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8 hours ago, paradime said:

And what were the net results of Mr t's tax cuts? The middle class got fucked and the rich got richer. Look it up before defending it as the greater good for everyone


I got a small tax cut, very small. I'll take it because it sure beat the alternative. To my knowledge nobody got fucked in the middle class. I believe there were some changes to interest write offs on homes. Homes that cost a small fortune. If you could afford that home maybe you didn't need that deduction too badly ? I don't feel bad for the people buying up rental properties jacking rents and NOT being able to write off interest on their multiple loans. You don't like that tax cut because Trump did it. Who the hell complains about a tax cut ? You live in California WTF ? One of the reasons I like it is my Government couldn't take somebody's money and piss it away on meaningless crap. That's a win. 

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7 hours ago, thisismatt said:

I must be really poor because I don't pay much in income taxes.  I guess having kids helps.  Talk of lowering my taxes basically means nothing to me.  Maybe you guys are making too much? 😂 Who on the low end is really getting riled up about taxes?  Young single filer pizza deliverers?  

Yes kids help with the taxes that's for sure. 

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6 hours ago, tr8er said:

Taxes are needed because of our debt.  Not because we are complaining about our income taxes.  I was clear that I am fine with paying my taxes.  But if we can’t eliminate our deficit and lessen our debt, we will never be able to realize this fantasy of a prosperous future we seek.  We spend a trillion on just the interest on our debt.  It’s fucking un fathomable.  History shows our deficit ratio is best when the tax structure is top heavy.  Clinton actually got us into the black.  They were still growing their wealth passively before Trump cut their rates.  And John, he added the loopholes in.  They were largely removed before Trumps term.  Clinton had our deficit gone and paid billions of our debt off.  He did it by reducing spending and raising the highest income bracket tax rates.  I’d support a candidate that ran on that platform almost exclusively.  Trump has proven to UNO reverse both of those numbers.  Harris only one.  

No taxes aren't needed because of debt. They're needed to fund a civilized society with government, law enforcement and so many other things to help the citizens and run a powerful nation. The debt is because somebody spends money that isn't theirs to pay back. Has our government been in debt since day one to the degree it is now ? Tax loop holes were NOT created by Trump so knock it off with that nonsense. Did we go straight from Clinton to Trump as far as presidencies and debt go ? Or were we already in trouble when Trump took over ? I think you need to step up and pay more because it's such a good idea. Just throw an extra weeks pay to the IRS. 

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14 hours ago, tr8er said:

Enough minds with much more information and history have studied economics and tax policy.  They practically all agree that Trumps tax breaks for the rich have cost the U.S. much more than the lost income.  We should never have the rich and poor so far apart.  This shouldn’t really be a disagreement.  I’ve got no clue how they convinced people to buy into this crap.  Not to mention the loopholes the top brackets use to pay even less.  

we can agree that we are over spending like mad and that that is the bigger issue.  

 Personal tax rates are tiered and brother, you’d shit if you were taxed at the same rate as your boss, corporate tax is a different animal and is give and take. Your statement above is ignorant. Anyone can make tax beneficial choices, most are just too lazy to understand the game that beats them each year….easier to cry about it and hope someone penalizes those who invested in learning  to not be abused.

Edited by jbirds510
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8 hours ago, tr8er said:

Taxes are needed because of our debt.  Not because we are complaining about our income taxes.  I was clear that I am fine with paying my taxes.  But if we can’t eliminate our deficit and lessen our debt, we will never be able to realize this fantasy of a prosperous future we seek.  We spend a trillion on just the interest on our debt.  It’s fucking un fathomable.  History shows our deficit ratio is best when the tax structure is top heavy.  Clinton actually got us into the black.  They were still growing their wealth passively before Trump cut their rates.  And John, he added the loopholes in.  They were largely removed before Trumps term.  Clinton had our deficit gone and paid billions of our debt off.  He did it by reducing spending and raising the highest income bracket tax rates.  I’d support a candidate that ran on that platform almost exclusively.  Trump has proven to UNO reverse both of those numbers.  Harris only one.  


You should thank Newt Gingrich and the Republicans Contract with America and then thank Pres. Clinton for signing their budgets.

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2 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

 Personal tax rates are tiered and brother, you’d shit if you were taxed at the same rate as your boss, corporate tax is a different animal and is give and take. Your statement above is ignorant. Anyone can make tax beneficial choices, most are just too lazy to understand the game that beats them each year….easier to cry about it and hope someone penalizes those who invested in learning  to not be abused.


Lets follow that thinking farther. If everyone maximized their beneficial choices by playing the game, tax revenue would obviously drop necessitating some kind of increase to off set the loss. Secondly I bet most, if not many, are not in a position to take advantage of these beneficial choices choices because they don't make enough (such as owning a home, retirement savings, or having kids) and why they can't. 


At one time I would love to be taxed at my bosses rate. It would mean I was making six figures. Everything in my life would be commensurate with my income. Big house, several cars, vacation home, trophy wife, mistress... Sure I would not like 50% tax (or what ever it is) but that still leaves $350,000 left to me!!!  That's still better than making $56,000 and taxed at 20%. Oh to have the tax problems of the rich!!!

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Lets follow that thinking farther. If everyone maximized their beneficial choices by playing the game, tax revenue would obviously drop necessitating some kind of increase to off set the loss. Secondly I bet most, if not many, are not in a position to take advantage of these beneficial choices choices because they don't make enough (such as owning a home, retirement savings, or having kids) and why they can't. 


At one time I would love to be taxed at my bosses rate. It would mean I was making six figures. Everything in my life would be commensurate with my income. Big house, several cars, vacation home, trophy wife, mistress... Sure I would not like 50% tax (or what ever it is) but that still leaves $350,000 left to me!!!  That's still better than making $56,000 and taxed at 20%. Oh to have the tax problems of the rich!!!



Money can't buy you happiness but it makes misery a lot more comfortable

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21 hours ago, datzenmike said:


MAGAs are so easy to trigger aren't they John? Name calling? That the best you can do? Nothing I said about grifter Trump is inaccurate, during or after. That tin of butt cream is a perfect fit for you! Take the lid off first.

No I'm NOT, you big dodo head! 😭😡 "Nothing I said about grifter Trump is inaccurate, during or after!"  There ya go again, making a statement of fact, huh? 😆🤣

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Well you are free to disprove them if you want. No one has yet to disprove that he is a convicted felon, sexual predator and misogynist, convicted of sexual abuse, racist, liar, not just a liar, but a constant liar, adulterer, displays narcissistic, egocentric, and grandiosity traits and talks with a grade three vocabulary.  


... and I get your post it's very clever and funny.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Well you are free to disprove them if you want. No one has yet to disprove that he is a convicted felon, sexual predator and misogynist, convicted of sexual abuse, racist, liar, not just a liar, but a constant liar, adulterer, displays narcissistic, egocentric, and grandiosity traits and talks with a grade three vocabulary.  


... and I get your post it's very clever and funny.


convicted felon = yes of 34 fake felonies, what are those felonies anyway?

Sexual predator = yes ain't we all

Misogynist = yes see previous

Convicted of sexual abuse = FAKE NEWS! he was convicted of slandering the woman that falsely accused him she could not show evidence of any crime, he was not convicted of any sexual crime

Racist = C'mon man show me something racist he's said that's real, there's all kinds of evidence he's hung around black people

liar, not just a liar, but a constant liar, adulterer, displays narcissistic, egocentric, and grandiosity traits and talks with a grade three vocabulary.   = yea ok so??

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22 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Is that YOU Mike?  You sure look alot like you know who....................

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Lets follow that thinking farther. If everyone maximized their beneficial choices by playing the game, tax revenue would obviously drop necessitating some kind of increase to off set the loss.



Secondly I bet most, if not many, are not in a position to take advantage of these beneficial choices choices because they don't make enough (such as owning a home, retirement savings, or having kids) and why they can't. 


 Oh to have the tax problems of the rich!!!

Thank you SO MUCH for your reply. It brings me much joy to point out a few things about you and society. The fist paragraph above confirms you cant be bothered to know your “enemy”. Trump went over all of it his economic plan, you know, offsets but instead  of using your time to actually know the man and his plans and goals you chose to look for pics of his dick, as seen above. Its ok brother i suspect most folks with TDS think about his nether parts so atleast you aren't alone. I wouldnt have mentioned it but its not the first time on this thread. 
  second part, I wont speak for others but I was taught money management and fiscal accountability. No one gave it to me, i sought the knowledge, funded the process and learned how to not let the government quietly let me fuck myself in April each year. ANYONE can do this. I own my home, not a bank, I have no debt and I dont even have a full time job. Anyone can do it, thats the AMERICAN DREAM, but theres a key word in that sentence. “Do it”. People like to point at others but in reality we are only accountable to ourselves. I have every reason to be proud. I support leaders who support my values and unlike you I open mindedly consider all options before I decide. Trump/vance wins. 
 Lastly and frankly my favorite, “oh to have the tax problems of the rich”. You never had a shot. You simply lack the faculties to grow on that scale. However as weve seen you dont lack the ability to knock better men so can still love yourself. 

Edited by jbirds510
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27 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


convicted felon = yes of 34 fake felonies, what are those felonies anyway?

Sexual predator = yes ain't we all

Misogynist = yes see previous

Convicted of sexual abuse = FAKE NEWS! he was convicted of slandering the woman that falsely accused him she could not show evidence of any crime, he was not convicted of any sexual crime

Racist = C'mon man show me something racist he's said that's real, there's all kinds of evidence he's hung around black people

liar, not just a liar, but a constant liar, adulterer, displays narcissistic, egocentric, and grandiosity traits and talks with a grade three vocabulary.   = yea ok so??

Did you know CUNT is an acronym? If you didnt, it stands for cant understand normal thinking. There was an old timer in my life I enjoyed listening to, the best stories. He once said to me, “ I used to have a pal, stan was his name. Stan enjoyed letting me know who would talk shit about me and after a lot of years I began to wonder why they always told him.” Looong pause after that and a raised eyebrow in my direction.” It dawned on me that my pal Stan wasnt really my pal at all, in fact he was likely the conversation starter around my name”. I think of this when Mike quotes or parrots MSM. Mike’s an outsider and an instigator with nothing better to do than rile us up for his entertainment. Today hes even gone far enough

to offend others who lean more his way as seen above. Tr8tor, we dont always see eye to eye but i respect you mentioning mikes distasteful post. It also reminds me we aren't enemies but rather those who created hard enough times for our differing to really matter.

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On 10/1/2024 at 5:25 PM, tr8er said:

If every citizen paid 50K, our country would be out of debt.  Currently we are sitting on a ridiculous ratio of debt and the notion that we need less taxes is short sighted.  We need to adjust everywhere to reduce spending and collect more taxes and foreign debts to get our books more in balance.  There has never been such discrepancy in wealth, so lets get to it.  



            If we all did that they'd just spend even MORE money.

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

That fucking Trump statue thing is fucking gross and deplorable.  That all.  Just not at all into that kinda shit.  

...........and it was posted by THE MODERATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆😂😖

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10 hours ago, john510 said:

I got a small tax cut, very small. I'll take it because it sure beat the alternative. To my knowledge nobody got fucked in the middle class. I believe there were some changes to interest write offs on homes. Homes that cost a small fortune. If you could afford that home maybe you didn't need that deduction too badly ? I don't feel bad for the people buying up rental properties jacking rents and NOT being able to write off interest on their multiple loans. You don't like that tax cut because Trump did it. Who the hell complains about a tax cut ? You live in California WTF ? One of the reasons I like it is my Government couldn't take somebody's money and piss it away on meaningless crap. That's a win. 

Trump's "greatest economy ever" was propped up by inheriting a strong one from Obama, and 0% prime interest rates to dig us out of Bush's Baked Bean disaster. After a global bank, mortgage, and real estate collapse, bitch ass whiners complained the economic recovery wasn't fast enough, and never stopped, even when it came back stronger than Bush's. The same economically ignorant twats are belly aching about the recovery after a global pandemic as if Biden created it. 


To your knowledge? Okay, starting from the bottom. Lower income earners were not effected by Trump's tax cuts for the rich, but got fucked on the back end. With less tax revenue they got less in support. Mr. T's budget cuts were in public health care, food assistance, low income housing and home energy assistance, assistance for people with disabilities, funding to states for for low-income families, federal grants and loans to make college more affordable, cut non-defense programs as a whole, and cock blocked a federal minimum wage. All what you call "pissing it away on meaningless crap". I don't think you'd see it that way if you needed it to survive. That's not a win for them.


To the middle. By reducing deductions for real estate taxes, Trump's tax cuts screwed millions of mid class homeowners and gave corporations a $680 billion windfall on the back end. Currently, with the mortgage interest deduction the homeowner/occupier can deduct interest on up to $750K of principal, and will revert to $1 mil after 2025. In 2018, only 4% in the 50th %tile $37K to $50K income bracket claimed the deduction, and received less than 1% of the tax expenditure’s benefits. The 98th %tile over $200K to $1 mil bracket made 34% of the claims and took over 60% of the benefits. 


Now to the top 0.1%tile who's benefited the most. Since Trump's tax cuts for the rich took effect, their net worth has nearly doubled, while the median 50th%tile's net worth (inflation adjusted) has been flat or fallen since the 1950s. So who's getting fucked, and who's doing the fucking?


Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:


convicted felon = yes of 34 fake felonies, what are those felonies anyway?

Sexual predator = yes ain't we all

Misogynist = yes see previous

Convicted of sexual abuse = FAKE NEWS! he was convicted of slandering the woman that falsely accused him she could not show evidence of any crime, he was not convicted of any sexual crime

Racist = C'mon man show me something racist he's said that's real, there's all kinds of evidence he's hung around black people

liar, not just a liar, but a constant liar, adulterer, displays narcissistic, egocentric, and grandiosity traits and talks with a grade three vocabulary.   = yea ok so??


So your rebuttal for criminal, sexual battery was "it never happened/fake?" Denial is not disproof.

No we are not all sex predictors or at the very least we didn't get caught.

Racist? 'c'mon man'. I asked YOU to disprove it.

all the rest... 'yeah, ok so???' Not proof.

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11 minutes ago, paradime said:

Trump's "greatest economy ever" was propped up by inheriting a strong one from Obama, and 0% prime interest rates to dig us out of Bush's Baked Bean disaster. After a global bank, mortgage, and real estate collapse, bitch ass whiners complained the economic recovery wasn't fast enough, and never stopped, even when it came back stronger than Bush's. The same economically ignorant twats are belly aching about the recovery after a global pandemic as if Biden created it. 


To your knowledge? Okay, starting from the bottom. Lower income earners were not effected by Trump's tax cuts for the rich, but got fucked on the back end. With less tax revenue they got less in support. Mr. T's budget cuts were in public health care, food assistance, low income housing and home energy assistance, assistance for people with disabilities, funding to states for for low-income families, federal grants and loans to make college more affordable, cut non-defense programs as a whole, and cock blocked a federal minimum wage. All what you call "pissing it away on meaningless crap". I don't think you'd see it that way if you needed it to survive. That's not a win for them.


To the middle. By reducing deductions for real estate taxes, Trump's tax cuts screwed millions of mid class homeowners and gave corporations a $680 billion windfall on the back end. Currently, with the mortgage interest deduction the homeowner/occupier can deduct interest on up to $750K of principal, and will revert to $1 mil after 2025. In 2018, only 4% in the 50th %tile $37K to $50K income bracket claimed the deduction, and received less than 1% of the tax expenditure’s benefits. The 98th %tile over $200K to %1 mil bracket made 34% of the claims and took over 60% of the benefits. 


Now to the top 0.1%tile who's benefited the most. Since Trump's tax cuts for the rich took effect, their net worth has nearly doubled, while the median 50th%tile's net worth (inflation adjusted) has fallen since the 1950s. So who's getting fucked, and who's doing the fucking?


Do you often exaggerate ? Nobody that was broke lost anything because of Trump. You're the only person I've ever heard complain about a tax cut. I got mine (small) and I'll take it. 

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“Reminder that Donald Trump was found to be a sexual abuser by a jury of his peers in May 2023. Then, when Trump twice appealed the ruling claiming he was “only” a sexual abuser and not rapist, the judge twice clarified that he was a rapist according to the common and federal law definitions of rape.


Trump has a long standing relationship with Epstein and Maxwell that involved trafficking women, using his clubs as recruitment centers: https://youtu.be/ZqBQQVoDjdE?si=9su3QMXfjYOAL10R


6 lawsuits filed against Trump for sexual abuse, 15 public allegations of sexual abuse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations


Trump ruled a sexual abuser, with his appeal filings clarifying he is a rapist: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/e-jean-carroll-scores-another-victory-after-winning-a-sex-abuse-and-defamation-lawsuit-against-trump, https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-dis-crt-sd-new-yor/114642632.html


Trump goes into teen’s dressing rooms before pageants: https://youtu.be/dIO7w7ea0Pk?si=EgKN-JDePWwvxyYD, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html


Trump creeps and fondles teens at beauty pageants. https://youtu.be/hE9bVL9skIo?si=Z5gb6j3I_u3o7XlF


Trump brags about sexual assault on women in Access Hollywood recording: https://youtu.be/fYqKx1GuZGg?si=0949XhKvcYMKbnH-


Trump frequently seen with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-partied-together-then-an-oceanfront-palm-beach-mansion-came-between-them/2019/07/31/79f1d98c-aca0-11e9-a0c9-6d2d7818f3da_story.html, https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/07/21/heres-every-time-donald-trump-and-ghislaine-maxwell-have-been-photographed-together/, https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/jeffrey-epstein-and-donald-trump-epic-bromance


Trump frequently flies with Jeffrey Epstein: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/22/jeffrey-epsteins-black-book-trump-clintons-prince-andrew.html, https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html, https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html


Trump makes incestuous comments about his daughter: https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/, https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/161012102650-ivanka-sits-on-trump.jpg?c=original


Trump creeps on Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton when they were children, and he claims to share Epstein’s taste: https://youtu.be/qQ5k2ybieXU?si=B2FcNoqy4k-D_mUk



here’s a fun list that I’ve not fully vetted, so have at the shredding of the  credibility.  

Edited by tr8er
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8 minutes ago, john510 said:

Do you often exaggerate ? Nobody that was broke lost anything because of Trump. You're the only person I've ever heard complain about a tax cut. I got mine (small) and I'll take it. 

Next time read my post so you understand what I said. My complaint about this tax cut is who it benefits, and who get's fucked. I could ask you the same 3rd grade question about exaggerations, but I'm not trying to dodge the point being made about the economic effects of T-bone reducing the mortgage interest deduction. 

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