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9 minutes ago, tr8er said:

Tulsi got pretty owned there.  Funny stuff.  I grew up with her.  Believe it or not she’s incredibly sane considering her upbringing.


Say what? Got owned, how? From what I've seen of her I've never questioned her sanity. She's a badass and the only woman in history I would consider voting for president.

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45 minutes ago, IZRL said:


Say what? Got owned, how? From what I've seen of her I've never questioned her sanity. She's a badass and the only woman in history I would consider voting for president.

Where she goes into feeling shocked that people questioned the assassination attempt and the guys is like, “well conservatives basically conspiracy theory every fucking thing on the planet tying people to child rape for ordering pizzas and beyond, and here you are getting riled about questioning the cause of the blood on his face?  Small amount of hypocrisy there don’t ya think?”  And Tulsi is just like, well yeah but this is different a stuff.  

did you miss that part?  Where they were talking?  

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3 hours ago, tr8er said:

Where she goes into feeling shocked that people questioned the assassination attempt and the guys is like, “well conservatives basically conspiracy theory every fucking thing on the planet tying people to child rape for ordering pizzas and beyond, and here you are getting riled about questioning the cause of the blood on his face?  Small amount of hypocrisy there don’t ya think?”  And Tulsi is just like, well yeah but this is different a stuff.  

did you miss that part?  Where they were talking?  


This is what you call owning? I like this interviewer for the reason that he is not afraid to push back a little and lead the interviewee towards analyzing ideas "civilly" from different points of view.


She was 100% correct on the point she made. The leftist media didn't give the assassination attempt the respect, attention, and importance that should've been given to it. On the contrary, at first they weren't even reporting on it. Then they made up shit about what happened and have continued to downplay the seriousness of what happened till this day. The fact that the right might have made similar claims about other things in the past was nor here nor there. 


Owned to me is she got caught in a lie and he called her out on it. She wasn't wrong, he didn't say she was wrong, he simply said the right has also done it. 


EDIT: Here's another interview so you can see how interesting it gets when he pushes back on the interviewee's views and ideas.


Edited by IZRL
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8 hours ago, tr8er said:

For starters, none of it comes back if Ukraine is toppled.  Second, it shows that our balls weren't completely chopped off under Trump which is the concern of much of the western world when Trump caressed Putins scrotum on live TV.  Russia is not an ally.  Anyone who thinks that is the same as the guy who gave the school bully his lunch money with the thought they would be friends if they did.  There was a time when unprovoked genocide was met with unbridled force.  When footage from within Ukraine showed the actions of the Russian military on citizens en masse, there should have been a collective response much greater than was given.  I am glad we helped.  I feel like if we helped more from day one, this shit would be over.  Trump would have given Ukraine to Putin.  Straight up.  Just like he gave Afghanistan to the Taliban with no conditions.  He says he's strong but if he's not willing to stand up for anything, what good is it?  

You think Ukraine is going to pay us back ? LOL. In the four years Trump was President Ukraine wasn't invaded by Russia and Trump handed Putin nothing. And Afghanistan ? The hatred for Trump sure does cloud reality. Look at the wars we had under Trump vs. now. But Trump isn't strong. 

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3 hours ago, tr8er said:

Where she goes into feeling shocked that people questioned the assassination attempt and the guys is like, “well conservatives basically conspiracy theory every fucking thing on the planet tying people to child rape for ordering pizzas and beyond, and here you are getting riled about questioning the cause of the blood on his face?  Small amount of hypocrisy there don’t ya think?”  And Tulsi is just like, well yeah but this is different a stuff.  

did you miss that part?  Where they were talking?  

I don't know one Trump supporter that believes that Pizzagate BS. That's one of those left wing theories that's bullshit. A very few rightwing wackjobs believe it so all Republicans support it ? Anybody with a functioning mind should be shocked at those that would think the assassination was scripted. 

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42 minutes ago, john510 said:

You think Ukraine is going to pay us back ? LOL. In the four years Trump was President Ukraine wasn't invaded by Russia and Trump handed Putin nothing. And Afghanistan ? The hatred for Trump sure does cloud reality. Look at the wars we had under Trump vs. now. But Trump isn't strong. 


Sometimes the new regime get shit on for a failure that comes to fruition begun by the old. Can also be taking credit for something good that arises but they did little to earn it as it was begun by the former administration. Putin had already land grabbed the Crimea unopposed and was either somewhat content with this or being surprised with his luck (and continued lack of opposition) began plans for an all out invasion and this required some time. Additionally perhaps he was concerned with an unhinged Trump response and waited for the next election. Or when dopey Joe took over that was the sign to move in.


The payback is no Putin duh! He's unlikely to survive a defeat in Ukraine. Also in for a dollar in for a pound. You're going to admit defeat and spend tens of billions to only delay Putin taking over Ukraine? Play to win.   

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18 hours ago, IZRL said:



since we're on the topic. I've been wondering if there's a way for you to remove my experience points and achievements on Ratsun? I got all my achievements from talking out of my ass on destruction and covid. Don't want new members to confuse my destruction blabbering experience with actual helpful car knowledge/ experience 😃


Awards are built into the system and cannot be removed. Even if I could you would automatically begin earning them again. I can, and have, made up new awards and bestowed them. Which I have done here, see if you can find it.

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19 hours ago, tr8er said:

I gotta say, I was hoping Harris wouldn't be the pick to run against Trump.  But after seeing the absolute lions share of anti Harris sentiment revolving around how she sucks dick, or has multiple ethnicities has me floored.  It almost looks like the liberals are writing conservative attacks as they are in such bad taste with lack of relevance making the right look like shit.  She's being considered for the presidency of the USA.  I'd suggest finding actual reasons she shouldn't be considered for the job.  I'd like to see them in earnest.  Her being female, Black/Jamaican, Indian etc. will not earn nor deter my vote.    

I too believe the attacks are so ridiculous that those engaging are either idiots or paid subversives.  I don't know much about JD Vance, besides his silly stance on children, but the fact that many pundits keep trying to get this "couch fucker" thing to stick, I find positive. If that is the best attack, then he might be alright. As far as Harris, read her position and quotes regarding gun control, she not only spews the same uninformed shit as the rest of the democrats, she amps it up, she is for forced firearm relinquishment on a mass scale. Wouldn't matter if she was blue eyed, lily white, raised on a potato farm, and promising to make old Datsuns tax deductible, I would not support her.

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"We are being offered a false choice.  You’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away. It’s a false choice that is born out of a lack of courage from leaders who must recognize and agree that there are some practical solutions to what is a clear problem in our country.”

   -Harris, registered gun owner.  


She did state support of a buyback on assault weapons during a talk show appearance.  She also retracted that statement, but it WAS said.  I hate that BS because "Assault Weapon" means nothing.  Multiple definitions, and none of them are reliably used.  I support banning many weapons.  If my asshole neighbors owned grenade launchers, I'd not appreciate it.  Napalm is best kept off the shelf.  Nuclear warheads would best be uninvented.  So where do we draw the line?  The constitution does not spell this out.  Yet proponents appear to interpret that there are no limits.  At the same time they agree with extreme examples as shown above.   So obviously there is a line, and ultimately it needs to be drawn, and re-drawn to account for market evolution as new products come to the market.  The NRA/Gun Rights groups I think have simply figured the only response is a full mounted response against any and all legislation inhibiting weapons.  Figuring they will lose the fight if the restriction is reasonable enough, but if they don't fight, they will appear to be a pushover for further legislation.  Well, the issue is that they have had massive support, and they won even the fights they likely wouldn't have minded losing.  I've been one of those supporters FYI.  Hunter, and hobbyist who does support our right to arms.  But I am also able to see the issue for what it is.  My solutions that I support are massively increasing background checks and I am aware that that will give TheMan the ability to take your guns.  I simply prefer to know that folks who are obviously mentally unable to make good decisions, should also not have the kind of power to take dozens of lives in a matter of minutes.  I'd rather lunatics be forced to go out with a knife and kill one or two people before getting taken down.  And yeah, they can still get a gun.  Obviously.  But if it is illegal for them to buy one, it becomes harder to get.  I see that as a reasonable sacrifice.  Hell, if they are not sound in mind, I don't want them in my well regulated militia anyway.     

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

My solutions that I support are massively increasing background checks and I am aware that that will give TheMan the ability to take your guns.  I simply prefer to know that folks who are obviously mentally unable to make good decisions, should also not have the kind of power to take dozens of lives in a matter of minutes.

Laws are only followed by law abiding citizens. Pass as many gun laws as you wish. The bad guys will always have guns(Mexico). Once someone decides they're gonna take a dozen lives, they've crossed the point of giving a damn about laws. Guns are ridiculously easy to get illegally. 


Do stricter gun laws reduce gun crimes? The proof is in the pudding, ask yourself, why are the states with the strictest gun laws the most dangerous to live in.


But like with everything else on the left, facts and logic mean nothing. They just cover their ears and regurgitate their party's talking points. If that fails, call them racist, fascist, bigots and walk away.



Edited by IZRL
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5 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Do stricter gun laws reduce gun crimes? The proof is in the pudding, ask yourself, why are the states with the strictest gun laws the most dangerous to live in.




Perhaps it's the other way around. The states with strictest gun laws are BECAUSE they are the most dangerous to live in. My chicken and the egg theory.

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Awards are built into the system and cannot be removed. Even if I could you would automatically begin earning them again. I can, and have, made up new awards and bestowed them. Which I have done here, see if you can find it.

hmm... I'm thinking I found one 🤣



Edit: digging further in, maybe not. Looks like this award has been around for a while now. Mike is this yours or did it come stock with the board... and how the Hell does someone even earn this? 😁


Excited Kramer - Reaction GIFs

Edited by Dguy210
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7 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Perhaps it's the other way around. The states with strictest gun laws are BECAUSE they are the most dangerous to live in. My chicken and the egg theory.

The more dangerous a city, the more I want to be armed. In some of the least dangerous cities in the nation, there are small towns in Idaho that have 0 felony crimes, year after year, open carry is allowed. Wait, in theory "open carry" is allowed in many places in Idaho, but I assure you, legal or not, if you go strolling openly strapped into a mall in a populous area there will, more probably than not, be law enforcement involvement. In the rural towns, wear your six gun anywhere you want. (besides a bar)


26 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Guns are ridiculously easy to get illegally. 

To me, this seems like a statement so often repeated that it is now assumed true without investigation. I will be first to admit, it has been a long time since my days as a delinquent. But, obtaining an illegal firearm was not ridiculously easy, even when I ran in circles of criminals. I wouldn't know where to start to get one now. Please explain. 


2 hours ago, tr8er said:

"We are being offered a false choice.  You’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away. It’s a false choice that is born out of a lack of courage from leaders who must recognize and agree that there are some practical solutions to what is a clear problem in our country.”

   -Harris, registered gun owner.  

I thought you were the one claiming an ability to see through rhetoric? Blanket statements in generalized terms are the mainstay of political bullshit, of note in the provided quote, "practical solutions", "clear problem". I do not see a "gun" problem in America. More gun laws would not stop the majority of crime, more gun laws wouldn't even stop the majority of crime with guns. Find your statistics and I'll find mine, I have played this game before. You want to believe or need to believe that someone somewhere is going to protect you. Don't wake up, read the actual law and realize the duty of those sworn to protect is to the society, the "greater good", no one is looking out for you and the ones you care about, but sleep peacefully and statistcally, you probably be ok. 

And, I don't have a problem with that at all. Sell your guns back, throw them in a river, shave your head and give all of your worldly possessions to God, good for you.

BUT, I will not registrar my firearms, I will not relinquish my firearms, there will not be an ownership tax or permit or fee to continue to own my firearms, my firearms will not be part of a data base, or microchiped, or have any type of additional "safety" devices installed. I will not abandon my ability to load ammunition for my firearms, I will not comply with gunpowder storage inspections or primer storage inspections, I will fight any required State or Federal monitoring of ammunition sales, gunpowder sales, primer or bullet sales. I could type for another hour all the sideways, back alley, bullshit regulations, like the ones above, that have been attempted (and in some states passed) as a way to increase control, increase surveillance, increase cost and decrease the rights of the American citizen. I have watched the gun hating left manipulate, exaggerate and lie about guns, for so long, the lies have become part of our culture. The more I point out the errors and the mistakes made by the news, by television shows, by movies, the more I am labeled the "gun nut". I thought it would get better, at least in the John Wick movies, he reloads once in a while, but in general it has gotten worse. The Democrats have proven repeatedly that they wish to disarm America. For every inch of compromise, they have pushed for a mile. Every Country in the world that has implemented government registration of firearms, at some point that registration has been used to force surrender of firearms-Every Country. 

Be very careful advocating for rights of "others" to be forfeit, especially when details are absent and the lines between you and them, closer than you know. 

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14 minutes ago, frankendat said:


... Blanket statements in generalized terms are the mainstay of political bullshit...



Ain't that the truth and valid here in Destruction. A lot.


frank you can be my neighbor anytime.

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17 hours ago, tr8er said:

Walz as VP….  You are about to hear thousands of sound bites about his support of gender reassignment.  Holy fuck we are utterly sidelined with silly issues shit.  

Sooooooooooooooo........is it possible this is a duo paired in hopes that they will fail.....? Like the puppet masters want their own nominees to be so awful that they can do nothing but lose??? Pic unrelated. IMG_2670.thumb.jpeg.85e0959fd82923ae65a9bb78de9c9b93.jpeg

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I will worry about this election, even after it is over. Nothing makes sense. Michelle makes sense. I don't want the Democrats to realize that and I don't want her to be President, Vice President, D.C. dogcatcher, but it is obvious to everyone I talk too. The Democrats I know want her over Harris and I haven't ask, but am sure they would want her over Waltz. The Republicans I know all admit (including me) Michelle bulldozing Trump is an almost certainty, and the only reason it is almost and not certainty...politics man, nothing is certain, but I wouldn't bet on Trump.

So, either the Democrats are too stupid to push OR Michelle is so resolved that a place in history and world fame/power/prestige both as herself and as a couple that would be the greatest in the modern world, will not tempt her (The Obamas would be closer to American Royalty than anyone has ever been) OR some behind the scenes bullshit is going on that will ultimately hurt average commoners like me, in favor of rich, socialist or fascist elites? I don't consider myself a conspiracy guy, but the third option is the only one that makes sense.   

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27 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Sooooooooooooooo........is it possible this is a duo paired in hopes that they will fail.....? Like the puppet masters want their own nominees to be so awful that they can do nothing but lose??? Pic unrelated. IMG_2670.thumb.jpeg.85e0959fd82923ae65a9bb78de9c9b93.jpeg

Makes you wonder. Or maybe they already know who the winners will be. Shapiro seemed to be the better person if you really wanted to win. Weren't they talking about a younger fresher campaign ? And they pick an old guy ? 

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1 minute ago, frankendat said:

I will worry about this election, even after it is over. Nothing makes sense. Michelle makes sense. I don't want the Democrats to realize that and I don't want her to be President, Vice President, D.C. dogcatcher, but it is obvious to everyone I talk too. The Democrats I know want her over Harris and I haven't ask, but am sure they would want her over Waltz. The Republicans I know all admit (including me) Michelle bulldozing Trump is an almost certainty, and the only reason it is almost and not certainty...politics man, nothing is certain, but I wouldn't bet on Trump.

So, either the Democrats are too stupid to push OR Michelle is so resolved that a place in history and world fame/power/prestige both as herself and as a couple that would be the greatest in the modern world, will not tempt her (The Obamas would be closer to American Royalty than anyone has ever been) OR some behind the scenes bullshit is going on that will ultimately hurt average commoners like me, in favor of rich, socialist or fascist elites? I don't consider myself a conspiracy guy, but the third option is the only one that makes sense.   

Maybe Obama is being truthful and sincere when she says she doesn't want to run ? That is possible.

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