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1 hour ago, john510 said:

One thing I never understood about Hollyweird is that the vast majority of them are extreme liberals. If you aren't and make it known your career will be sabotaged. Is it the money, fame, the fact they know people like them as characters in movies and TV ? The part about being liberal is the one I can't figure out. What causes that mindset ? Those people have no perception of the reality that the average person lives in. The egos are so big they think their opinion means something. 


And the State gives that industry sweetheart financial deals to keep them in California.  I don't get it either..


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1 hour ago, john510 said:

One thing I never understood about Hollyweird is that the vast majority of them are extreme liberals. If you aren't and make it known your career will be sabotaged. Is it the money, fame, the fact they know people like them as characters in movies and TV ? The part about being liberal is the one I can't figure out. What causes that mindset ? Those people have no perception of the reality that the average person lives in. The egos are so big they think their opinion means something. 


 Tells you a lot about the nature of politics when celebrity endorsements have value campaigns. It's not just the left though. Trump has his too, Like Don King, Jon Voight, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Kanye West, Taryn Manning, Kelsey Grammer, Scott Baio, Conor McGregor, Roseanne Barr, Robert Davi, Randy and Denis Quaid, Tito Ortiz, Brett Favre, Herschel Walker, Dana White, Rick Harrison, James Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Kristy Swanson, Mariano Rivera, Mary Hart, Steve Baldwin, and Jordan Belfort the real Wolf of Wall Street. 

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21 hours ago, john510 said:

One thing I never understood about Hollyweird is that the vast majority of them are extreme liberals. If you aren't and make it known your career will be sabotaged. Is it the money, fame, the fact they know people like them as characters in movies and TV ? The part about being liberal is the one I can't figure out. What causes that mindset ? Those people have no perception of the reality that the average person lives in. The egos are so big they think their opinion means something. 


They're establishing/enhancing their bona-fides with the entities & powers that they deem to count in their glittery little make-believe worlds. Each one just another miniscule speck of fly shit under the 'Big Microscope'.

Edited by difrangia
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Don King, Jon Voight, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Kanye West, Taryn Manning, Kelsey Grammer, Scott Baio, Conor McGregor, Roseanne Barr, Robert Davi, Randy and Denis Quaid, Tito Ortiz, Brett Favre, Herschel Walker, Dana White, Rick Harrison, James Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Kristy Swanson, Mariano Rivera, Mary Hart, Steve Baldwin, and Jordan Belfort the real Wolf of Wall Street....... Right, all experts with degrees in either Political Science or Political Studies. Assholes.

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On 6/16/2024 at 2:49 PM, paradime said:

We all have stories, and no doubt, there are some F'ed up women who abuse the justice system to gain a legal advantage, and there are equally F'ed up men who do the same. At the same time, women are not unique in being bat shit crazy drunks. In terms of domestic violence by an intimate partner, at least once in their lifetime, 35% of American men and women have experience some form of battery from a partner leading to physical injury. Here's the difference that shouldn't be ignored; over 85% of those victims were women, with more than 2 million recorded injuries, and 1,100 battered women are killed by their bat shit crazy husbands/boyfriends every year. 

I guarantee you those numbers are far from being accurate. If you factor in the number of females who have reported falsely. Which by the way has probably increased drastically in the past couple decades. More and more women have lost their moral compass. And secondly if you factor in all the men who have gotten hit by women and would rather take it than to be looked at as little bitches for reporting the assault. I think most of us have been hit by a crazy broad at least once in our lives.


When It happened to me with an ex, it didn't even cross my mind to report it. She got pissed cause I didn't want to argue. I decided I was gonna go to my place to give her time to cool down. This pissed her off even more for some reason. So she wound up real good and threw a "slap". Well she misjudged the distance and hit me on the temple with the palm of her hand/ wrist. I'm embarrassed to admit it but she rocked me for a second. I have never & would never hit a female but I can see how it could happen in these instances for other men. I was seeing red for a few seconds than I calmed myself down and left. 

Edited by IZRL
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11 hours ago, john510 said:

One thing I never understood about Hollyweird is that the vast majority of them are extreme liberals. If you aren't and make it known your career will be sabotaged. Is it the money, fame, the fact they know people like them as characters in movies and TV ? The part about being liberal is the one I can't figure out. What causes that mindset ? Those people have no perception of the reality that the average person lives in. The egos are so big they think their opinion means something. 

Like everything else, It all comes down to following the money. 


If you look into where the biggest donations come from for universities in the western world. you'll see why they've turned into woke shit for brains conveyor belts. 


If you look into which private companies fund nutrition research projects and who controls what ingredients get put in processed foods (examples - sugar industry/ pharmaceutical industry). You'll see why America is the world leader of obesity and diabetes. Well, the leader of all illnesses/conditions that come from obesity(just about every illness).


The military industrial complex, nuff said. 


And the list goes on. Our Government/ Gov Officials are ok with killing us to make a buck. <<<This is why I find it comical that people can't fathom the possibility that our gov would do something to intentionally hurt/kill us(All the "conspiracy theories" I've mentioned).


I'm betting Hollywood is no different.



Edited by IZRL
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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Don King, Jon Voight, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Kanye West, Taryn Manning, Kelsey Grammer, Scott Baio, Conor McGregor, Roseanne Barr, Robert Davi, Randy and Denis Quaid, Tito Ortiz, Brett Favre, Herschel Walker, Dana White, Rick Harrison, James Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Kristy Swanson, Mariano Rivera, Mary Hart, Steve Baldwin, and Jordan Belfort the real Wolf of Wall Street....... Right, all experts with degrees in either Political Science or Political Studies. Assholes.


All these people and all the ones you left out are the exception rather than the rule and don't have the level of influence and the destructive consequences that our woke media/educational system  has to our country. It's like a drop in the woke ocean we live in. 

Edited by IZRL
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Still believe the government gives a shit about "global warming" and that this is the reason for all the drastic measures they're taking.



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13 hours ago, paradime said:


 Tells you a lot about the nature of politics when celebrity endorsements have value campaigns. It's not just the left though. Trump has his too, Like Don King, Jon Voight, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Kanye West, Taryn Manning, Kelsey Grammer, Scott Baio, Conor McGregor, Roseanne Barr, Robert Davi, Randy and Denis Quaid, Tito Ortiz, Brett Favre, Herschel Walker, Dana White, Rick Harrison, James Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Kristy Swanson, Mariano Rivera, Mary Hart, Steve Baldwin, and Jordan Belfort the real Wolf of Wall Street. 

And how much publicity do any of those named get ? Not much. That's 25 names compared to ? Thousands ? I don't even know who six of them are. Is Steve Baldwin Alec's washed up has been brother ? 

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:

Still believe the government gives a shit about "global warming" and that this is the reason for all the drastic measures they're taking.



No kidding. And are they paying their registration fees like we are ? 

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:

Still believe the government gives a shit about "global warming" and that this is the reason for all the drastic measures they're taking.




The military, like the police and other services are exempt from certain things and laws and why not? if it increases their effectiveness and the protection we all live under? Do you want ambulances, fire trucks or police cars obeying all the rules of the road when you need them? The entire world is full of inequality lessons. The government doesn't hate you, it's not capable of that emotion. It just is what it is.

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:


The military, like the police and other services are exempt from certain things and laws and why not? if it increases their effectiveness and the protection we all live under? Do you want ambulances, fire trucks or police cars obeying all the rules of the road when you need them? The entire world is full of inequality lessons. The government doesn't hate you, it's not capable of that emotion. It just is what it is.

Following emissions laws does not prevent these agencies from performing their duties. I've never said the gov "hated" us. I've said they could care less if we live or die. We're expendable pawns in this game. To be worthy of hate would be a step up from where we sit on their list of priorities. 

Edited by IZRL
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Ask someone in the military why they are exempt from emission controls. Bet it's a good enough reason. Could be as simple as emission controls are for the general public and commercial vehicles. There you go, they are simply outside their intended use. 


Maybe you could start something here. Get the exemption changed.

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I could see California putting emission controls on military and other government service vehicles. In fact, with the number of high speed fatalities from high speed vehicle operation, speed limiting devices should be installed in all city and county vehicles in California. This will coincide nicely with the installation of socialism/communism. Socialist California free health care for everyone--Slower ambulances, longer lines, committees determining what's best for the many. Optional privatized health coverage and private security for the few, speeding isn't against the law if you can afford the fine, private ambulance and security forces will operate pre-regulation, or private, or imported, or whatever loophole to remain ungoverned. Even better, all private ambulance and security forces will be electric! Electric is great for the short high powered run, as long as you can afford the batteries, the power to keep them charged, the maintenance and a separate, maintained, fueled and ready backup in the event of failure. I would want ICE backups on my private electric ambulance and security vehicles, to allow for in field charging and transition in event of electrical failure. Money opens up options, mount them on the Ford F550 6 wheel chassis. I am sure Jack Black will have a cool setup. 

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Ask someone in the military why they are exempt from emission controls. Bet it's a good enough reason. Could be as simple as emission controls are for the general public and commercial vehicles. There you go, they are simply outside their intended use. 


Maybe you could start something here. Get the exemption changed.

They could do whatever they want with their emissions systems. Don't really care either way. Just don't bullshit us and tell us they're forcing EVs on us, forcing farmers to cut food production, and pushing to stop fossil fuel usage in the name of "Global Warming". They're only implementing changes that mess with the average persons livelihood.


They keep the world in a constant state of war. Which means they're blowing shit up, flying military aircraft, and driving gas guzzling military vehicles around the clock. And they won't give up their private jets. But fertilizer and cow farts are the top reasons for global warming ...suuuure.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Ask someone in the military why they are exempt from emission controls. Bet it's a good enough reason. Could be as simple as emission controls are for the general public and commercial vehicles. There you go, they are simply outside their intended use. 


Maybe you could start something here. Get the exemption changed.

 I am sorry but your M1 tank is overdue for its smog check The nearest smog check is in Beruit.

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6 minutes ago, MikeRL411 said:

 I am sorry but your M1 tank is overdue for its smog check The nearest smog check is in Beruit.

Battle paused until M1 can clear the check engine light and get out of limp mode. Hopefully cannon remains operational 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The military 12,600,000 a day. For every gallon the military uses the public uses 30.


You sure about that number? One B-52 burns approx 3,300 gph, And you know the military gets price gouged on fuel just like they do everything else


Also I was talking about all countries combined military pollution not just the US military.



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53 minutes ago, IZRL said:


You sure about that number? B-52 burns approx 3,300 gph, And you know the military gets price gouged on fuel just like they do everything else


Also I was talking about all countries combined military pollution not just the US military.

You must be arguing with the guy that thought the U.S. was giving millions of dollars of aid to Ukraine instead of billions. 

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4 hours ago, john510 said:

And how much publicity do any of those named get ? Not much. That's 25 names compared to ? Thousands ? I don't even know who six of them are. Is Steve Baldwin Alec's washed up has been brother ? 


No argument there, because it speaks to the media driven politics of the day. From an objective perspective, it's not hard to see campaigns are built on pure BS. Fabricating an idealized image has always been a valuable asset in the ill-informed arena of subjective public perception. A strong case in point was the 1960 version of Nixon vs JFK, then the 68' new and improved version of Nixon vs Humphrey, and Wallace.


To be honest, Biden's image is running on borrowed time, because no matter how much you polish a turd, you can't rub the stink off. I mean WTF do the Dems think they're going to pull off with this guy's house of cards political image? What do they do when their candidate is an 83 yr old turd? Hey Schumer, for fuck sake man! Buy us some industrial strength perfume, the biggest buffing wheel you can find, and call in Jack Black!?!?!?! If the debate actually happens, it would be Biden's only chance to survive the chopping block waiting for him at the Democratic Convention. 


To his credit, even with criminal indictments, convictions, and endorsements from a bunch of washed up has beens, Trump has used conservative media to build a powerful campaign image as America's embattled savior. His talent is making voters see him as their true antiestablishment crusader, and last hope defender of freedom against the evil and oppressive liberal deep state agenda.


I still say all his legal troubles are his own making, and part and parcel for playing the political game. Before jumping on my opinion, any competent trial lawyer will tell you, without exculpatory evidence or reasonable proof of innocence, with a federal charge there's a 98.7% chance you will be convicted. In the court of subjective public perception though, Trump's media spotlight gives him the ability to spin his losses into implied proof of total systemic corruption. He's been successful in making people believe there's an omni-powerful group of elites who control our entire state and federal investigative, law enforcement, and judicial system. This accusation of corruption also includes our top military command, intel services, swing state election officials, social media providers, internet/cable/broadcast companies, everything Hollywood, global peer reviewed scientific research, and the whole US educational system from K through PhD. Note the sarcasm font: Clearly, when these highly educated career professionals disagree with Trump's claims no matter how outlandish, they're all discredited as tools who are in on the massive left wing conspiracy.


On a personal levelI, it crossed a line for me with talk of suspending our constitutional laws of our democratic form of government. Many seem so convinced the Donald's fiery rhetoric is true and that if he loses this election it would be stone solid proof the election was rigged. Leaning into the side of dramatic hyperbole here but genuinely curious: Would this be justification for armed revolution? And if he's reelected, this time should he take these extraordinary measures to root out the liberal ghost in the machine and hold all co conspirators accountable for trying to stop Trump's righteous MAGA agenda? 

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48 minutes ago, paradime said:

Many seem so convinced the Donald's fiery rhetoric is true and that if he loses this election it would be stone solid proof the election was rigged. Leaning into the side of dramatic hyperbole here but genuinely curious: Would this be justification for armed revolution? And if he's reelected, this time should he take these extraordinary measures to root out the liberal ghost in the machine and hold all co conspirators accountable for trying to stop Trump's righteous MAGA agenda? 

Ah shucks, quit your flirtin'

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