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Israel is not innocent in this. There is certainly lots of blame to go around here. It was a lot more innocent in the far past but like taking in an orphan, don't be surprised when the child grows up and becomes physically abusive and too big for it's britches. In part this is from US backing and an infinite supply of arms and money. The Middle East has been fucked up for a few years longer than I have.



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9 hours ago, Duncan said:


I always appreciate your insight.  I didn't feel slighted in the least.  In opinion forums like these, I can appreciate people's different takes on issues.  I've mentioned it before, but I even have Democrats for friends in the real world. 


Incidentally, I ran across the same photo, possibly taken from another angle, or possibly another photographer.  I didn't notice as many masks on the wider shot..





Wow, usually I steer clear of yahoo news, but this is a very compelling group of articles on the university system's response to the war in Gaza. Much appreciated. They say, curiosity killed the cat, but I have time on my hands right now, so when it comes to something as important as this, I struggle to understand it as objectively as I can.


This is purely subjective conjecture but, throughout these articles, I noticed that some writers were blanketly labeling students as "antisemites" with doctored images to support it. Others portayed these students as protesting in support of the Palestinian people, and not the Hamas extremist's inhumanly barbaric attack on Israel's civilian population. I'd hate to think this is some Lib v Con propaganda shit, bu I wouldn't be surprised. 


It was gratifying that out of the three professors who were clearly antisemitic and spewing support for that kind of violence; one was put on leave and his future employment is pending investigation, one was fired on the spot, and the other was arrested for threats of violence against Jews on campus. While most collages tolerated protests by students, those who advocating and/ or perpetrating violence were given the same"get the F out" walking papers, and I was damn happy to read it. Colleges are really stuck between a rock & a hard place, because free speech and freedom of religion are constitutionally protected. It's also an important component of our open educational system. It's unfortunate this openness is seen as proof that higher education is anti-American liberal elitism. I'm not saying there isn't truth to that on some level, just that it's not a factual representation of the planet's finest higher education system, and our economy that benefits from it. In fact, the number of conservatives in the banking and investment industries far outnumber there liberal counterparts, and I'm happy about that too. I've noticed another pattern, every time political rhetoric becomes truth, we all get F'ed again.


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54 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Israel is not innocent in this. There is certainly lots of blame to go around here. It was a lot more innocent in the far past but like taking in an orphan, don't be surprised when the child grows up and becomes physically abusive and too big for it's britches. In part this is from US backing and an infinite supply of arms and money. The Middle East has been fucked up for a few years longer than I have.




I remember what happened post 9/11, when anti-muslim rhetoric was the rule of the day. And I'll admit that I got swept up in it because I was F'n pissed. It wasn't until the propaganda war machine went into full overdrive to justify the "War On Terror" that I started to question the sanity of what I was seeing. Both parties signed off on preemptive strikes against 2 countries that had nothing to do with 9/11, or the WMDs as advertised. With a little digging, it was easy to see this was about protecting our strategic oil interest and not the American people's safety. War powers ushered in the "The Patriot Act" making it legal for the government to spy on us, and passed it off as patriotic. The price of crude skyrocketed so oil companies and the military industrial complex made obscene fortunes at our expense. Even more profitable when the war had no exit strategy. From my clinical perspective, this was the strategy all along.


Out of this rhetoric, the violence against Muslims skyrocketed included murder, physical assaults, arson, vandalism to places of worship and other property damage, death threats, public harassment, and intimidation. Barak "Husain" Obama was an evil terrorist because his dad was Muslim and sent him to one of them rag head brainwash schools in Indonesia for 6 months. Obviously he was there for training on how to infiltrate the Whitehouse and give the country to Islam. Half of the media spoon-fed public beloved it, and the other half believed he was the second coming of Christ, because media propaganda works so damn well. Hell, back in the day when I talked about this stuff here, I was labeled "an anti-American, cuckled libtard snowflake". Today I'm thankful just to be heard on the destruction narrative, even when my views are not always true to the theme. It might be pollyannish, but I think this country IS great. I believe we've just been taught to think otherwise by political big interest propaganda, and they've made the people their little fish in a bowl. Too cynical? 

Edited by paradime
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Yes, there's a large Jewish population in NYC, but I don't think the 9/11 attack was aimed at them, or Larry Silverstein specifically. With 2 planes hitting the towering symbol of American financial power, one hitting the Pentagon the symbol of American military power, and one headed for the capital being the ultimate symbol of American governmental power, I think Osama's motive was crystal clear. I'm curious how the 2 most extensive intel and security organizations on the planet, both somehow missed these unsophisticated attacks. Call me a skeptic, but this smells a bit fishy to me.

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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Larry Silverstein owned the World Trade Center and NYC has more Jewish than Tel Aviv and Jerusalem combined. Targeting it (for the second time) and it being in the US makes perfect sense looking back.

I'll disagree with this.That attack was against American values and I doubt it had much to do with Jews.

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4 hours ago, john510 said:

I'll disagree with this.That attack was against American values and I doubt it had much to do with Jews.


Stands to reason when you consider as a group Jews make 20% of the population, but 34% of NYC is non-religious. The largest religious group is Catholic at 57%, and all Jewish faiths combined are 29%. In fact, the corporation that owned the Twin Towers was not Larry Silverstein Inc, it was The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey during both attacks.  While it might be well crafted propaganda, the idea that these were an Islamic attack on Jews just doesn't add up.

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I imagine that a lot of Jews said they weren't on the way to the concentration camps. It doesn't matter.


My mistake...

Larry Silverstein had a $3.2 billion 99-year lease on New York's World Trade Center six weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001


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31 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I imagine that a lot of Jews said they weren't on the way to the concentration camps. It doesn't matter.


WT? It's starting to feel like I'm in the middle of a "who's on 1st" routine, but I have no idea who's playing Abbott or Costello. Hell, I don't even know what game we're talking about now. please note font for additional clarity.

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18 hours ago, paradime said:

Yes, there's a large Jewish population in NYC, but I don't think the 9/11 attack was aimed at them, or Larry Silverstein specifically. With 2 planes hitting the towering symbol of American financial power, one hitting the Pentagon the symbol of American military power, and one headed for the capital being the ultimate symbol of American governmental power, I think Osama's motive was crystal clear. I'm curious how the 2 most extensive intel and security organizations on the planet, both somehow missed these unsophisticated attacks. Call me a skeptic, but this smells a bit fishy to me.


It's all filtered through imperfect fallible humans. AI will do much better.

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Just ignore me for now. I'm off on a tangent.








18 hours ago, paradime said:

Yes, there's a large Jewish population in NYC, but I don't think the 9/11 attack was aimed at them, or Larry Silverstein specifically. With 2 planes hitting the towering symbol of American financial power, one hitting the Pentagon the symbol of American military power, and one headed for the capital being the ultimate symbol of American governmental power, I think Osama's motive was crystal clear. I'm curious how the 2 most extensive intel and security organizations on the planet, both somehow missed these unsophisticated attacks. Call me a skeptic, but this smells a bit fishy to me.


It's all filtered through imperfect fallible humans. AI will do much better.

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On 11/2/2023 at 7:39 PM, datzenmike said:


They have something to hide. Probably identity.


They "think" they have something to hide..............they are simply EXTREMELY misguided & lost young people, following the wrong avenues of life, thinking they are cool wearing a mask.  Funny how most are surgical masks, not bandana's...............🙄 😂  

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On 11/2/2023 at 7:48 PM, paradime said:


I'm legally blind, but it's completely unconvincing garbage with all the childishly obvious perfectly straight consistant color text banners added to an image taken during CV-19. 


Good point, I will agree with you on that one! 😆 🤣

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I just want to say that we should be proud of this forum for having the balls to talk about this. Most forums forbid any kind of politics, religion etc. This is because the powers want a single narrative that is always a pack of lies. The democrats and republicans are there to divide us. This country is not run by our elected officials, they are all clowns. We have much more in common then our differences. I'm not saying anything new, I really don't know what to do.

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reading a book right now "The shortest history of Israel and Palestine", has confirmed much I already understood and shed light on other parts I hadn't understood.

The longest wars on this planet have always been about religion. Conquest for resources always end. Personally I don't see this conflict ever ending, they've been at each other for generations, reason has no bearing.

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8 hours ago, Duncan said:

I literally laughed out loud over this group in the UK.  Clueless as it gets. "Queers for Palestine" 


It is SO absurd, I suspect it may even be a troll article.






Strikes me as sad. The selective blindness of Woke and MAGA belief systems are media manufactured for controlling the Masses. Both creep me out equally because each is convinced they're fighting for freedom by taking the most valued freedoms from the other. There's way too much serious shit going on right now to have patience for this kind of ignorance. 

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4 minutes ago, paradime said:


Strikes me as sad. The selective blindness of Woke and MAGA belief systems are media manufactured for controlling the Masses. Both creep me out equally because each is convinced they're fighting for freedom by taking the most valued freedoms from the other. There's way too much serious shit going on right now to have patience for this kind of ignorance. 

WTF does the "MAGA" movement have to do with "Queers for Palestine" ? What is a MAGA belief system ? Who's and what freedoms are the MAGA supporters taking away ? And why wouldn't the average American NOT want America great again ?  

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