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Refuse new $ coins

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I love the dollar coins, every couple months I go to the credit union and buy a roll (usually when I'm turning in rolls of change that builds up- I'm not giving away any % to coinstar). Then spend it at drive thrus instead of bills. Metal is easier to clean and doesn't trap and harbor germs nearly as much as paper money. But, since dollar coins are fairly rare I don't avoid bills, just use them side by side.


You don't see the old Eisenhower dollars anymore for the same reason you don't see quarters minted before 1965. They had a fairly high silver content and are worth far more as scrap than as coins. Half dollars are rare because very few are minted every year (it's been 10 years or so since the last major circulation run of halfs). Just as rare as $2 bills.

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Hang on to your bills .... they will be worth $$ in the future .. coins are way better , vending machines etc , and really what is anything under $10-$20 ?

You go to the shop to get a new clutch , you wont need coins ... you go to the shop to get milk and bread , coins will do it ...;)


We hav had $1 and $2 coins here for quite some time now ...


I love em .. makes a vegemite jar look goood when it is filled with them ... and my bank account happy when i cash them in ...:D

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Im the kind of person that likes to use coins. Any time ive got to cash a check at the bank, i always ask for at least 1 roll of dollar coins. Ive also noticed that i tend to keep money a little longer when i get it in coins. Not sure why, i just do.


Quick check in my change bag, there is 28 dollar coins.


Paul Kersey keeps them in a sock and carries them in his pocket.:D

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your right 71Dimer, I should have done my research, normally I send my emails to a retired friend (Wally) which likes doing that for me. The email in question, I forgot to send to him. Thanks for straighten that BS out.

Skib - sorry didn't mean to upset you.. or anyone for what its worth...


as for government and church should not be kept united :

the bible has been used as a guide to set the laws of the land.

I'm not a bible pusher but our fore fathers who signed the constitution were christians so government and church do go hand in hand.

For everything that is mentioned in the constitution there is a scripture in the bible pertaining to it.


I do know for a fact ( Romans 13:1-2) it does state in the bible that GOD gave man the right to govern the laws of the land. I checked this out with my daughter which is christen plus a retired sheriff (Jim) which is a very "honest" retired law enforcer plus I google searched.

I'm not going to go any further on this matter because someone will and is going to flame my rear probaly.




PS, if you and your buddies don't want your Fnn pennies, PM me and I'll send you my address. I can use the spare change.. :cool:



did you know that over $70,000 in pennies are toss away each year, toss them my way. :eek:

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what I could find is this but does not state about seperation.


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


heres a link that has more details on this matter..


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i guess you guys never worked retail?

where do you put $1 coins in the cash register? (hint: same place u put $2 bills)

think how much it would cost retail america to build new or retrofit all the old cash registers

that might be the reason we haven't gone completely coin yet

so let the gov. (aka taxpayers) keep footing the bill for disintegrating bills

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This country was founded on the ultimate distaste for oppression and foreign control. We rebeled and we won. The developement of the country as it exists now was largly done with force. I think people get too wound up about religeon. Who cares if its on our money. Not every citizen of the great USA is a christian and I dont believe they should be labeled as such because the majority are. And this is an opinion so dont get all up in arms and pist please.


Q. F. T.


I vote we put "In Allah We Trust" on coins, or "In Buddha We Trust", or "In Flying Spaghetti Monster We Trust".


Not everyone shares your religion, people. Don't cry about something as pathetic as this(Even though they DO say "In God We Trust")

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Skib - sorry didn't mean to upset you.. or anyone for what its worth...



sorry my post was a bit rough but I get agitated when theres a hoopla about something based solely on religion with little or no rational applied, merely a blind fear mongering bandwagon. for example someone posted a bulletin on myspace title "Obama the beast" it was a copy and pasted thing about how Obama was the anti-christ, seriously now? I grew up in the church and understand religion(s) quite thoroughly but it still blows me away that people will rely solely on blind faith believing everything thing they read. Im not knocking having faith but you must have some basic logic to go along with it.

"Usually a person has more faith in their fear"

so please people stop buying into the fear mongering, take a second to think about how crazy your sounding/acting, and listen to some common sense.




sorry, broke into a rant there. not directed at one person but people in general.

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Not just pennies, the entire financial system is bullshit! AgentAlpha has it right, watch Zeitgeist (including the addendum).


To be honest...until recently, I never really understood how the present financial economy works. This portion Zeitgeist addendum sums it up pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of4sVULsAJM

Basically, our financial economy is founded on money borrowed from the Fed (which is really a conglomeration of private banks) that "prints" dollars out of "thin air" :blink: The money is then loaned out by banks and credit card companies so we can invest in business and buy our plasma TV's at Wal-Mart. We try to boost the economy by devaluing the dollar...how does that make sense?? :mellow:


Part of the reason why our financial institution practically collapsed recently is that we took ourselves off the M3 index, where we have to state how many dollars are in circulation worldwide. Once we did that, we could print as much money (a.k.a make as many loans) as we want, without regard of how it will inflate the economy (devalue the dollar) compared to other world currencies.


Unless you're one of the richest 1% of the population, we're all slaves to "rat-race" and most of us don't even know it...:mad:

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Part of the reason why our financial institution practically collapsed recently is that we took ourselves off the M3 index, where we have to state how many dollars are in circulation worldwide. Once we did that, we could print as much money (a.k.a make as many loans) as we want, without regard of how it will inflate the economy (devalue the dollar) compared to other world currencies.


At the end of World War Two Germany did that to pay off all its war loans. The German mark was printed so much that one American dollar was worth 3,000,000 marks.

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