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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. I too have thought about doing a (Small) turbo on a stock A engine. Was thinkin about runnin no more than 7-8lb on a stock one! From the power difference I have got from the mods that I have done, I would think that would be enough to notice! But if you spend some money on some pistons and lower the CR and Studded the block to hold the head on you should be able to go quite a bit bigger, and cool it if you can! The engines are easy to come across (around here) so blowing it shouldnt be too expensive! I wanna do a draw-thru turbo on an A, someday :cool: But yea bla bla bla dont do it bla your an idiot, bla bla Im scared bla bla :lol:
  2. Afer Kawasaki620 threw shit in the fan, it was said that the Neg Rep was nolonger a joke! Or am I makin shit up? Could be either, figure it out, your the "Mod" ;)
  3. Lookin Good Mang! Cant wait to see more! :cool:
  4. Just a reminder, Neg Rep Points Count Now. Ifn you wanna stay on this site, I suggest you take our advice <_<
  5. Didnt see ya at Canby. Hows the truck runnin?

  6. Got something of yours, that you left with me when you left Canby!

  7. This is what the status updates are for! Or make a (HUGE) build thread, for rat-sakes man! Prolly wouldnt get alot less :poop: if you would just Comply, just a little :rolleyes: Cereal! And Pics or GTFO :poke:
  8. Gonna crash a Street Rod Show in Puyallup WA on Friday, at Mrs. Turners Restaraunt!

  9. Re tourque is a recomended process by the manufacturer! I have had a head gasket go (alot of work) could have been prevented by a simple re-tourque! I looked around for a rubber gasket for my valve cover, cause the cork ones SUCK! The rubber ones dont "require" RTV but I usually put on a thin smear of it after its been off and on a few times! I would recomend to retighten them after the engine is warm and dont be affraid to get em fairly snug! Happy Wrenching! Dave
  10. That sounds Great! Would satisfy all included!
  11. X2 Keep it in a cup and Watch your mouth fingers on the text! ;)
  12. Not to mention that there was a dog show on the property that same weekend!? The 4H/horse people had a few dogs they walked around the camping area!? There was a dog in our camp on sunday, turns out the owner (unnamed) works for the place!? I Wish that I could have rode the high bike around more, there was other riders aswell! And we had No Power=No Heater friday night!? <_< Am I missing something? :hmm:
  13. The cold the first night (no power WTF) got my jaw actin up, get lockjaw from the cold. Definately gonna be better prepared next year!
  14. I pulled mine without removing the gas tank, cant remember how. Hat to look it over a couple times to figure it out! And the big allen facing down is the only way to get the bumper off the shock. Dont have my service manual here and this computer sucks!
  15. Couple fresh pics of my 2 79 210s
  16. Holy Crap, check this out:http://www.youdrivewhat.com/dig-dug/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pumpkn210
    3. elmerfudpucker


      Like to se ya built that, I will do the hydros and electrics!


    4. Pumpkn210


      Check the handi-capable goon thread in project datto elmer, and find out how to wire it!

  17. Was a cool ass meet, best ever! Cant name all the names, or tell all the funny stories here. But I can say a big thank you too all who came. Thanks for all the interest and comments on my cars! Cant say enough about the people attatched to the Ratsun Ways! You all are a constant source of laughter and inspiration in my life! Thanks again Dave
  18. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ganster :rofl:
  19. You need some "Space" Look around you! Thats funny!

  20. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    I did..... and Did He Ever! :cool:
  21. I Think that thing is CooL! But Im thinkin a Limo-Goon-V8!
  22. What of those of us that want to know about the horn button?
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