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You believe TV personalities like they are experts in truth??? or for that matter politics? They make a living peddling their opinion for money to those who want to hear it. The only expert in this world is yourself. Just because they have similar to your opinions carries no weight. Trump rightfully got his ass handed to him for the second time, third actually. If you know the system is rigged you avoid playing it. Or play by their rules. He totally fucked up and has no one to blame but himself and you know it. Going on about it just looks like sour grapes. It's over, time for the next crime.


The GOP needs to get a real candidate everyone can get behind. As I said even some Dem voters would have a place to go.


Biden is just as bad, very possibly even worse but maybe things will come out in time. I give him credit for not being a convicted criminal. I have no illusions about who isn't running the country.


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4 hours ago, paradime said:

No Ronald De Clown, if Biden were the defendant stupid enough to illegally hide payments for silencing a prostitute to win the presidency, he certainly would be prosecuted in his home state of Delaware. And with that much evidence against him, he would definitely be convicted.  


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On 5/31/2024 at 4:08 PM, datzenmike said:

 David Pecker's testimony was the Trump was on board with paying people to quell stories negative to him. I don't have all day to run through everything. The court transcripts are public domain. Also why pay Cohen the exact amount Daniels was paid??? 


uhhhhh huh huh huh huh huh!!  You said Pecker..............😆🤣😝

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:






Well John by not 'seeing my comment's you are telling everyone that you can't handle opinions contrary to your own. Hand out criticism but can't take criticism. Another form of wilful blindness. I can only assume that MAGAs are also thin skinned. While you can't see this everyone else can.


Shut up, you big mean bully!!!!!!!!!!!  Ouch, I just cut myself with a leaf...............I'm thin skinned!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆😂😖😭  MAGA's are coming.................😎😏

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

You believe TV personalities like they are experts in truth??? or for that matter politics? They make a living peddling their opinion for money to those who want to hear it. The only expert in this world is yourself. Just because they have similar to your opinions carries no weight. Trump rightfully got his ass handed to him for the second time, third actually. If you know the system is rigged you avoid playing it. Or play by their rules. He totally fucked up and has no one to blame but himself and you know it. Going on about it just looks like sour grapes. It's over, time for the next crime.

No sir. I'll be the first person to admit that I'm of below average knowledge when it comes to politics and many other things. Having said that, I've been of this opinion for a while now. I posted this opinion previously on here. I only take the fact that many other non idiots feel the same way as a confirmation to myself that I'm not an idiot for thinking this. Unlike some people I don't just take everyone's word as truth. I'm probably the most paranoid least trusting person you'll ever meet. I think my posts on this thread where I question everything and everyone, left and right, speaks for itself. I've never been a big fan of Trump but if you were to zoom out and look at the bigger picture you'd see that this is much bigger than Trump.

Edited by IZRL
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The 'handlers' have been able to keep old 'Lets Go' Brandon' under control by keeping a double-dip cone of 'Ben & Jerry's' in one grubby mitt and a sippy-cup in the other and passing a pre-pubescent female close by for him to sniff & lick on now-&-then. Brandon Jr. is going under the magnifying glass this next week. The handlers will probably be able to keep things mostly under control for a bit but the closer 5 November draws, I expect chinks in the armor will start to surface. One of the primary aspects of daily operations at the top of the 'Power' pyramid is to have dirt on the other guy, whether the field is ,government, entertainment, business, etc. (Jeffery Epstein as an example). 


Ol' Pootman has been walking through Ukraine pretty much as he pleases smashin, crashin, and confiscating whatever he wants for two years now. That's the same Ukraine that Brandon Jr. and the 'Big Guy' sucked the bottom out of ($$) during the Obozo menustration when daddy-o was VP. Anyone else ever even remotely consider that Pootman just might hold one hell of a hand of cards to play as an 'October Surprise' ?? Anyone with at least two brain cells has to know the brandon think-tank boys have some Earth-shattering shenanigans dreamed up to gum up the works. Could get interesting real quick if fireworks are coming in from several different directions. 

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45 minutes ago, difrangia said:

The 'handlers' have been able to keep old 'Lets Go' Brandon' under control by keeping a double-dip cone of 'Ben & Jerry's' in one grubby mitt and a sippy-cup in the other and passing a pre-pubescent female close by for him to sniff & lick on now-&-then. Brandon Jr. is going under the magnifying glass this next week. The handlers will probably be able to keep things mostly under control for a bit but the closer 5 November draws, I expect chinks in the armor will start to surface. One of the primary aspects of daily operations at the top of the 'Power' pyramid is to have dirt on the other guy, whether the field is ,government, entertainment, business, etc. (Jeffery Epstein as an example). 


Ol' Pootman has been walking through Ukraine pretty much as he pleases smashin, crashin, and confiscating whatever he wants for two years now. That's the same Ukraine that Brandon Jr. and the 'Big Guy' sucked the bottom out of ($$) during the Obozo menustration when daddy-o was VP. Anyone else ever even remotely consider that Pootman just might hold one hell of a hand of cards to play as an 'October Surprise' ?? Anyone with at least two brain cells has to know the brandon think-tank boys have some Earth-shattering shenanigans dreamed up to gum up the works. Could get interesting real quick if fireworks are coming in from several different directions. 

You know what they'll do about that ? Just claim it's Russia lying again and colluding with Trump like they have been for years. The media will be behind them on it the whole time. We know Russia interfered in the 2016 election because Adam Schiff has indisputable evidence of it. 

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3 hours ago, IZRL said:

No sir. I'll be the first person to admit that I'm of below average knowledge when it comes to politics and many other things. Having said that, I've been of this opinion for a while now. I posted this opinion previously on here. I only take the fact that many other non idiots feel the same way as a confirmation to myself that I'm not an idiot for thinking this. Unlike some people I don't just take everyone's word as truth. I'm probably the most paranoid least trusting person you'll ever meet. I think my posts on this thread where I question everything and everyone, left and right, speaks for itself. I've never been a big fan of Trump but if you were to zoom out and look at the bigger picture you'd see that this is much bigger than Trump.


Then don't say: "Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Bill Maher, Megyn Kelly, and a host of other left, right, and center "TV" personalities. Have all denounced this blatant attack on democracy by the left." It makes it look like you agree with these idiots. Just say "I believe this is a blatant attack on democracy by the left" and leave it like that. I can't argue with that! You can believe what ever you like. I wouldn't like to change what you think, I just like to point out the faults of siding with this vile loathsome creature called Trump and you can zoom out and look at the bigger picture.... or not. I've also said that politically, once someone has made a decision about something, all the talk in the world won't change it. 

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

You know what they'll do about that ? Just claim it's Russia lying again and colluding with Trump like they have been for years. The media will be behind them on it the whole time. We know Russia interfered in the 2016 election because Adam Schiff has indisputable evidence of it. 


Know how we know Brandon rigged the 2020 election? Trump and Russia rigged it again and still lost, so that's proof Brandon controlled it.

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4 hours ago, difrangia said:

The 'handlers' have been able to keep old 'Lets Go' Brandon' under control by keeping a double-dip cone of 'Ben & Jerry's' in one grubby mitt and a sippy-cup in the other and passing a pre-pubescent female close by for him to sniff & lick on now-&-then. Brandon Jr. is going under the magnifying glass this next week. The handlers will probably be able to keep things mostly under control for a bit but the closer 5 November draws, I expect chinks in the armor will start to surface. One of the primary aspects of daily operations at the top of the 'Power' pyramid is to have dirt on the other guy, whether the field is ,government, entertainment, business, etc. (Jeffery Epstein as an example). 


Ol' Pootman has been walking through Ukraine pretty much as he pleases smashin, crashin, and confiscating whatever he wants for two years now. That's the same Ukraine that Brandon Jr. and the 'Big Guy' sucked the bottom out of ($$) during the Obozo menustration when daddy-o was VP. Anyone else ever even remotely consider that Pootman just might hold one hell of a hand of cards to play as an 'October Surprise' ?? Anyone with at least two brain cells has to know the brandon think-tank boys have some Earth-shattering shenanigans dreamed up to gum up the works. Could get interesting real quick if fireworks are coming in from several different directions. 


Well it's for sure the NSA's algorithm designed to flag certain 'trigger' words like bomb or terrorist or anfo for further consideration by a human agent. Not sure if the AI has figured out your code yet though.

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3 hours ago, Duncan said:

I'm predicting Hunter will get off scott free.  The press will say it has nothing to do with the Dad..







Isn't this charging of Hunter kind of weak considering how monstrously corrupt he is according to the GOPs minions?? Almost as petty as fraudulent business records in NY? I thought the Bidens were protected by a Democrat corrupted legal system????

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Well it's for sure the NSA's algorithm designed to flag certain 'trigger' words like bomb or terrorist or anfo for further consideration by a human agent. Not sure if the AI has figured out your code yet though.


Oh yeah; and most likely I'm not the only one on this thread with a little, or maybe a big, flag in that 'Seven ways from Sunday' database in the mountain in Utah. They just might even have an 'agitator' in here. Just another little thing to keep in mind. Ain't technology fun ??

Edited by difrangia
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20 hours ago, paradime said:

No Ronald De Clown, if Biden were the defendant stupid enough to illegally hide payments for silencing a prostitute to win the presidency, he certainly would be prosecuted in his home state of Delaware. And with that much evidence against him, he would definitely be convicted.  


No, he wouldn't, he would just get away with it like everything else. The Trump deal was a hit piece, plain and simple. He can't do an actual hit on him, so go for him in some other way. 


But I am sure one of the paid actors in the loony left will soon break character and go after him for real. 

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7 hours ago, paradime said:

This one's for Captan Bone Spurs. 🙃👎 




Couldn't resist...



I grew up in fortunate circumstances and didn't have to serve. I don't go around bragging about this nor do I disparage those that did. I can only be thankful for them. Running the military down is the ultimate disgrace to all living under their protection. At least Bush joined the National Guard to escape more 'rugged' service. Trump is the worst kind of coward.

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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Isn't this charging of Hunter kind of weak considering how monstrously corrupt he is according to the GOPs minions?? Almost as petty as fraudulent business records in NY? I thought the Bidens were protected by a Democrat corrupted legal system????



It is weak.  Not many part time artists can sell paintings for $500k while simultaneously sitting on executive boards of different companies in China and Ukraine.  Not many people can pull that off.  Let's not forget that the DOJ already tried to bury a deal where Hunter plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor charge and they tried to sneak in a dismissal to the gun charges as part of the agreement.


I mean federal gun laws are no big deal, but I agree some wonky accounting should get the maximum penalty under the law. 


Lock 'em all up.  BTW, get off my lawn!!!


(sarcasm font off)


I'm no Trump fan, and definitely not a Biden fan, but when you see the original Epstein deal who literally walked after the first child molestation charges, then trying to sneak in the dismissal for Hunter, it really doesn't pass the sniff test.  The Govt officials keep saying that the law is equal for everybody, but it clearly is not. 





Edited by Duncan
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4 hours ago, difrangia said:


Oh yeah; and most likely I'm not the only one on this thread with a little, or maybe a big, flag in that 'Seven ways from Sunday' database in the mountain in Utah. They just might even have an 'agitator' in here. Just another little thing to keep in mind. Ain't technology fun ??


 I thought the listening post for all world wide electronic transmitted data was some place in Arizona? (maybe watched too much Jack Ryan?) I bet we get flagged all the time and some schmuck has to go through it all to find it's just low level Datsun guys bitching. Here: 911, terrorist, pipe bomb, FBI, NSA, Muslim, Middle East, Capitol Building, bio weapon, ammonium nitrate, anthrax, N5N1, Wuhan, smallpox....


Agitator? that would be entrapment wouldn't it? You mean running the present administration policies down to gather supporters reactions and identify them??? No one comes to mind except nearly everyone.     

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


 I thought the listening post for all world wide electronic transmitted data was some place in Arizona? (maybe watched too much Jack Ryan?) I bet we get flagged all the time and some schmuck has to go through it all to find it's just low level Datsun guys bitching. Here: 911, terrorist, pipe bomb, FBI, NSA, Muslim, Middle East, Capitol Building, bio weapon, ammonium nitrate, anthrax, N5N1, Wuhan, smallpox....


Agitator? that would be entrapment wouldn't it? You mean running the present administration policies down to gather supporters reactions and identify them??? No one comes to mind except nearly everyone.     


"I like the way you talk too";   -   Carl Childers/Slingblade

'Sometimes, anyway'.


Commenting on this thread is, most likely, the lesser of worries; now-a-days. When Ur swimmin' in Sh1t, don't sweat the overspray !!

Thought I'd throw out a lil' thought provoker.

Edited by difrangia
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On 6/3/2024 at 6:39 AM, datzenmike said:


Couldn't resist...



I grew up in fortunate circumstances and didn't have to serve. I don't go around bragging about this nor do I disparage those that did. I can only be thankful for them. Running the military down is the ultimate disgrace to all living under their protection. At least Bush joined the National Guard to escape more 'rugged' service. Trump is the worst kind of coward.


But absolute heroes if the ran up to Canada, eh?


Monica Lewinsky shares details of falling for former president Bill Clinton  - Good Morning America

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They were despised by the public certainly at first, heroes to those opposed. In the past you served or didn't. If you didn't you probably had a good excuse and if not you were pretty much disowned.  Viet Nam was a pivotal war. Eventually it became very controversial and many Americans began questioning the wisdom of continuing as the body bags came home. (remember this was the first televised war and opinions were formed by what you saw while eating supper. Pretty sure all other war coverage after that was heavily contained) Draft card were burned and those that could left the country. Between public outrage, questioning the politics of it, protests, civil disobedience and draft evasions eventually the war was ended. It was a very unpopular war. Draft evaders were eventually given amnesty and allowed home, some stayed. One things for sure it was a shit show.

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On 6/2/2024 at 11:02 PM, paradime said:

This one's for Captan Bone Spurs. 🙃👎 



As a combat veteran I can say BULLLLLLSHEIT! Im in the VA and have been for nearing 30 years and I saw the changes as they happened in the VA and how the support got exponentially better real time while comb over n' chief was in office! Where were you paradime? Did you serve? If no then have a read at some clean non MSM information.  

https://www.jbsa.mil/News/News/Article/1166101/president-signs-bill-to-extend-veterans-choice-health-care-law/#:~:text=President Donald J.-,Trump signed the Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act,a Veterans Affairs Department provider.








"We just approved $700 billion for our military," Trump said. "So we’re going to be having the best equipment ever known.  And next year, $716 billion. So I wanted to let you know. And, by the way — I know you don’t care about this — but that also includes raises for our military. First time in 10 years."


One of the first things BIDEN did was leave it all in Afghanistan along with some of the troops too. 




Edited by gh0stwerx76
get it right or stfu
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The VCP was implemented long before he became 45. This is an extension that he signed, so I want to know did he implement this extension or is he simply signing something crossing his desk?


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