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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    Ill take a Fail from a "Mod" (term used loosely) Its totally gonna be worth it, you will Bow to my Ratsun! :devil:
  2. good job mang! you be rollin it in no time :thumbup:
  3. Pics or it didnt happen! :lol: Good work mang!
  4. Welcome to the Forum! Get a Datsun and post pics! Were here for ya ;)
  5. Pumpkn210

    Canby BBQ

    I heard that if a woman weighs the same as a duck, that means that she is made of wood, and therefore........
  6. befriend a used tire shop!
  7. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    I do some of my best work in the crunch. Hell, my pumpkn wasnt runnin till yesterday!
  8. Got the Pumpkn on the road today and it is EPIC! the two cars side by side are out of controll! Therefore I hereby remove myself from the running for the Ratsun Trophy. I would be honored to be able to put some input into the selection of the winner! Thank you Dave "Pumpkn Operator" Patterson
  9. Duke, nice car! Good to see another round eye guy in state! Wheels look good, just put some rubber band tires on it and your good!
  10. When we leave tacoma! The checkpoints are in the first post!
  11. Drove the Pumpkn Car Today! WOOT!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      No Pics, you fuks gotta wait!

    3. Logical1


      you bringing it to Noob's pre-funk?

    4. Pumpkn210


      In Force! It will be a pre-funk pre-view!

  12. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    imsofukingexcitedabouthisyearandcantwaittogetthereitshouldbetodayigotthepumpkncarontheroadwithsomemodificationsandyouguysaregonnafreakoutcauseitsbeyond thunderdomeneedtogetthedashinandthepassseatthegoonmaynothavethevideoganesinitthewayiplannedbutthepumpkncaristotallyworthitcantwait!
  13. Looks like a good flare job! Likey the 2doors!
  14. Mine are also red, and my mouth is dry too!
  15. You get said screwdriver! To be recieved at the Canby Show!
  16. We went and gots he GooN today. Forgot the picture camera when we went to get it. But took some when we got back to the slab! Enjoy! Can you spot the free screwdriver?
  17. Not Mine Me and lilblackwagon went and got it this eve. Its his new Free-ish GoooooooooN Can you spot the free screwdriver?
  18. Ahhhh but the work you've done is far from mediocre!
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