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Wheres Fisch?

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For him it's feast or famine. Freelance you have to hustle. Not like a regular job where the cheque comes rollin' in on Thurs. Must be stressful making art on demand.


thats why i didnt continue in the undustry, i like to know theres a check coming every month.

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I'm alive fellows!! Just burried in the hustle of the moment! But I indeed lurk around the corners.


The problem is, I love this place and you guys so much, that I get rather obssessed don't have the willpower to turn it off! Suddenly I am eating hours out of the work day is small 5 min increments with no boss to tell me to turn it off! Which isn't a big deal till I am under heavy deadline (I had a kids book due, which is alot of art on one deadline, and that is what first shut me down. Now I am hustling to get a few more big projects under control.)


When the guys asked me to be a mod, I said HELL YEAH but knew there would be stretches of time where I would have to vanish to focus on deadlines. Heh I guess the Feast and famine Mike mentioned applies to my Ratsun time too! Ratsun is like chocolate cake, and I had to go on a forced diet for a bit, but soon enough I will be back, and y'all will be like, "Dude Fisch, shut up! Don't you have a deadline you should be working on?"


But things are going swell in the studio, I shall have to share some art soon. Alas it isn't Datsun art, but the Datsun stuff inspired it!


Rock on my brothers!

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