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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Prolly if it was inside.
  2. Watched that whyle back, Good Work Mang!
  3. Not available in all states.
  4. WORD cept I had a burnt valve! :mellow:
  5. the 210s got them side by side under the dash by the column.
  6. Hit him with the bucket!
  7. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    Still got work to do! But theres still a chance to bring both cars!
  8. A week from now, I will already be there!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. skunk


      i bet after a few weeks this will be used to just rag on eachother, lol. at lest i hope so

    3. INDY510


      Skunk you're such a DoucheBag......... .. . it only took a few hours



      I have been reading status updates for an hour??? ........ if I try to read the forum too,,, I will never go outside

    4. Pumpkn210
  9. Do all the parts atleast look all shiny and new?
  10. Can I get a "Heres Your Sign?"
  11. Who did the work? If they did they did it wrong.... unless.....Is the frame bent?
  12. Your shit is al Effed up, bent, broaken and whatnot! You crashed it :unsure: remember?
  13. Mine is a matchbox so it may work without the 12v. I just added a start wire on a switch!
  14. Puyallup checkin in! LOVE 710s Welcome to Ratsun!
  15. #4 turns off to give Max Power to the starter during operation = Non Issue! #5 is also a Non Issue!
  16. If you have the ign switch in, and working then to run PB start all you gotta do is tap into the #3 wire with a button. I use a self returning toggle in the Pumpkn!
  17. Be Carefull, Some of these are JOKES! Thats what this is for-> :lol: The more info the better!
  18. You guys are right, this guy starts threads in the lamest way possable! :lol: Inline4=1question. And No, You gotta put a switch in to turn on the acc and the on circuts for power to the ign, coil, and accessories, then you can put in a button to 3 and 5!
  19. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    It will make it, dont be a wuss! And if.....we can all pitch in and R&R the clutch in an hour or so!
  20. I do too, was on cloud-9 all month after winning that, first time award the first time I went, and I didnt even have to enter in the show! Forever Appreciative!
  21. Pumpkn210

    Brake issues

    No Problem mang! Alwayse Happy to Help :D
  22. Thanks for the call and I hope you find the car your looking for!
  23. And Framers! And Pot <_<
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