come in. ACDelco black oil filter, fuel pump, carb kit = $26 shipped. Gotta love RockAuto. Hope to have pics and installation this weekend in my B210 thread.

  18. So, I decide to check on the status of my order with rock auto. Says it has been delivered. The details say it was "left at front door, no sig required" at 3:47 pm. I didn't leave the house till 3:45 and got stuck in the driveway by a school bus... Man I hope it is there. Side note, paycheck was way more than expected, time for B210 love this weekend.

    1. I'm BLUE
    2. MikeRL411


      Most package delivery services now claim that their drivers are "independent contractors" so they don't get overtime or benefits. Bottom line, they dump package on your front porch, don't ring the bell and run like hell. I bought 100 rounds of ammo. Clearly marked with hazardous material sticker and stamped "adult signature required". Guess what I found unprotected on my front porch!

  19. Bittersweet. Found out not only do I have to work tomorrow, we have to work next Friday as well. ~$400 more on the check, but no time to work on the B210. The 620 is pretty round riding atm so I need to have the B210 on the road ASAP.

    1. Kirden


      rough riding*

    2. Countrybabyy4wd


      Know how that feels we just got our 720 goin not to long ago an now gotta get the 521 going again! Miss that truck so much!

  20. Looks like it will be a busy weekend. Work Friday night, going to ATL to pick up a bench seat, and have a ton of work to do on the B210. Sadly I think work on the 620 is getting pushed back another week.

  21. I want to swap to a one piece driveshaft, but I don't know of any shops that will do a good job around Macon. Anyone local have any input on shops? I would be willing to go to Atlanta if the work and price is orth it.

  22. So, I keep getting some interesting looks. Can't figure out if its "Hey, look at that old truck" or "Man, hope that POS doesn't break down in front of me"...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spoona_Jay21


      for me i KNOW it's the second one... My truck is holier than the Pope, and it shows..

    3. MicroMachinery


      If someone calls it a piece of shit, the manliest thing to do is start a whiny thread about it.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I get looks and smiles when I'm driving my Datsun. Not sure if they're having a fond memory or they think I'm cute or they're laughing at me. I get a kick out of watching a flurry of people trying to get out from behind me in my rearview like I was driving too slow. It's LA! The traffic ain't moving anyway!

  23. So the vibration is getting worse in the 620. 45-65mph has horrible vibration now, but faster or slower is fine. I have a feeling that I need to get the B210 going ASAP.

  24. Got my yearly review and raise today. Highest review out of the 4 years with this company. Standard 3% raise. Not much but it all counts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. laotsu


      wow you got hired at the depths of The Recession?


    3. Kirden


      Yea, I got hired in 2009. Company is still posting double digit profits and growth rates as well. Just got lucky I suppose. Money could be better, but I won't complain.

    4. r0p0doe
  25. B210 tank is back. Ben's Radiator did an awesome job on the clean and coat.

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