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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Time to think up some more wierd shit for next year!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      handi-capable goon isn't weird enough?

    3. metalmonkey47


      Wrap your ignition coil in a fanta can. Then you can drive a fruity goon. lol

    4. Pumpkn210


      Dont you wanna?

  2. Will bring your fuel pump by after work and we will se if'n we can get er purrin!
  3. Pappy and I were very supprised at how great it actually runs! Has a decent ammount of lag. but when you get the throttle open, it has quite the noticeable difference thru the whole rpm range, and lots more torque :blink: When I update the Homebuilt Hotness thread I will put up a video or two! Need to cut out about 6in out of them and do things to the engine for Ultimate Performance! :D The whole intake cost me $10 in allum and the exhaust place bent it for free when they found out what I was gonna do with it. Had to promise to bring it by when it ran! Doin what I shouldnt be able to do with not enough of what I dont have!
  4. So my Dad is making a handi van less handi. It was driven by a man with only a hand with like three fingers. So we gots all the controlls and I was thinking that the GooN would be cool to make Handi-Capable! No switches or shifter or pedals! Need to find out more on the wiring of the system and do a KA-Auto swap ;)
  5. And just What the Hell is THAT supposed to mean? :confused: Seriously though, it was great to finally meet you and to talk to you in real life! You are truly one of my favorite Foreigners! was looking for the spaceship guitar :lol:
  6. And there has got to be a good pic somewhere of Skibs GooN and its Award! :poke:
  7. They were imported on the west coast only from what Ive heard. And most of them were brought in thru Oregon!
  8. Pre Funk was Funky, and this morning, the Funk Continues!

  9. Nice, how bout some pics of the rear? Mine has the licence plate inbetween the tail lights. Yours the same?
  10. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

  11. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    Not Super important, I got Crystal door knobs in mines. That would be Effin Fun to pull the pin and have it fly out to freak out your friends! ;)
  12. This shit is TOMARRO! :hyper: You Cant Escape the DANGER!
  13. You bringin the sunshine to Canby this weekend?

  14. The Pumpkn is Road tested and Sideways Approved! Canby, here I come!

  15. Im not gonna lie, it was hard to spot! Is it a auto? Tell Me More!
  16. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    My question is if you pull the pin, does the clasp open or pop out? :cool:
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